Telephone Lines facts
While investigating facts about Telephone Lines Down and Telephone Lines Down Who To Call, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Southern Pacific Comapy, while best known for its railroad operations, also owned and operated telegraph and telephone lines under the name Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Networking Telephony, which would later become the telecommunications company known by the acronym "Sprint."
how telephone lines work?
When Guinea declared its independence from France, the French retaliated by burning office files, cutting telephone lines, and even ripped electrical sockets out of walls before leaving the country, effectively cutting off all aid
What are the black boxes on telephone lines?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the minimum height for telephone lines. Here are 36 of the best facts about Telephone Lines Elo and Telephone Lines In Computer Network I managed to collect.
what do shoes on telephone lines mean?
In 1962 the USSR decided to test a 300kt nuclear bomb in space over a populated area, the resulting EMP fused 350 miles of telephone lines, shut down 621 miles of buried power cables and burnt down a power station. The following year they signed & ratified a treaty banning tests in outer space.
Stockholm, Sweden up until 1952 had a massive telephone tower with approx. 5500 telephone lines connected to it
One of the earliest instances of Phreaking, (hacking into telephone lines,) was discovered via blowing a Captain Crunch toy whistle into a phone line. This toy , coincidentally, rang at 2600 Hz, which is the exact tone that At&T used to determine that a caller had hung up.
There used to be "party lines" for telephones, the entire neighborhood was linked to a single phone line and they had to take turns using the phone. You could listen in to your neighbors' calls, or interrupt them telling them to get off the phone because they talk too much and you need to use it
Barbed wire was used as telephone lines to connect isolated farm communities
Red telephone", a direct line between DC and Moscow, isn't really a phone line and no phones were ever used. It went from teletype to fax machines. Since 2008, it's a secure form of email.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries telephone companies used existing barbed wire fences to transmit electrical phone signals to rural areas to save money due to the price of phone lines.
Fax machines could send photographs over telephone lines as early as 1902
Male assists in building of the nest. He collects twigs, branches, mud, wires and wool while female chooses location and uses collected materials to build cup-shaped nest. Nests are usually located on the cliffs, high buildings, bridges, telephone poles and power lines.
Small towns used to run telephone calls down barbed wire fences. Every phone on the line would ring at once and the system became a 'proto-social network'
Telephone Lines data charts
For your convenience take a look at Telephone Lines figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are there shoes on telephone lines?
You can easily fact check why do shoes hung from telephone lines by examining the linked well-known sources.
The "Jam Line" - a telephone system flaw where complete strangers could hold conversations over busy signals being received at the same time. Chat rooms before chat rooms were a thing.
Bell began work on what we know as the telephone in an effort to save costs of constructing telegraph lines that could not support multiple lines.
In 1877, the White House installed their first telephone. The Treasury had the only direct phone line to the White House. The phone number for the White House was '1' - source
Even before the internet was a thing, you could download games for the Atari 2600 over the telephone line, by using the GameLine.
When did egypt first have telephone lines?
Boquillas, Mexico has only 1 phone line. When someone calls that line, the operator states a specific time at which the caller should call back, promising them that the operator will find the person being telephoned and ensure that they are at the phone at the appointed time
How do telephone lines work?
Moscow–Washington hotline was never a telephone line or a red phone but rather a teletype machine, then fax machine, then secure email.
The Théâtrophone was a telephonic distribution system that allowed the subscribers to listen to opera and theatre performances over the telephone lines
The United States Naval Observatory maintains telephone lines people can call to hear the time
Before the 1996 Telecommunications Act was passed, the largest four ILECs owned less than half of all the lines in the country while, five years later, the largest four local telephone companies owned about 85%
On May 10th 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes had the first phone installed in the White House. To call the white house, one would dial "1". It would be 50 more years until President Herbert Hoover had the first telephone line installed at the president’s desk.