Phone Calls facts
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A Polish environmental charity put a SIM card in a GPS tracker to follow the migratory pattern of a white stork. They lost track of the stork and later received a phone bill for $2,700; someone in Sudan had taken the SIM from the tracker and made over 20 hours of calls.
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In the 1880s, many farmers communicated by connecting their phones to barbed wire fences. This process often allowed for up to 20 people to be connected at once, everyone’s phone would ring regardless of who called, and the invention helped many farmers overcome depression and loneliness.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is canada's country code for phone calls. Here are 50 of the best facts about Phone Calls With Alexa and Phone Calls On Whatsapp I managed to collect.
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On Christmas eve in 1969, Willie Nelson got a phone call that his house outside Nashville TN caught on fire. Willie came home and rush into the fire. He manged to save his guitar Trigger and one pound of weed.
In 2011 a British man got so annoyed by telemarketers calling his home phone that he registered it as a premium-rate number. Since then he's earned over £300 from telemarketers calling him
In 1971, phone phreaker John Draper discovered a way to gain free minutes for long-distance, AT&T calls. He would blow a toy, ‘Captain Crunch’ whistle, which had the same 2600-hertz tone that indicated a trunk line was ready to be put through, and gain access to additional minutes.
During the 1st live iPhone demo, Steve Jobs was secretly switching phones because they couldn't even play a song without crashing. Their displays were rigged to show 5 bars of signal strength and he had to use a portable cell tower just so they would seem reliable enough to make calls.
In 1974 the girlfriend of Ted Bundy called Seattle police to tell them he matched the description of the suspect in several murder cases. She hung up after being told, “You need to come in and fill in a report. We’re too busy to talk to girlfriends over the phone." He would kill many more women.
About John Draper. He used the whistles found in Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes in the 1960's to bypass phone systems and place free long-distance calls as they played at 2600 Hzs—the perfect tone to commandeer a phone line. His work inspired the founders of Apple.
When they tried to book a phone call from the President to inform Sgt Dakota Meyer that he had been approved for the Medal of Honor, White House staff were told he was working a construction job and to call back during his lunch hour.
In August 2012, Lily Allen was accused of racism after writing "I hate it when black cab drivers spend the entire journey on the phone. I WANTED A CHAT!" Allen responded that in Britain and Europe taxicabs are called "black cabs" because they are painted black.
The band Chicago was so fond of cocaine that during a tour in the 1970's they put a fake phone booth on stage called the "Snortitorium" so they could do lines mid-concert without going backstage.
A Brazilian electronics company is legally allowed to call their phone 'iPhone' because they trademarked the word in 2000, 7 years prior to Apple's iPhone. The phone runs on Android.
Phone Calls data charts
For your convenience take a look at Phone Calls figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why phone calls go straight to voicemail?
You can easily fact check why phone calls are restricted by examining the linked well-known sources.
Zhang Jingchuan, a Chinese mountaineer who survived a taliban execution at a 13,000-foot base camp. He knocked an attacker, hid barefoot in his underwear for an hour in a ravine, snuck back in a tent to get a jacket and a satellite phone, hiked to safety and called the local emergency line
When Jimmy Carter got elected President, he got a phone call from Elvis Presley. "He was totally stoned and didn't know what he was saying. His sentences were almost incoherent". - source
That, while hospitalized after a 2008 plane crash, Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker was in so much pain that he repeatedly called friends and offered them one million dollars to assist him in committing suicide. Hospital staff eventually took his phone away. - source
A Florida man was stranded on a sandbar with sharks circling around him. He kept them at bay with a fishing pole for an hour and a half, after which he remembered he had a cell phone and called for help.
Joe Maggard. He lied for years through the media that he portrayed Ronald McDonald in the 90's (he was actually only a lighting stand-in for 2 commercials). He was convicted in 1999 of making harassing phone calls - he would always pose as Ronald and call people, scaring and threatening them. - source
When phone calls go straight to voicemail?
Cap’n Crunch once gave a free prize whistle that blew a 2600 Hz tone - so if you dialed a long distance phone number and blew the whistle, it gave you free long distance calls.
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The cast/crew of Star Wars: A New Hope flew coach to England due to a low budget. Carrie Fisher's mother, Debbie Reynolds, called George Lucas to complain about her daughter flying coach. Fisher took the phone from Lucas and said "Mother, I want to fly coach, will you fuck off?!" and hung up.
In Frasier, many of the callers to Frasier's show were celebrities who phoned their lines into the studio without having to appear in person. Celebrities who called in include Christopher Reeve, Eddie Van Halen, Jay Leno, Matthew Broderick, Timothy Leary, Macauley Culkin, and Kevin Bacon.
Swedes can find out each other's salaries with just one phone call to Swedish equivalent of the IRS. The person whose information is accessed is also informed who accessed it.
Billionaire oil tycoon J. Paul Getty installed a pay phone at his mansion for guests to use so that he would not be billed for their calls.
Private companies that control prison phone calls charge over a $1/minute, apply large connection/usage fees...and work to ban inmate visitation.
Phone calls infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Phone Calls numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

I went abroad on Sep 1st. These are phone calls made with my girlfriend. Each color is a new phone call on that day.