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Tie Tie facts

While investigating facts about Tie Tie Knot and Tie Tie Easy, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There were 4 dogs used in the film “Cujo” and they all had to have their tails tied down by fishing wire to make them appear menacing because they were all wagging their tails the entire time.

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Disney quietly cut ties with McDonalds in 2006 so as not to be associated with childhood obesity

What is the best way to tie a tie?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the easiest way to tie a tie. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tie Tie Windsor and Tie Tie Youtube I managed to collect.

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  1. In the card game Arboretum, tie-breakers are decided by players each planting a tree, coming back in 5 years, and seeing which one grew the tallest.

  2. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Lithuanian basketball team couldn't afford to participate in the 1992 Olympics, so the Grateful Dead funded the team's expenses, and the team wore tie-dye uniforms.

  3. After the courts found insufficient proof against his daughter’s killer, a father hired 2 guys to kidnap the man and transport him to France. The man was found “tied up and dumped near a French courthouse.” He received 15 years in prison. Dad got a 1-year suspended sentence for kidnapping.

  4. A teacher in South Carolina started a 'Gentleman's Club' for more than 60 at-risk children to teach them important life lessons and social skills and support them so that they would grow up to become successful adults. He even provides donated jackets and ties to students who cannot afford them.

  5. In the Rock, Paper, Scissors game, on the first throw, paper is the best choice. Paper ties with paper and statistically, scissors is the least popular choice overall. Also, men favor rock.

  6. General Ulysses S. Grant was once so offended by the mistreatment of a team of horses that he had the perpetrator tied to a tree for six hours.

  7. While Erin Langworthy was bungee jumping 360 feet above the Zambezi river, the cord broke and she was forced to swim the raging waters with her feet tied together, at one point diving to free the rope from debris.

  8. A Florida man faked his murder by shooting himself with a gun tied to a weather balloon. The gun and balloon were never found.

  9. Sir Richard Branson dislikes the formality of neck ties so much that he often carries around a pair of scissors with him, ready to cut the ties off of unsuspecting tie wearers. He even has a cushion that he keeps at his home on Necker Island made up from the ties of some of his victims.

  10. In 1953 when Frank Olson a bacteriologist and CIA employee fell from the window of a NYC hotel room his death was ruled suicide. >2 decades later, his family was awarded a $750K settlement as his death was tied to a top-secret government experiment and some subjects were illegally tested upon.

tie tie facts
What is white tie vs black tie?

Tie Tie data charts

For your convenience take a look at Tie Tie figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

tie tie fact data chart about Balance of the bitcoin wallets tied to the WannaCry ransomwa
Balance of the bitcoin wallets tied to the WannaCry ransomware attack

tie tie fact data chart about Google Searches for "how to tie a tie" (United States)
Google Searches for "how to tie a tie" (United States)

Why is it important to tie your shoes?

You can easily fact check why doesn't miles tie his shoes by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the United States it is illegal for the government to have a gun database that ties a weapon directly to an owner. The Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986 banned the government from ever instituting such a system. A national registry database can't be implemented.

Comedian Rodney Dangerfield was recognized by the Smithsonian Institution, which put one of his trademark white shirts and red ties on display. When he handed the shirt to the museum's curator, Rodney joked, "I have a feeling you're going to use this to clean Lindbergh's plane." - source

A Russell Crowe commissioned script for Gladiator 2 would have seen a resurrected Maximus appearing in World War 2 and the Vietnam War, and would have ended with him in a suit and tie at the modern-day Pentagon. - source

Huichol Indian men tie ropes around their testicles when their wives are giving birth. When she feels a painful contraction, she tugs on the rope so her husband will share some of the pain as part of their child's entrance into the world.

The size of a lion’s mane is tied to hormone production and fertility, and a larger, thicker mane will attract more females. If a lion is neutered, its mane will fall out. - source

When to wear a tie or bow tie?

There was an anti-gang unit in the LAPD that had ties to the Bloods. Over 70 officers were implicated in misconduct like shooting civilians, robbing banks, beating suspects (or worse), stealing cocaine, and framing civilians. Some believe the unit was involved in the murder of Biggie Smalls.

How tie tie a windsor knot?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is capable of speaking English without his accent, but chooses to speak with an accent as it's tied to his public image and for his fans

Quipos - the Andean writing system which didn't use ink and paper/tablets/skins. Information was encoded in an intricate system of strings of colored yarn tied in a variety of knots. This system survived until just after the Conquistadors.

