Norse Gods facts
While investigating facts about Norse Gods And Goddesses and Norse Gods List, I found out little known, but curios details like:
We kiss under the mistletoe to honour Balder, the Norse god, and brother of Thor.
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The concept of the "rap battle" has existed since the 5th century, where poets would engage in "flyting," a spoken word event where poets would insult one another in verse. The Norse god Loki is noted as having insulted other gods in verse.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what norse gods does kratos kill. Here are 42 of the best facts about Norse Gods Names and Norse Gods Family Tree I managed to collect.
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We kiss under the mistletoe to honour Balder, the Norse God, and brother of Thor.
The concept of the "rap battle" has existed since the 5th century, where poets would engage in "flyting," a spoken word event where poets would insult one another in verse. The Norse god Loki is noted as having insulted other gods in verse.
During the Yule, one of the festivals which Christmas originated from, the Norse god Odin is believed to lead a ghostly procession called the Wild Hunt across the night sky, and undead draugar will rise and walk the earth.
Hodor is the name of the Norse god of Winter
The Norse gods eventually got sick of Loki’s pranks, tied him up with the entrails of his kids, and had a snake drip poison in his face for 10,000 years
There is a church in Iceland where you can worship the norse gods
The Greek religion's God (Zeus Pater), the Roman religion's God (Jupiter), and the Indian Vedic religion's God (Dyaus Pita), have similar names because those religions - along with Norse, Persian, and Slavic mythologies - all evolved from the same original religion.
During WWII, the British, learned of a German radio navigation system codenamed 'Wotan'. Wotan, or Odin, was a one-eyed Norse god, whence they deduced that the system used one beam, and were able to develop countermeasures before the system was even deployed.
In Norse mythology, during the events of Ragnörak, there is a ship made entirely of the untrimmed nails of the dead that will carry hordes to do battle with the Gods. It's important to keep those nails trimmed so you don't contribute to building it.
In Norse mythology, the Gods have a boar of unlimited bacon
Norse Gods data charts
For your convenience take a look at Norse Gods figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are the days named after norse gods by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first temple dedicated to the Norse Gods in nearly 1000 years opened in Denmark in 2016
A psycopomp is a being that strictly guides the souls of the dead to the afterlife. They can take the form of various animals such as horses, deer, ravens and owls. Some examples of psycopomps include the Egyptian god Anubis, the Norse valkyries, Irish banshees and even the Grim Reaper. - source
Friday is named after the Norse God Frigg - source
In 2011 Idris Elba played Norse god Heimdall in Thor.
Our days of the week come from the names of Norse gods - source
Where do norse gods go when they die?
Iceland Is Officially Worshiping Norse Gods Again
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"Wednesday" is named after the Norse god Woden...who Anglos refer to as Odin.
The the first god of Norse mythology was licked into being by a cow.
Norse Gods have a boar that provides unlimited food / bacon
According to the Prose Edda, the Norse god Thor was half African: son of the Ethiopian king Memnon and a Trojan princess.
The Norse god Odin and his eight-legged horse Sleipnir inspired the story of Santa Claus and his reindeer