Millions Dollars facts
While investigating facts about Millions Dollars But and Millions Dollars Abbreviation, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Keanu Reeves often foregoes some of his paycheck so that producers can bring on other notable actors. On The Devil's Advocate, he reduced his salary by a few million dollars so that they could afford Al Pacino, and he did the same thing on The Replacements to be able to work with Gene Hackman.
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Bill Gates, since 2007, has given away 48% of his net worth (roughly $28 billion dollars), which has helped save 6 million lives.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bank can hold millions of dollars. Here are 50 of the best facts about Millions Dollars Homes For Sale and Millions Dollars But Questions I managed to collect.
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Robert Kearns, the inventor of intermittent windshield wipers, tried to sell his idea to the auto industry and was turned away. When they began showing up on new cars, he sued the manufacturers from the industry and won millions of dollars in settlements.
Taco Bell failed to pay two Michigan men who created the Taco Bell Chihuahua mascot, and were court-ordered to pay back $42 million dollars.
Bill Gates has given away over 28 billion dollars since 2007 resulting in an estimated 6 million+ lives saved.
In 2002 a 19-year-old garbage man won a 15 million dollar lottery, spent it all on drugs, gambling, and prostitutes, and became a garbage man again.
A guy made $1,000,000 by selling each pixel on a 1000 x 1000 pixel web page for $1 a pixel. The Million Dollar Homepage was created in 2005 to raise money for his university fees. The inventor went on to create a company today valued at $250m.
Taco Bell failed to pay the men who pitched the idea of the Taco Bell Chihuahua and later were court ordered to pay $42.1 million dollars.
John Barrier, after a bank teller refused to validate his 50 cent parking because he was dressed poorly, he withdrew his million dollars from his account and took it to the bank across the street
Nellie Bly, a 19th century female journalist who went around the world in 72 days, pretended to be insane in order to expose the deplorable conditions in mental asylums, patented two designs for steel cans and ran a million-dollar iron manufacturing business, all before the age of 40.
Weird Al Yankovich once turned down a 5 million dollar offer to star in a beer commercial, because he felt many of his fans were young and impressionable.
In 1980 Weird Al Yankovic turned down a 5 million dollar (worth 14 million today) beer endorsement stating "a lot of my fans were young and impressionable, so ethically I believe I did the right thing"
Millions Dollars data charts
For your convenience take a look at Millions Dollars figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are millions of dollars a year spent on advertising quizlet by examining the linked well-known sources.
James Randi offered one million US dollars to anyone who could demonstrate supernatural or paranormal ability. The offer lasted for over 50 years and no one was successfully able to claim it.
In the late 80's, Weird Al turned down 5 million dollars to star in a beer commercial. He said he turned it down because he believed that a lot of his fans were young and impressionable - source
Subway once had to settle a lawsuit with angry customers who had proved each 'footlong' sandwich was really only 11 inches in length. It cost the company over a half-million dollars in legal fees, and each plaintiff earned close to $1,000 each. - source
In 2000 The Guinness Book of World Records cited Michael Jackson as the most philanthropic pop star in history. He gave over $300 million dollars to charity in his life, and visited hospitals and orphanages at every stop of his tours handing out gifts and making donations.
Taco Bell failed to pay two Michigan men who created the Taco Bell Chihuahua mascot and were later court ordered to pay them $42 million dollars. - source
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The videogame publisher Bethesda offered the makers of Fallout New Vegas a 1 Million dollar bonus if the game scored a review of 85 or higher on Metacritic- the game released and got an 84, and no bonus was given.
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Forest Fenn, an 85 year old millionaire who buried 2 million dollars worth of treasure and wrote a book about it. The treasure ranges from gold nuggets the size of chicken eggs, to sculptures dating back to the Ming Dynasty. He's said that hunters have come within 250 feet of the treasure.
Costco loses an estimated 30 to 40 million dollars annually by sticking to a $4.99 price point on rotisserie chicken in order to keep members happy and foot traffic high
The highest paid public official is not a legislator or head of state. With a salary of 7.09 million dollars it is actually Nick Saban the head football coach for The University of Alabama.
A man bought a golden Faberge egg for $13,000 dollars at a sale; turns out it was worth over $33 million.
After Michael Jackson bought the publishing rights to the Beatles catalog, he also acquired all of the rights to Little Richard's publishing. As soon as Michael found that out, he gave Little Richard all of his publishing rights back, compensating him of tens of millions of dollars.