Tens Thousands facts
While investigating facts about Tens Thousands Place and Tens Thousands Hundreds, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Blackpanthers planned a free breakfast program for children but the Chicago cops broke into the church they were holding it in the night before and Urinated on all the food. Regardless of the delay the program continued and fed tens of thousands of hungry kids over the span of many years.
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After being largely cut out of his father's will John Lennon's son from his first marriage, Julian Lennon, was forced to bid on sentimental postcards addressed to him by his late father. Yoko Ono auctioned them off for tens of thousands of dollars instead of giving them to Julian.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is tens of thousands. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tens Thousands Place Value Chart and Tens Thousands Millions Billions Trillions I managed to collect.
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The Hadza people, whose ancestors have occupied the area surrounding the "Cradle of Mankind" for tens of thousands of years. Their oral histories are so ancient that it is possible they reference living alongside earlier extinct hominids such as Homo erectus
In 1755 a massive earthquake hit Lisbon, Portugal on a major Catholic holiday, destroying the city's churches while sparing its brothels. Tens of thousands of worshipers were killed. The event profoundly shook the belief in a merciful god and the power of the church across Europe.
Anti-venom for poisonous bites in US hospitals can cost tens of thousands of dollars while the same drug in Mexico costs hundreds of dollars.
A teenage girl of the Xhosa people in Africa convinced her entire tribe to kill all their cattle, saying it would bring about a cataclysm destroying English colonizers. Tens of thousands died in the subsequent famine, and the English were unharmed.
A mere 16 years after being marched 1000s of Miles during the ‘Trail of Tears’, the Choctaw donated what is equivalent to tens of thousands today to Irish during their potato famine.
A Roman soldier once farted, causing a riot that lead to the deaths of ten thousand people.
Anoka, Minnesota was the first U.S. city to put on a Halloween celebration when they did so in 1920 to divert youngsters from Halloween pranks. It was also proclaimed "The Halloween Capital of the World" by Congress in 1937. Today, tens of thousands of people visits Anoka annually for Halloween.
Two thousand and ten years ago, Roman Emperor Augustus banished Ovid to the island of Tomis, where he stayed for the rest of his life. Rome's city council formally revoked his banishment in December 2017
In Victorian London it was theorized that diseases like Cholera (which killed tens of thousands) were spread by bad-smelling air, until a scientist named Jon Snow determined water was the culprit - he became known as the father of modern epidemiology.
5 years after birth a sperm donor for a lesbian couple was asked in Kansas to pay child support bills that could run into tens of thousands of dollars.
Tens Thousands data charts
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1832 the US Supreme court ruled in favor of the Cherokee Indians wanting to remain on their native land. President Andrew Jackson ignored the order and tens of thousands of Cherokee were forcibly removed from their homes and marched to Oklahoma. Thousands died on the mach, the Trail of Tears.
On the evening of September 11, 2001, ten thousand Iranian people gathered in Madar Square, Tehran, in a candlelight vigil to express sympathy and support for the American People. - source
The Milky Way, Andromeda, and all the nearby galaxies are being pulled into something that we can't see that is tens of thousands of times more massive than our galaxy, called The Great Attractor. - source
North Korea did not return tens of thousands of South Korean POWs after the Korean War in 1953. They and their children were forced to work in coal mines for decades; 79 escaped from 1994 to 2009. Nine hundred US soldiers also may not have been returned.
When Eisenhower planned to visit Japan in 1960, the government called on Yakuza bosses to lend tens of thousands of their men as security guards. - source
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In 2011, tens of thousands of Detroiters petitioned to prevent Nickelback from playing at the NFL Thanksgiving Day football game halftime show
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Until recently, most perfumes contained a preservative called "ambergris," which is hardened sperm whale vomit. Terrible smelling chunks of ambergris can be found lying on beaches, and are worth tens of thousands of dollars per pound.
In 1981 the US claimed Vietnam had used chemical weapons on it's own people, saying over ten thousand had died from what was described as 'yellow rain'. The 'yellow rain' was analyzed and found to be harmless bee feces.
Famous Graffiti artist Banksy once had an old man sell his art with a sketchy stand on a roadside in New York. Each one was worth tens of thousands of dollars. He sold them for $60.
The rightful emperor of China head of the Qing Dynasty, Lord of Ten Thousand Years, Son of Heaven, and Imperial Highness of the Present Time works in local politics, and is a member of a local council
The most lethal sport riot in history happened in Constantinople AD 532, was over chariot racing, and saw tens of thousands dead and half the city destroyed.