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Thanksgiving Turkey facts

While investigating facts about Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe and Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Nearly all of the Presidentially pardoned turkeys are now dead due to the fact that the turkeys used for Thanksgiving are bred for the table and not for the ability to live long and healthy lives.

how to cook a thanksgiving turkey?

In 1953, Swanson had 260 tons of leftover turkey from Thanksgiving and didn't know how to get rid of it. They asked their workers for ideas, and one man thought they should package it in individual trays with sides and freeze it. The TV dinner was born.

Why do we eat turkey at thanksgiving?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering when was turkey first served at thanksgiving. Here are 41 of the best facts about Thanksgiving Turkey Cartoon and Thanksgiving Turkey Clipart I managed to collect.

why turkey at thanksgiving?

  1. Snoop Dogg helped hand out 1,500 turkeys to needy Inglewood residents last Thanksgiving; he also stuck around to pose for photos with over 800 people.

  2. Tryptophan in turkey isn’t what makes us tired after Thanksgiving dinner, it’s the overeating of carbohydrates. Turkey contains no more tryptophan than chicken or beef, and nuts and cheeses actually contain more.

  3. Jerry Seinfeld contacted South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker to express interest in voicing a character. They offered the comedian the nonspeaking part of “Turkey No. 2” in their Thanksgiving episode, but Seinfeld declined.

  4. They drop live turkeys out of planes every year in Arkansas for an annual Thanksgiving tradition called the "Yellville Turkey Trot"

  5. US presidents pardon turkeys on Thanksgiving because of Abe Lincoln's son pleading not to kill a turkey on Thanksgiving.

  6. The TV Dinner was conceived as a result of a gross miscalculation on Thanksgiving turkeys

  7. CBS executives objected to the idea of Woodstock eating turkey in the Peanuts Thanksgiving special. Despite protest, the scene was ultimately included.

  8. Cash Money Records has run an annual Thanksgiving turkey giveaway in New Orleans for the past 18 years

  9. Leftover Thanksgiving turkey was instrumental in developing LASIK Surgery

  10. The average thanksgiving turkey is 3-4 months frozen due to the fact that production is year-round while consumption is seasonal. This explains why thanksgiving turkey is not as tasty as chicken.

thanksgiving turkey facts
Why is turkey eaten at thanksgiving?

Why is the turkey a symbol of thanksgiving?

You can easily fact check why eat turkey on thanksgiving by examining the linked well-known sources.

It is not the Tryptophan in Turkey that makes us tired after a Thanksgiving feast but that the culprits are most likely excess carbs and alcohol.

Even if turkeys wanted to escape before Thanksgiving they couldn"t fly. Commercially raised turkeys are not able to fly.

Through clever marketing the Japanese believe KFC is to an American Christmas what turkey is to Thanksgiving. - source

Ronald Reagan started the modern tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey to distract from the Iran-Contra affair and speculation that he would pardon central figures in the scandal

At the first Thanksgiving -- 1621 in Plymouth -- there's no hard evidence that anyone ate any turkey - source

When to thaw a turkey for thanksgiving?

Swanson foods executive Gerry Thomas claims he created "the frozen TV dinner" after the company found itself with a huge surplus of frozen turkeys after poor Thanksgiving sales.

How to clean a turkey for thanksgiving?

Approximately 280 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving in the United States.

The Armistice Day Blizzard which was responsible for taking 49 human lives and about 1.5 million turkeys intended for Thanksgiving dinner.

Each year the President of the United States pardons a turkey. This lucky turkey is guaranteed to spend the rest of its life living freely and not ending up on a turkey platter.

The average American may consume more than 4,500 calories and a whopping 229 grams of fat during a typical holiday gathering from snacking and eating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and all the trimmings.

Americans eat 46,000,000 turkeys on Thanksgiving Day.

When to buy thanksgiving turkey?

The president of the US 'pardons' selected turkeys each year before thanksgiving. These turkeys are randomly selected "at birth" and are trained to handle loud noises, flash photography and large crowds.

In 1953, the food company Swanson ordered too many turkeys. A salesman came up with the idea to package them sell them as a one-stop dinner. Thus, TV dinners were born from Thanksgiving leftovers.

Reagan officially pardoned the first Thanksgiving turkey in response to criticism he received for possibly pardoning Oliver North in connection to the Iran-Contra affair.

Nearly all Thanksgiving turkeys are products of artificial insemination.

The Tryptophan in turkey is not what makes you tired after you eat your Thanksgiving Dinner.

How to season turkey for thanksgiving?

Americans eat 50 million Turkeys on Thanksgiving...

The Ancient Romans celebrate Thanksgiving which they call CEREALIA. They had parties, parades and games. Instead of a turkey, the animal in the center of celebration is a fox!

If averaged, every person in America would consume 2.5 lbs of Turkey flesh on Thanksgiving day. That's over 736,000,000 lbs of Turkey on one day!

43 million turkeys are eaten each Thanksgiving, and in 2012, 253,500,000 turkeys were produced in the United States.

There's a turkey farmer that feeds his flock beer because he beleives it makes them taste better on Thanksgiving.

51 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving day

It is not the tryptophan in turkey (or turkey at all! ) that caused you to feel sleepy after a thanksgiving meal, it is actually due to all the carbs (mashed potatoes, sweet candied yam, stuffings, dinner rolls, pumpkin pies, etc) that we eat!

Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore cooked a turkey in their fireplace at Harvard one thanksgiving, after being left at college.

Astronauts on the International Space Station celebrate Thanksgiving, eating rehydrated turkey, vegetables and stuffing.

Nicki Minaj handed out 500 turkeys to residents of her hometown Queens on Thanksgiving.

Famous 19th century grower of turkeys, Horace Vose, of Westerly, Rhode Island, was the first to gift the White House a Thanksgiving turkey. He feed his turkeys whole corn and apples and never force fed them.

The reason why the country Turkey and the fowl we consume on Thanksgiving share a name

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Thanksgiving Turkey. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Thanksgiving Turkey so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor