Incredible and fun facts to explore

Taking Nap facts

While investigating facts about Taking Naps and Taking Naps During The Day, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Scandinavians are adamant about letting their children nap outside, even in cold weather. Parents report that babies take longer and deeper naps when they sleep comfortably bundled up outside.

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An Uber Driver asked his Passenger to drive while on a 300 mile route so he could take a nap. He awoke to them being chased by the police.

What age do toddlers stop taking naps?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the side effects of taking naproxen. Here are 32 of the best facts about Taking Naproxen And Ibuprofen Together and Taking Naproxen And Ibuprofen I managed to collect.

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  1. The marathon of the 1904 Olympics had many bizarre events including someone driving to the finish line and pretending to win, someone winning by using rat poison as a stimulant, someone taking a nap and still finishing 4th, and someone being chased a mile off course by aggressive dogs.

  2. People who frequently take naps tend to die younger than those who don't, and scientists don't know why.

  3. When Eminem won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, he didn't attend the ceremony. He was taking a nap after watching cartoons with his daughter

  4. In 1989 a Russian fighter jet pilot had to eject from his airplane causing the aircraft to fly pilotless over Western Europe and crashed into a solitary house in Belgium killing a 19-year old man that was taking a nap for his finals

  5. Drinking coffee and then taking a short nap reduces sleepiness more than just drinking coffee or just napping.

  6. Bees not only sleep, but also take little bee naps on flowers

  7. Taking naps is a more effective and beneficial study method than cramming for tests.

  8. In Japan, it is acceptable to take a nap on a strangers shoulder on a train

  9. Buckminster Fuller would sleep 2 hrs a day by taking 30 mins naps every 6 hrs, and was able to fall asleep in 30 seconds.

  10. A single worker ant takes 250 naps each day, with each one lasting just over a minute

taking nap facts
What are the long term effects of taking naproxen?

Why taking naps is good for you?

You can easily fact check why taking naps are good by examining the linked well-known sources.

Frigatebird has a wingspan of 7.5 feet. This is the largest wingspan of all birds compared to the body size. Frigatebird can spend entire week in the air (and even take a nap in the air) thanks to its huge wings and ability to use thermals to fly effortlessly.

In 1993, James R. Jordan (Michael Jordan's dad) pulled over while driving to take a nap. He was then shot by two men who then dumped his body into a swamp and stole the car. They were eventually caught and prosecuted. As of 2019 appeals continue to appear in court. - source

Drinking coffee before taking naps is better and more effective than coffee or naps alone - source

The Japanese practise and encourage Inemuri in the workplace. Basically, taking a nap on the job to improve performance is seen as a sign of dedication.

The first thing the astronauts were instructed to do upon successfully completing the first manned mission to land on the moon was to take a nap - source

When taking naproxen can you drink alcohol?

There is only one verified person in modern history to have been hit by a meteorite; Ann Hodges was struck in 1954 in Sylacauga, Alabama while taking a nap on her couch.

How to stop taking naps?

In Scandinavia, it is common practice to take babies outside for a nap in the cold. Even when parents are inside a restaurant, they "leave their sleeping babies alone in prams outside!"

Christopher Langan scored a perfect SAT score despite taking a nap in the middle of the exam

Some Japanese companies encourage employees to take naps at work. Some employees feel pressured to fake naps so they are perceived as dedicated to their work.

Oscar the therapy cat, who had the ability to predict a patient's impending death by taking a nap next to them right before they die.

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About a folk legend in October 1593 where a soldier of the Spanish Empire named Gil Pérez was mysteriously transported after taking a nap in the Philippines only to wake up in Mexico City.

The "uberman" sleep system, in which you take 8-8 20 minute naps over 24 hours, as part of a "polyphasic" sleep system. Health benefits/concerns are unclear.

The “Yara-ma-yha-who”, an Australian Aboriginal myth described as “a little red man with a very big head and large mouth with no teeth.” The legend entails a creature who consumes unwary tourists, before taking a nap. Once awake it regurgitates the victim who becomes shorter, and slightly red

Sea otters hold hands while taking a nap so they don't drift apart as they sleep.

Brain regions can take short naps during wakefulness, leading to errors

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A dance marathon competition in 1930 went on for 16 weeks after organizers allowed dancers to take a 5 minute nap every hour.

Taking a nap reduces the risk of dying of heart disease by a third

The ringing sound I sometimes hear at night is the sign of an incoming Sleep Paralysis episode and is usually triggered by taking long daytime naps.

About the 1904 olympic marathon. The winner was 'doped' using brandy mixed with rat poison and also almost died. Someone hitched a ride and continued running when the car broke down. Someone was chased a mile off by dogs and someone ate some rotten apples and had to take a nap but finished 4th.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Taking Nap. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Taking Nap so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor