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Technical Term facts

While investigating facts about Technical Terms and Technical Term For Earache, I found out little known, but curios details like:

It's technically twice as dangerous to be a taxi driver, than to be a cop. Even in terms of homicide.

how to remove sand from water technical term?

The term Intergluteal cleft is technical term for "butt crack"

What technical term is?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the technical term for the natural nail. Here are 48 of the best facts about Technical Termination and Technical Terms In Computer I managed to collect.

what technical terminology?

  1. "androids" technically refer to robots designed to look like human men. If it resembles a woman, a more accurate term is "gynoid."

  2. The technical term for a runny nose is "rhinorrhea"

  3. The technical term for dog zoomies is FRAP, which stands for “frenetic random activity period”, or a short, exuberant burst of running and play.

  4. The terms ‘sofa’ and ‘couch’ aren’t technically the same thing.They have multiple differences, one being that a sofa has two armrests while a couch has one or none

  5. The technical term of an "L-shaped" enter key is the "big-ass enter"

  6. The Lakota Indians are sometimes referred to as 'sioux." Although the term Sioux is technically not incorrect, it also refers to the related Nakota and Dakota tribes, who speak a similar language. The term Sioux is derived from a French word and is not aboriginal.

  7. The words "moron", "embicile", and "idiot" were used by psychologists in the 1900s as technical terms describing degrees of mental deficiency, with idiot being the most severe and moron being the least.

  8. Romantic Chess" used to be the prevalent style of chess prior to the 20th century; it focused more on artistic expression rather than technical mastery or long-term planning.

  9. In geological terms any rock larger than 10.1 inches (25.6 cm) is technically classified as a boulder

  10. Dysania is the technical term for the difficulty for waking up in the morning.

technical term facts
What explains technical terms on a map of a foreign area?

Why technical support engineer?

You can easily fact check why technical support interview question by examining the linked well-known sources.

While it is technically possible to stop water from flowing over Niagara Falls, it is illegal under the terms of 1950's Niagara River treaty. Canadian (Aaron Thompson, an engineer) and American (Maj. General Mark Toy) are charged with ensuring the flow. In effect they are the waterfall police.

A hellabyte is the technical term for 10^27 bytes, aka a "helluva lot of data" - source

The technical term for a sixty-fourth note in music is a hemidemisemiquaver - source

Wisdom teeth are called wisdom teeth because they erupt (emerge) into the mouth when people are in their late teens or early twenties, affectionately termed the “Age of Wisdom.” Wisdom teeth are technically referred to as third molars, and they're just like all the other teeth in your mouth.

Traditionally "ballerina" referred only to the principal or top dancer. The technical term for one who practices ballet is simply "ballet dancer." - source

Explain when business and technical terminology should be used?

There is a term for the tendency of technical equipment to fail when certain people are present. It's called the Pauli effect, named after Wolfgang Ernst Pauli.

How to translate technical terms?

Technically there have been 44 presidents of the United State, as Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms.

The word "shmoo" is a technical term with different meanings in the fields of electrical engineering, cell biology, socioeconomics, echinoderm biology, and particle physics. In all these cases, the term is a reference to the Shmoo, a cartoon animal from the comic strip Li'l Abner.

About Big Dick Data, a formal academic term coined to denote big data projects that have masculinist, totalizing fantasies of world domination through data capture & analysis. Big Dick Data projects ignore context, fetishize size, & overstate, inflate their technical and scientific capabilities.

H.L Mencken coined the word "ecdysiast" as a synonym for "stripper", so that strippers would have a more dignified way of referring to their chosen profession. It's derived from "ecdysis", the technical term for the molting of insects.

The technical term for a hashtag is octothorp

What is the technical term when?

America has already, technically, had a female president as Woodrow Wilson's wife, Edith, took his place in the executive branch after he had a stroke in 1919. She served for the remainder of his term.

The technical term for an overly complicated interchange is Spaghetti Junction

There are technically no term limits for the Vice Presidency of the United States, meaning someone could serve indefinitely or as VP to multiple Presidents.

The technical term for garbage juice is "leachate".

Wisdom teeth are called wisdom teeth because they erupt (emerge) into the mouth when people are in their late teens or early twenties, affectionately termed the “Age of Wisdom.” Wisdom teeth are technically referred to as third molars, and they're just like all the other teeth in your mouth.

How to use technical terms?

The United States is technically on the metric system because it signed the Treaty of the Metre, which defines feet, pounds, gallons, etc in terms of metric units

The technical term for the opening of the penis is "meatus"

The Pauli effect is a term referring to the anecdotal failure of technical equipment in the presence of Austrian theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli. According the principal, a functioning device and Wolfgang Pauli may not occupy the same room.

The technical term for the process of hand me downs, a vacancy chain.

The technical term for a lack of hair is "Glabrousness", which may occur as a health condition or be done intentionally for a variety of cultural reasons.

"Pineapple Express" is a non-technical term for a meteorological phenomenon characterized by a strong and persistent flow of atmospheric moisture and precipitation

There is a group out there trying to advocate for the use of the term "occlupanid" as the technical name of those little things that clip bread packages.

There’s a technical term for throwing people out of a window: defenestration

Pac-Man's term "ghosts" originated from technical limitations on the Atari 2600 port which caused the villans to flicker. Game's manual later dubbed them "ghosts" to cover up the flaw.

Incomprehensibilities" at 21 letters is the longest word in common usage, aside from technical scientific and medical terms

The technical term for a blurry background in which the viewer focuses on the foreground is called a "bokeh" (Japanese for "fuzziness)

Words like "bookcase" and "flowerpot" have a technical term - tatpurusha

Some people do develop a phobia for long words. This condition is actually very real and does exist. There's a technical term for the “fear of long words”. It’s called “Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.”

The term 'posse' is actually a technical term in law, from the Latin 'posse comitatus' which means 'power of authority in the county'

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Technical Term. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Technical Term so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor