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Special Edition facts

While investigating facts about Special Edition Quiz Amazon and Special Edition Nintendo Switch, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About Team Negative One. A group of Star Wars fans that scanned their own 35mm negatives and digitally restored the movie to it's pre-Special Edition glory.

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A Star Wars fan has recreated the original three movie releases in high definition and without the special edition additions. This version is called the Despecialized Edition.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is special about the fitbit versa special edition. Here are 36 of the best facts about Special Edition Quiz Amazon Answer and Special Edition Skyrim I managed to collect.

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  1. During WWII, the British secret services created a special edition of Monopoly for prisoners of war held by the Nazis. The games were distributed by fake charity groups created by the secret services and contained maps, compasses, real money, and other objects useful for escaping.

  2. In 1997, Apple released a special edition Mac that was nearly $10,000. It would be delivered and installed by a man in a tuxedo.

  3. Star Wars was one of the first films selected for preservation by the Library of Congress in 1989, but it has yet to receive an archival print of the original film. George Lucas tried to submit a "Special Edition" print in 1997, but it was rejected due to its alterations of the 1977 print.

  4. Demetri Martin, a stand-up comedian well known for playing instruments during his shows, originally only played to prevent Comedy Central from editing his stand-up special out of order. It was so popular, he continues to do it to this day.

  5. Taylor Guitars who purchased the last remaining liberty tree after it fell from Hurricane Floyd and made some 400 special edition guitars from the wood. They also raised 14 seedlings from the tree and donated a tree to each of the original 13 colonies and one to the White House.

  6. Heartsong was the first novel Silhouette Books bought from Debbie Macomber, but it wasn"t the first one of hers that they published. The first was Starlight. It was published in 1983 as #128 of the Silhouette Special Edition romance line of novels.

  7. The novels that Nora Roberts wrote for Silhouette were published under a variety of imprints including Silhouette Sensation, Special Edition, Intrigue, MIRA, and Desire.

  8. Digimon: The Movie was actually three shorter, unrelated Digimon specials from Japan edited together in an attempt to make one full motion picture.

  9. Bananas ran from 1975 to 1984 and had 82 issues plus special editions.

  10. A 2004 special-edition Canadian twenty-five-cent coin was put in circulation by the Canadian Mint in 2004, which featured a goofy-looking caribou and used the COMIC SANS font.

special edition facts
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You can easily fact check why is it a special edition by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Execution of Mary Stuart (1895) was one of the first films to use special-effects editing. After the executioner raises his ax, the actress is replaced with a mannequin.

They made exactly 260 special edition VW Golf's by swapping body panels of different colors, and called it the VW Harlequin. - source

In 1971, when Dodge/Chrysler made the special edition of the Dart (Demon), they were originally going to call it the Beaver, until they learned it was slang for "Vagina". - source

Star Wars was one of the first films to be preserved by the newly established National Film Registry in 1989. However the registry does not have the 1977 theatrical copy as mandated, instead Lucas Film offered the Special Edition version from 1997.

In 2014, Cards Against Humanity released a special edition box that contained only "bull poo" to protest Black Friday, and ended up selling over 30,000 special editions. - source

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There have been special editions of Christopher Paolini's books released that include brief histories of the fantasy worlds, posters, and excerpts.

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One of the editors of Deadpool 2 got diagnosed with cancer during post, so Ryan Reynolds flew her in a private jet from Iceland to LA to get the best treatment and had a special editing room made so she could continue working while getting better.

Printing of the Michelin Guide (of Michelin Star fame) was suspended at the beginning of WWII, but the 1939 edition was specially reprinted for Allied forces because its maps were considered the best and most up-to-date available.

In 1979 the Hatfields and McCoys played each other in a special edition of Family Feud. The prize was a pig and a pile of cash.

8 months after it's initial release Avatar earned over $10 million for a Special Edition. There was only 8 minutes of extra film.

Hyundai did a car collaboration with Marvel (Hyndai Kona Iron Man Special Edition). The yearly World Championship of the Ironman Triathlon is in Kona, Hawaii.

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The CBS "Special Presentation" music was edited together from different parts of the Hawaii Five-O soundtrack.

As an April Fools joke, Audi in Japan unveiled a special edition of the A8 complete with an inbuilt rice cooker.

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There's a YouTube channel all about destroying iPhones and they get millions of hits, effectively making money back from all the iPhones they break. Including a 24k gold 1 out of 8 special edition iPhone 6.

A special edition of Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego was created in 1989 for 100th anniversary of the state

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In 2011, Coke introduced a special-edition white colored can to raise funds for endangered polar bears but it was withdrawn when consumers complained that Coca-Cola had changed its secret formula

JJ Abrams guest-edited a special "Mystery" issue of Wired Magazine in May 2009

While touring the Reading Room and Special Collections of the New York Public Library before an interview, Mike Tyson corrected a Senior Curator by saying there was an earlier known edition of Machiavelli's The Prince than the one he was being shown.

The North Korean government confiscated the special edition Galaxy S7 phones given to its athletes by Samsung during the 2016 Summer Olympics

All Olympians in Rio received a free, special edition Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

A person paid nearly $10,000 for a gallon of special edition Michael Jordan BBQ sauce from McDonalds.

Back in 1965, and up until about 1972 Ford made a special edition Mustang painted in "Playboy Pink" A pink 69 Shelby GT500 was awarded to the playmate of the year, that year.

The name of the singer in Jabba's palace in the special edition of "Return of the Jedi" is J'ywz'gnk Kchhllbrxcstk Et'nrmdndlcvtbrx, or Joh Yowza for short.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Special Edition. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Special Edition so important!

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