Medical Expenses facts
While investigating facts about Medical Expenses Cra and Medical Expenses Deduction, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Stella Liebeck, the woman who was burnt by a McDonalds coffee, initially only requested $20,000 to cover her medical expenses. Mcdonalds offered her $800, which led to Liebeck taking them to court and winning $2.86 million
how to claim medical expenses?
Georgia Tann was a child trafficker who arranged expensive adoptions with the wealthy, including stars like Joan Crawford. She deceived birth parents by taking babies for medical care and later saying they died. The police did nothing because her victims were poor, and Tann died without justice.
What medical expenses are deductible?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what medical expenses are tax deductible 2019. Here are 28 of the best facts about Medical Expenses Deduction 2019 and Medical Expenses Tax Offset I managed to collect.
what medical expenses are tax deductible?
Nicholas Culpeper, a 17th century physician married to wealthy heiress, enabling him to provide services free of charge while translating Latin medical text into English then sold them very cheaply for the poor who can't afford expensive physicians
A 2013 study found that about 25% of all senior citizens in the United States declare bankruptcy due to medical expenses, and 43% are forced to mortgage or sell their primary residence.
Stella Lieback, the woman who sued McDonald's over split hot coffee was 79 at the time, suffered 3rd degree burns and spent over a week in the hospital requiring skin grafts and other treatments. She only sued McDonalds so they could cover all medical expenses, they offered a paltry $800.
Chuck Schuldiner, considered the 'Godfather of Death Metal' died in 2001 at the age of 34 due to complications with cancer. The cancer was entirely treatable, but the medical cost was too expensive for him and his family.
A victim of the Aurora shooting (at the Dark Knight Rises Premier) didn't have insurance and woke up with 2 million dollars in medical expenses.
In 1994, Stella Liebeck sued McDonald's after spilling hot coffee in her lap, leaving her with third degree burns. Liebeck initially sued for $20,000 to cover her medical and living expenses, but the jury ultimately awarded her $160,000 plus an extra $640,000 for punitive damages.
Ancient Romans used cloves in culinary and medical purposes. Cloves were one of the most important and one of the most expensive spices during the Middle Ages in Europe.
People who declare bankruptcy are not necessarily "deadbeats". They may find themselves unable to pay their debts because of illness, unplanned medical expenses, divorce, death, job loss, or disability - reasons that were not planned.
Nellie Kershaw death due to pulmonary asbestosis was the first such case to be described in medical literature. Her employers, Turner Brothers Asbestos, accepted no liability, paid no money to her family and refused to contribute towards funeral expenses as it would admit to responsibility
A group of Americans learned that there was a homeless and paralyzed dog in Mexico, traveled across the boarder, and brought the dog to the United States where he gets a free state of the art wheelchair, the most expensive medical treatments, and round the clock care.
Medical Expenses data charts
For your convenience take a look at Medical Expenses figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't i deduct medical expenses?
You can easily fact check why do i need to claim medical expenses on taxes by examining the linked well-known sources.
About the Crash-Landrum incident, a reported UFO sighting in Texas. It's one of the few instances where the witness sued the government for more information and medical expenses as a result of their encounter
By law, former presidents are entitled to a pension of $203,700 per year, staff and office expenses of $96,000, medical care or health insurance, and Secret Service protection for life. - source
Japanese people who were victims of the atomic bomb are labeled Hibakushas (or "explosion affected people). They receive free medical care at the government's expense and many receive pensions. - source
If you have a medical condition that doctors say can be improved by swimming, you can deduct your pool expenses from your taxes
Sitting close to TV won't damages your eyes, the Myth started in the 1960s when some color TVs emitted a big amount radiation, General Electric emitted 10-100,000 times the safe level. The recall was expensive, so this Medical Myth was a cheaper alternative, eventually were forced to recall them - source
When medical expenses are tax deductible?
While smoking increases year-to-year medical expenses, it actually decreases lifetime medical expenses.
How much medical expenses are deductible 2019?
Bryan Stow, the man severely beaten outside of Dodger Stadium, is being sued for 3.4mil by his insurer to repay his medical expenses
Most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, not enough for a major medical, auto, or home, expense
The inventors of insulin synthesis sold the patent for $1, as they wanted everyone who needed their medication to be able to afford it. However, the price is now so expensive that as many as one in four people with diabetes are skimping on or skipping lifesaving doses.
If I'm Entitled To Recover Medical Expenses But My Insurance Paid Less Than My Bills, What Do I Do?
Although Béla Bartók was not a member of ASCAP, the organization paid for all his medical expenses in the last two years of his life.