In medieval Germany, married couples could legally settle their disputes by fighting a Marital Duel. To even the field, the man had to fight from inside a hole with one arm tied behind his back. The woman was free to move and was armed with a sack filled with rocks.

Actors who play James Bond "give away their rights to wear a tuxedo in any other film" and that this was circumvented by Pierce Brosnan in The Thomas Crown Affair by wearing an unbuttoned shirt and a white bow-tie which wasn't tied around his neck.

A bridge built in 2003 in northern Costa Rica is colloquially known as 'Backstab Bridge'. It was paid for, designed and built by Taiwan only for Costa Rica to cut off ties with Taiwan in favour of China.

Tie tie infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Tie Tie numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

tie tie fact infographic about Number of scoreless ties in the World Cup, 1930-2018

Number of scoreless ties in the World Cup, 1930-2018

tie tie fact infographic about The Starks family have stronger ties than the Lannister fami

The Starks family have stronger ties than the Lannister family, according to tweeted hashtag pairings

When to tie different tie knots?

It's illegal for offices in NYC to require men to wear ties without also requiring women to wear ties

After German courts found insufficient evidence against his daughter’s killer, a dad hired 2 guys to kidnap the man and transport him to France. The man was found “tied up and dumped near a French courthouse.” Hegot 15 years in prison. Dad got a 1-year suspended sentence for kidnapping.

Hawaiian shirts are called 'Aloha shirts' in Hawaii. More subdued versions are "considered formal wear in business and government and are thus regarded as equivalent to a shirt, coat, and tie". Everyone wears Hawaiian shirts to work every day.

After the capture of a serial killer of children, a police officer found his own daughter tied and gagged in the back of the killer's van.

In 1873 a classic adventure novel "Around the World in 80 Days" was published in France. Six years later an American woman journalist by the pen name of Nellie Bly completed the trip with the described itinerary in 72 days with nothing more than a handbag and travel money tied around her neck.

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If Michael Phelps were a country he would be tied for 48th all time for Gold medals (13) and 64th all time for total medals (22). That includes summer and winter games.

After Mick Jagger rang up bandmate Charlie Watts during the night and asked "Where's my drummer?" Watts got out of bed, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a tie and freshly shined shoes, then went to Jagger's room and punched him in the face.

Mongols were actually outnumbered in most of their victories in battles. But they still managed to deceive their enemies by elaborate ruses - like mounting dummies atop horses, and tying sticks to the horses' tails to create dust storms.

The 1800 election for the US President was an exact tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, so the vote went to the House of Representatives. The House voted 35 times, all of them ties, until Jefferson won on the 36th vote.

When a Russian jet crashed into a river, a captain of a 1898-built steam tugboat tied a rope around the cockpit window and towed the jet to shore with all passengers still inside.

Due to the high intelligence and strong family ties of elephants, some researchers argue it is morally wrong for humans to cull them.

When Republican senator, Jesse Helms submitted a 300 page packet to the Senate alleging Martin Luther King Jr. had ties to Communists in an effort to oppose establishing MLK Day, Democratic senator, Daniel Moyniham responded to the "packet of filth" by stomping on it in front of the Senate.

The steamship Eastland, which, in 1915, capsized while still tied to the dock in Chicago. New safety laws which rushed through Congress after the Titanic sinking mandated so much safety gear installed that the ship was top heavy and rolled over, killing 844 people.

All knots reduce the strength of the rope in which they are tied, generally by 20% to 40% of the unknotted strength.

Bill Nye's father taught him how to tie a bow tie so that he could impress girls in high school.

Sean Bean dies 32% of the time per film. Bean is tied with only Bela Lugosi for the most deaths per screen appearance.

A Russian man who tried to rob a hair salon ended up as the victim when the female shop owner overpowered him, tied him up naked and then used him as a sex slave for 3 days.

...while filming A New Hope, Lucas insisted that Vader's TIE fighter spiral out into space instead of blowing up, leaving the question of a sequel. The other film members wanted to remove any questions if a sequel was happening, as sequels usually were regarded as inferior or flops.

The RNA Tie Club was a scientific gentleman's club created to "solve the riddle of the RNA structure and... how it built proteins".The motto was "do or die; or don't try". The 20 members each had a designated amino acid and a tie. They would exchange ideas over cigars and alcohol. 8 won Nobels.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tie Tie. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tie Tie so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor