Ticket Prices facts
While investigating facts about Ticket Prices For Disney World and Ticket Prices Cineplex, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Kid Rock took a massive pay cut on his 2013 Summer tour in order to keep ticket prices for his shows capped at $20, and beer prices at $4 for 12oz.
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In 1998, People would have gone to the movies and paid the full ticket price, only to see "Star Wars (Episode I): The Phantom Menace" trailer, and leave.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the ticket prices for the world series. Here are 46 of the best facts about Ticket Prices For Disneyland and Ticket Prices Odeon I managed to collect.
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Pearl Jam cancelled their 1994 summer tour after they found out Ticket Master was demanding a 'service charge' for fan's tickets. This prompted the band to begin building their own "stadiums" in rural areas where they independently sold tickets to shows to keep prices low.
In 1947, the Kiwanis Club of Ahoskie, N.C. held a drawing for a New Cadillac. When a Black Navy Veteran won, they announced there had been a mistake, refunded the winner the $1 price of his ticket, and drew again for a white winner.
While free to watch online, the single ticket price for attending a TED talk starts at $8,500.
Kid Rock demanded ticket prices for his 2013 tour be set at $20 and beers be $4 for a 12 ounce. He also withheld at least 1000 tickets a night that could not go to ticket master.
In Finland, speeding ticket prices are calculated on the percentage of an individual's income. This results in millionaires facing exorbitant fees. One such case occurred in 2002 when a Nokia executive was fined $103,000 for going 45mph in a 30mph zone on his motorbike.
A man from Ohio bought $650 worth of tickets for the movie “The Interview” hoping to resell them for a higher price was declined a refund from the theater he bought them from after Sony decided to stream the movie online for half the price.
When adjusting for ticket price inflation Gone With The Wind is the all time biggest earning film in the US, grossing $1.6 billion domestically which is over twice as much as Avatar earned.
The Rolling Stones were criticized for high ticket prices on their 1969 US tour so they decided to hold a free concert. The festival was organized by the Grateful Dead and took place at the Altamont Speedway in 1969. It was a disaster, and signalled the end of the hippie movement.
Movies prospered without popcorn until the Great Depression, when theater owners scrambled to make up for reduced ticket prices by turning to ''audible edibles.'' From 1934 to 1940, the nation's annual popcorn harvest grew from 5 million to 100 million pounds.
While free to watch online, the single ticket price for attending a TED talk starts at $8,500!
Ticket Prices data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ticket Prices figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are there two ticker tapes on cnbc by examining the linked well-known sources.
The United States has one of the lowest average movie ticket prices in the world
The word Nickelodeon is a combination of the price of a theatre ticket in 1905 (5¢) and the Greek word for theatre. - source
When the proposed USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor was having problems raising money, Elvis performed a benefit concert while filming "Blue Hawaii" that helped the project reach it goals. He refused to comp tickets and even made admirals pay full price to attend the show. - source
In 2006, Alitalia Airlines accidentally listed business tickets from Toronto to Cyprus as costing $39 instead of $3,900, honored their mistake, and let the as many as 2,000 ticket buyers fly for the reduced price, a move that cost the airline up to $7.72 million.
In 1809 Londoners rioted over an increase in theatre ticket prices in Covent Garden - source
When do concert ticket prices drop?
In 2009, the Utah Flash of the NBA's D-League promised a game of one-on-one between former Jazz player Byron Russell and Michael Jordan. When Jordan declined, the owner hired a lookalike, but the fans weren't fooled, and they eventually all received refunds for their ticket prices.
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Even with the recent rise in fees and surcharges, airline ticket prices have dropped 50% in the past 30 years.
Until 2003 American Airlines offered lifetime first class tickets for a set price.
In 2019 American Airlines requires it's customers to "mail in" the credit voucher for applying it towards a flight booking. If the price of the ticket is lesser than your voucher amount, the balance amount is mailed to the customer in the form of a new credit voucher.
Movies used to be classed as "A Movies" or "B Movies", with B Movies being lower budget, less popular films that had cheaper ticket prices than A Movies.
If a flight is overbooked and you are involuntarily bumped to a later flight, the airline is legally required to reimburse you 200-400% of your ticket price on the spot, depending on the length of delay. The vouchers they offer to volunteers are almost always worth less.
Ticket prices infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Ticket Prices numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Disneyland 1-day ticket price vs annual passport price (inflation adjusted for 2020 dollars)