Theodore Roosevelt facts
While investigating facts about Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Theodore Roosevelt Jr, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After a Black female postmaster was wrongly pressured out of her post in Mississippi in 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt continued to pay her federal salary and punished the town by rerouting their mail to Greenville, 30 miles away
how theodore roosevelt died?
While in Sharon Springs, Theodore Roosevelt was approached by a 12-year-old girl who asked if he would like to have a badger. Expecting to humor her, he agreed, and the girl came back with a 2-week-old badger. President Roosevelt named him Josiah and he became one of the presidential pets.
What theodore roosevelt is famous for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did theodore roosevelt die from. Here are 50 of the best facts about Theodore Roosevelt Statue and Theodore Roosevelt Island I managed to collect.
what to do at theodore roosevelt national park?
Theodore Roosevelt's mother died at age 49 and less than twelve hours later, his wife Alice died from what was diagnosed as acute kidney disease. In his diary that night, the twenty-six-year-old Theodore placed a large X, along with the simple words “The light has gone out of my life.”
Despite having a heart condition and arthritis that forced him to use a cane, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. led the first wave of landings at Utah Beach on D-Day, becoming the only general to land with his soldiers that day.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr was the oldest man in the D-Day invasion at 56. Initially denied to attend D-Day, Ted petitioned as he personally knew the men of these units and believed his presence would steady them. Despite arthritis and a heart condition, he stormed the beach with a cane and survived.
When a dignitary complained to President Theodore Roosevelt about Alice Roosevelt (his daughter) smoking on top of the White House, Roosevelt replied, "I can be President of the United States, or I can control Alice. I cannot possibly do both."
One of the most well known Presidents of the USA, Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt, was against putting "In God We Trust" on currency, saying it would "... cheapen such a motto by use on coins, postage stamps, or ads"
Theodore and Eleanor Roosevelt, when staying in the White House, reported sightings or a presence of Abraham Lincoln's Ghost. Sightings have also been reported by Margaret Truman, Winston Churchill, and Henry Truman.
The daughters of Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan all claim to have seen Lincoln’s ghost in the White House.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first U.S. President to fly in a plane - and he nearly fell out. He described it as 'the bulliest experience of this life'
Theodore Roosevelt was seen as dangerously loud-mouthed and was given the Vice-Presidency to make sure he was politically powerless.
Theodore Roosevelt data charts
For your convenience take a look at Theodore Roosevelt figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why theodore roosevelt statue?
You can easily fact check why theodore roosevelt is famous by examining the linked well-known sources.
Theodore Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt, was shot in the chest, and proceeded to deliver a 90 minute speech. He opened with: "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose." - source
The Thirteen Club met in the 1880s to debunk the superstition about the number 13 by dining 13 to a table, walking under ladders, and spilling salt on Friday 13th. They had 5 US Presidents as members, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. - source
Theodore Roosevelt was shot before a speech in Milwaukee and refused to have medical treatment until he delivered his 90 minute speech, in which he showed off the bullet wound to the crowd
There is a photo of Abraham Lincoln's funeral procession and Theodore Roosevelt as a child is seen watching from his window - source
When theodore roosevelt died?
Theodore Roosevelt once supported a bill that would have allowed the introduction of Hippos into the Bayous of Louisiana. It fell just short of being passed.
How did theodore roosevelt die?
The original 'Teddy Bear' was inspired by a cartoon of President Theodore Roosevelt sparing a wounded bear while on a hunting trip. Based on this success, in the next election, William Taft supporters tried and failed to popularize a stuffed possum associated with their candidate.
Theodore Roosevelt openly despised the nickname "Teddy", and was quick to correct anyone who called him it. He preferred those working closely with him to refer to him as Colonel or Theodore.
Teddy Roosevelt Jr (son of President Theodore Roosevelt) was the oldest man to invade the beaches of Normandy, the only man to invade Normandy with his son (Cpt. Quentin Roosevelt II on Omaha Beach), and he was the only general to lead his troops (on Omaha beach with only a cane and a pistol)
Pres. Teddy Roosevelt was given strong coffee and puffs of cigar as a child to 'help' with his asthma. As an adult his coffee drinking became legendary and he drank up to 40 cups/day. His son, Theodore Jr., remarked that his father's ideal coffee cup might be "more in the nature of a bathtub"
Theodore Roosevelt as a child, watched Lincoln’s funeral procession pass by his house. His admiration for Abe was reinforced later in life when he met John Hay, who was Abe’s secretary. Hay gifted a ring that contained Lincoln’s hair to Teddy. Teddy then wore the ring on his inauguration day.