Tens Millions facts
While investigating facts about Tens Millions Dollars and Tens Millions Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After Michael Jackson bought the publishing rights to the Beatles catalog, he also acquired all of the rights to Little Richard's publishing. As soon as Michael found that out, he gave Little Richard all of his publishing rights back, compensating him of tens of millions of dollars.
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A 2003 study found evidence that Genghis Khan’s DNA is present in about 16 million men alive today. However, an article from 2015 claims that ten other men left genetic legacies so huge they rival Genghis Khan's.
What is tens of millions mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is tens of millions. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ones Tens Hundreds Thousands Millions and Tens Hundreds Thousands Millions I managed to collect.
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In 1958, Mao Zedong ordered the Chinese people to kill all the sparrows in the country to protect the rice crops. The effort backfired as, without the sparrows to eat insects, the locust population exploded and wiped out food crops, contributing to the starvation of tens of millions of people.
TV sitcom stars from Friends were paid $100,000 per episode in season five, $125,000 in season six, $750,000 in seasons seven and eight, and $1 million in seasons nine and ten, making Jennifer Aniston, Courtney’s Cox, and Lisa Kudrow the highest paid TV actresses of all-time.
Carlos Santana revealed to Rolling Stone that he was contacted by the Archangel Metatron and told how to create his next album 'Supernatural.' It went on to win 12 Grammy's including Album of the Year, went 15 times platinum, charted #1 in ten countries, and sold 30 million copies.
Friend stars were paid $75,000 per episode in season three, $85,000 in season four, $100,000 in season five, $125,000 in season six, $750,000 in seasons seven and eight, and $1 million in seasons nine and ten, making Aniston, Cox, and Kudrow the highest paid TV actresses of all-time.
In a 1888, Friedrich Engels wrote that Germany's next war will be a world war, "eight to ten million soldiers will massacre one another" and "the devastations of the Thirty Years’ War" will be "compressed into three or four years, and spread over the whole Continent."
Joel Osteen lives in a ten million dollar mansion
There is a glacier in Montana that is named after the tens of millions of now extinct grasshoppers that can be found trapped within the ice.
That, in April 2011, two competing algorithms on Amazon.com each kept altering the price that they were selling a book about flies for based on how much the other was charging. After ten days of price warring, the price of the book had climbed to $23.7 million.
There are ten million stateless people in the world today, not considered nationals by any country on Earth
Eugene V. Debs conducted his last campaign for president as a prisoner in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary while serving ten years for his opposition to World War I. He received nearly a million votes.
Tens Millions data charts
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What is true about tens millions?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
British-made A.D.E. 651 advertised as a foolproof bomb detector. Tens of millions of dollars’ worth were bought by Baghdad military. They turned out to be pieces of plastic with antennae glued on at the end and their batteries were business cards with the word C4 markered on them.
In South Dakota there is an annual motorcycle rally that averages almost 10 deaths, 400 arrests, 300 emergency room visits, and tens of millions in revenue for local government. - source
The 1972 film Deliverance caused tourism in Rabun County, Georgia to increase from the hundreds to the tens of thousands making it the number one source of revenue in the county. Rafting along the Chattooga River alone earns the county $20 million dollars a year - source
James Brown left over $100 million of his estate to educate poor children in South Carolina. Ten years after his death, not a penny has been spent in that cause, as legal battles have kept his estate in limbo and legal fees have drawn down the value to under $10 million.
On 5 May 2000 two young Filipino programmers created the Iloveyou virus that attacked tens of millions of Windows personal computers causing US$5.5–8.7 billion in damages worldwide. Since there were no laws in the Phils. against writing malware at the time the two were released. - source
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The original plans for the Sydney Opera House projected a cost of $7 million and completion date of 26 January 1963. It was finished in 1973, ten years late, and at a cost of $102 million, some 1,500% over budget.
How much is tens of millions?
In 1955, Quaker Oats bought 19 acres of land in the Yukon, divided it into 21 million one-square-inch parcels, and sold the deeds as a promotional. Ten years later, all of it was repossessed by Canada due to $37.20 in unpaid back taxes.
Approximately ten million World War II vets had used the bill in some manner by 1956.
Bill Haley, who recorded the most famous version of "Rock Around the Clock," sold tens of millions of records, toured the world, shook hands with the Queen of England, yet died a paranoid, delusional alcoholic at age 55.
The Hindu epic Mahabharata is the longest known poem. Its longest version consists of over 200,000 individual verse lines. With about 1.8 million words in total, the Mahabharata is roughly ten times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined.
About "Jackpotting" ,where hackers penetrate an ATM's physical and digital security, install malware, establish remote access, and set it up to display an out-of-order screen. Afterwards cash is dispensed remotely and collected. This method has drained ATM's of tens of millions worldwide.