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Sybil Ludington facts

While investigating facts about Sybil Ludington Statue and Sybil Ludington Biography, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Sybil Ludington—a 16-year-old revolutionary who rode twice the distance Paul Revere did in 1777 to warn people of a British invasion. She navigated 40 miles of rainy terrain at night while avoiding British loyalists and ended up completing her mission before dawn the next day.

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In 1777 a girl named Sybil Ludington went on a night ride to warn American forces of the approaching British. She rode 40 miles - more than twice the distance of Paul Revere - from 9 p.m. to around dawn and was only 16 years old at that time.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did sybil ludington accomplish. Here are 24 of the best facts about Sybil Ludington Timeline and Sybil Ludington Pictures I managed to collect.

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  1. Sybil Ludington was a heroine of the American Revolutionary War, famous for her night ride on April 26, 1777 to alert American forces to the approach of the British, similar to the ride of Paul Revere. She rode more than twice the distance of Revere, alone, and was 16 years old at the time.

  2. Sybil Ludington lived to the age of 77, dying on February 26th, 1839.

  3. The town of Fredericksburg was renamed Ludingtonville in honor of Sybil Ludington and her heroic act.

  4. Sybil rode through Kent, Mahopac, and Stormville, through Putnam and Dutchess Counties, in the rain, for a total of 40 miles to gather additional troops.

  5. In 1811 Sybil Ludington moved with her son Henry, a lawyer, and his family, to Unadilla in Central New York.

  6. Though unsuccessful against the British at Danbury, the militia was able to cause them to retreat at the Battle of Ridgefield.

  7. When Sybil Ludington was 23 she married Edmond Ogden. They had only one child, a son named Henry.

  8. In 1799 Edmond Ogden died, and became an innkeeper.

  9. Sybil Ludington's famous night ride is mentioned in the book Colonel Henry Ludington: A Memoir, written by Willis Fletcher Johnson in 1907.

sybil ludington facts
What school did sybil ludington go to?

Why is sybil ludington famous?

You can easily fact check why is sybil ludington a hero by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sybil's name is found on historic documents as Sibbell, Sebal, Sibel, and Cybil.

Along Sybil's journey she used a stick to fight off anyone who tried to attack her.

Sybil Ludington is buried in Patterson, New York. She is in the same cemetery as her father Henry Ludington. Her gravestone is labeled 'sibbell".

When Sybil returned home there were approximately 400 troops that had gathered to fight against the British.

At one point during the night ride Sybil encountered a man who offered to ride with her, but she sent him elsewhere to warn the residents of Brewster.

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In 1975 Sybil Ludington was honored with a U.S. Postal stamp. She was the 35th woman to be honored in such a way.

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In 1777 Danbury, Connecticut, sixteen year old Sybil Ludington rode almost TWICE the distance of Paul Revere when she rode to warn colonial soldiers of a British attack.

Sybil's father learned, on April 26, 1777, when Sybil was only 16, that the British were attacking Danbury. In order to gather as many troops as possible, Sybil offered to make the night ride across the countryside to alert the militia that they needed additional forces.

Sybil Ludington's father Henry Ludington was a volunteer in the militia who went on to become an aide to General George Washington. He was also a community leader.

An opera, dramas, and even a marathon have been named in honor of Sybil Ludington.

Sybil Ludington became known as a female Paul Revere. There is no evidence to show that she was recognized during her lifetime for the now famous 40 mile night ride during the Revolutionary War.

How old was sybil ludington when she died?

A young woman named Sybil Ludington traveled more than twice the distance than Paul Revere during the American Revolution.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sybil Ludington. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sybil Ludington so important!

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