Sunny Philadelphia facts
While investigating facts about Sunny Philadelphia Cast and Sunny Philadelphia Season 14, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Kristen Wiig was almost Sweet Dee on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Kaitlin Olson and Wiig were neck-and-neck for the part, with the role ultimately going to Olson. Kristen Wiig joined SNL later that same year.
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Rob McElhenney of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gained 60 lbs for season 7 because he "thought it would be funny"
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is it's always sunny in philadelphia about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Sunny Philadelphia Meme and Sunny Philadelphia Season 13 I managed to collect.
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Charlie Day has worn the same pair of sneakers for every episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
Rob McElhenney from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" willingly gained 50 pounds in preparation for Season 7 of the show. He consumed 5000 calories per day, and only stopped when his doctor said that his lifestyle was putting too much stress on his heart.
The Nightman Cometh," the musical Charlie writes in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, was adapted into a live-action performance for two nights at the Troubadour theater in 2009. It starred the original cast and began with title cards reading "7:15, On a Friday, Philadelphia PA."
Rob McElhenney who plays the homophobic character Mac on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was raised by a lesbian couple
The pilot episode of "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" was made with only $200. And that was just for the 2 cameras and some tape.
Guillermo del Toro plays Pappy McPoyle in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Glenn Howerton, of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, was born in Japan, is the son of a decorated fighter pilot, is fluent in Mandarin, Korean, French, Spanish and can speak some German and Farsi, and considered studying Aerospace Engineering at Auburn before pursuing acting
The main cast of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" created the pilot of the show themselves, for under $200 before it was picked up by FX.
Rob and Kaitlin McElhenney (Mac and Dee) from Always Sunny In Philadelphia actually own a bar in Philadelphia called Mac's Tavern
There is an official Russian spinoff of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" called "It's Always Sunny in Moscow" that focuses on the owners of a Moscow bar named Philadelphia.
Sunny Philadelphia data charts
For your convenience take a look at Sunny Philadelphia figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is danny devito in it always sunny in philadelphia by examining the linked well-known sources.
The producers of Game of Thrones wrote an episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia "Flowers for Charlie"
There is a Russian adaptation of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, titled It's Always Sunny in Moscow where a group of friends own a bar in Moscow called Philadelphia - source
Glenn Howerton from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was born in Japan, and grew up in London and South Korea - source
There's an official "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' remake in Russia called "It's Always Sunny in Moscow"
There is a Russian version of It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia called В Москве всегда солнечно, or "It's Always Sunny in Moscow." It is about four friends that own a bar called "Philadelphia." - source
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Danny DeVito joined Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia to help boost ratings after the 1st season failed to attract a large audience
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Rob McElhenney of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" originally wanted the entire cast to get fat for a single season. When nobody else agreed, McElhenney decided to do it on his own - gaining 1/3 of his body weight and then losing it again just for a season.
The cast and crew of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia had no idea that they'd been nominated for a People's Choice Award until after they'd won it.
Rob McElhenney (Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) intentionally got fatter as the show progressed as a way of fighting the trend of actors on TV shows getting more attractive over time
Although Rob McElhenney's character in ''It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia'' is very homophobic, Rob was raised by a lesbian couple
Green Man from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is based on a true story. Show creator Rob McElhenney attended an Eagles game with a friend, who after they won, changed into a full-body green lycra suit, and yelled, "I'm the Green Man!"
Sunny philadelphia infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Sunny Philadelphia numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Starting day of each Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode.