Trader Joes facts
While investigating facts about Trader Joe's and Trader Joe's Hours, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Trader Joe's hides a stuffed animal in a majority of their stores and if your child finds it they get a prize
trader joe's?
The German grocery store Aldi is actually two stores: Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. In the US, Aldi Sud has been rebranded as Aldi, and Aldi Nord is what we now know as Trader Joe's.
What's good at trader joe's?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering whole 30 at trader joes. Here are 46 of the best facts about Trader Joe's Near Me and Trader Joe's Cauliflower Gnocchi I managed to collect.
what to buy at trader joe's?
Trader Joe's has a "try before you buy" policy - where employees will open nearly ANYTHING for you to sample
There’s a man who shops at Trader Joe's in Seattle and buys things in bulk and then transports them up to Vancouver to his own store called “Pirate Joe's” because there are no Trader Joe's in Canada. He’s gotten banned at some Trader Joe's and sometimes has to put on disguises to shop.
Trader Joe's, a tiki-nautical themed chain of grocery stores, is owned by Aldi.
Two brothers had a grocery chain together. In 1960, one Albrecht brother, didn't want to continue to sell cigarettes in their stores. The other did. They politely parted ways and continued independently. Both expanded to the USA, Karl with Aldi: against cigarettes and Theo opening Trader Joe's.
Trader Joe's is owned by ALDI. ALDI, a German-based grocery store chain split into 2 branches - Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud - due to owners thoughts on tobacco sales. Aldi Sud is the ALDI we see here in the States. Due to name licensing, Aldi Nord rebranded into Trader Joe's
The grocery chain ALDI actually has two separate groups in Germany. its country of origin: Aldi "south" and Aldi "north". In the US, Aldi "south" kept the name, and Aldi "north" became Trader Joe's.
Trader Joe's claimed to have invented the 'puff dog', a hot dog in puff pastry, not realising that the UK and other Commonwealth countries have had virtually the same thing for decades.
Trader Joe's will open ANYTHING in the store for you to try-including the wine depending on state laws
Aldi operates the supermarket chain Trader Joe's.
Trader Joes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trader Joes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why trader joe's is good?
You can easily fact check best of trader joe's by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a store in Canada that sells Trader Joe's merchendise bought and 'smuggled' accross the border. Its name is Pirate Joe's.
Pirate Joe's (an illegal Canadian Trader Joe's store) operated covertly by purchasing massive amounts of Trader Joe's from Seattle. They were finally shut down after a long legal battle. - source
Pirate Joe's, a Vancouver grocery store that resold Trader Joe's merchandise brought over the border. At one time, the founder dressed in disguise and purchased good to circumvent his ban from Trader Joe's
Van Halen's former bassist Michael Anthony has a line of sauces. His hot sauce has the tagline ""So hot you’ll need two assholes." , which stopped it from being sold at Trader Joe's. - source
Is trader joe's open?
A man in Vancouver created Pirate Joe's since Trader Joe's refused to build in Canada. He later got sued and won.
How much trader joe's pay?
All the signage and decor in Trader Joe's markets are made and created by the employees in the store, and they make new ones all the time to keep up with the new items.
Trader Joes is actually a branch of the Aldi supermarket chain started by 2 brothers in Germany
Trader Joe's supermarket brand has been owned by Aldi's since 1979.
Pepperidge Farm Inc has sued Trader Joe's Co, accusing the grocery chain of trademark infringement for selling a cookie that looks too much like its popular Milano cookie. Pepperidge Farm said Trader Joe's is damaging its goodwill and confusing shoppers through its sale of TJ's Crispy Cookies.
There are 2 separate ALDI grocery chains in the USA: Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. They compete directly with one another, and it's Aldi Nord who owns Trader Joe's in the USA.