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Swiss Francs facts

While investigating facts about Swiss Francs To Pounds and Swiss Francs To Gbp, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After Swiss police accused Libyan leader Gaddafi's family of criminal activity in Switzerland, Gaddafi submitted a proposal to the U.N to abolish Switzerland and divide it between France, Germany and Italy.

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In 2012 Switzerland carried out a wargame based on the scenario that France had divided into multiple countries after a political and economic crisis. One country, "Saonia," hypothetically invaded Switzerland to retrieve stolen money stashed in Swiss banks.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the exchange rate for swiss francs to dollars. Here are 18 of the best facts about Swiss Francs To Dollars and Swiss Francs To Euro I managed to collect.

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  1. If the 2005 Tour De France championship had to be given to the fastest finisher not accused of doping, it would have to go to the guy who came in 23rd, Swiss Leonardo Piepoli.

  2. There is a hotel that sits right on the border of Switzerland and France. A set of stairs started in France and ended in Switzerland upstairs. The upper rooms were thus ideal as a hideout for French Resistance members during WWII as the Nazis weren't allowed to cross into the Swiss side.

  3. The Swiss Franc has 18 security features and is considered the most secure banknote in the world.

  4. In 2014, the Swiss Air Force did not respond to a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines flight headed towards Geneva International Airport because the incident was "outside normal office hours". Instead, they relied on Italy and France.

  5. Nostalgia was once called "Swiss illness" due to its occurrence in Swiss mercenaries who in the lowlands of France or Italy pined for their native mountain landscapes. Military physicians thought the cause was brain damage due to the constant clanging of cowbells in the pastures of Switzerland.

  6. Predating the Euro by over 130 years, The Latin Monetary Union standardized the value of member nations' currencies, pegging the Franc/Lira at .29 grams of gold. So for example an Italian 20-Lira coin had the same value as a Swiss, French or Belgian 20-Franc, which made commerce much easier.

  7. The Swiss franc is Liechtenstein's currency.

  8. The most expensive private school in the world is "Le Rosey" in Rolle, Switzerland and costs around 108'900 Swiss Francs ($115'000) a year in tuition fees

  9. Switzerland's monetary unit is the Swiss franc.

  10. Swiss car license plates are private property and plates with low numbers are sometimes sold at auctions for tens of thousands of Swiss Francs.

swiss francs facts
What is the exchange rate for swiss francs?

Why invest in swiss francs?

You can easily fact check why does switzerland use swiss francs by examining the linked well-known sources.

Due to budget constraints the Swiss Air Force only works a normal 5-day work week. They have an agreement with France and Italy that their Air Forces protect Swiss airspace on nights and weekends.

Charlie Chaplins corpse was once kidnapped in exchange of 600 000 swiss franc. - source

In 2015 the Swiss Army stole water via helicopters from France to help cows from dehydration. The fault was that the fact they did not ask the French local government. Instead they asked France's army. - source

You can pay 38 Swiss Francs for the privilege of knowing that middle A is 440 Hz

The British, Belgians, and Swiss tried to undermine Revolutionary France by industrially counterfeiting the French "Assignat," a form of currency. - source

When to buy swiss francs?

It takes almost ten times more space to store $1b in Dollar bills than in Swiss Francs.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Swiss Francs. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Swiss Francs so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor