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Sued Plagiarizing facts

While investigating facts about Sued For Plagiarizing Himself and , I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1993 Creedence Clearwater Revival's record label sued former lead singer John Fogerty because his song "The Old Man Down the Road" sounded similar to "Run Through the Jungle." Although Fogerty was awarded attorney fees, the judge found that "an artist can't plagiarize himself."

how to not get sued for libel?

When Margaret Keane sued her ex-husband, Walter Keane for plagiarizing, The judge asked both of them to paint a painting in front of the courtroom. Walter declined, saying he had a sore shoulder, whereas Margerat completed her painting in 53 minutes.

What are the consequences of being sued for libel?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 26 of the best facts about Sued Plagiarizing I managed to collect.

what is being sued for libel?

  1. Roger Waters believes the song "The Phantom of the Opera" is plagiarized from Pink Floyd's "Echoes," but that "life's too long to bother with suing Andrew fucking Lloyd Webber."

  2. A man named Jack Ass sued MTV for $10 million, claiming the series Jackass was plagiarizing his name. Jack Ass, formerly known as Bob Craft, changed his name in 1997 to raise awareness for drunk driving, after his brother and friend were killed in a vehicle accident.

  3. The Ghostbusters theme, having earned ~$20 Million, caused a series of lawsuits. Parker was sued for plagiarism by Huey Lewis, Lewis by Parker for breaching confidentiality, and Sony by Parker for not paying royalties. Ultimately, it was revealed that neither were the original songwriters.

  4. The Hollies successfully sued Radiohead for plagiarism after extraordinary similarities between "The Air That I Breathe" and "Creep" were identified.

  5. John Fogerty (Frontman of CCR) is the only artist to be sued for plagiarizing himself.

  6. In 2002, a man named Jack Ass sued MTV for $10 million, claiming that the show "Jackass" was plagiarizing his name.

  7. Charlie Chaplin was sued for plagiarism in "The Great Dictator" by his half brother. Charlie lost the suit and paid $95K in damages.

  8. A man named Jack Ass sued MTV's show Jackass for Plagiarizing his name for $10 million

  9. Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman John Fogerty was sued by former label Fantasy Records for plagiarizing his own song.

  10. George Harrison of the Beatles plagiarized an entire song unknowingly and got sued for it.

sued plagiarizing facts
What are the best facts about Sued Plagiarizing?

What is true about sued plagiarizing?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

James Cameron was sued by writer Harlan Ellison, for plagiarizing two of Ellison's episodes, of the TV show The Outer Limits. The movie Cameron made based on those shows...The Terminator.

A musician named Mike Batt, who released a song accurately titled "One Minute of Silence", got sued by the estate of John Cage for plagiarism. Cage was the composer of 4'33" which is a musical composition consisting of 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. The case was settled out of court. - source

In 2003, Blair Hornstine sued her school to prevent the naming of co-valedictorians. Her lawsuit sought $2.7 million from the very school district that allowed her to be home-schooled due to her disability. She was later exposed for plagiarism and her Harvard admission was rescinded. - source

In 2010, Larrikin Music sued 'Men at Work' for the song 'Land Down Under'. Claiming that they had stolen the tune from the Australian nursery rhyme 'Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree' and had to pay 5% of the royalties earned (up until 2002) to him for plagiarism.

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In 2006, Tom Petty was told that the song "Dani California" sounded a lot like one of his. He said “a lot of rock & roll songs sound alike... I don't believe in lawsuits much." Eight years later, he successfully sued for plagiarism over the song "Stay With Me."

How much can you be sued for libel?

Huey Lewis sued Ray Parker Jr. for plagiarism vs. his song "I want a new drug" when "Ghostbusters" came out.

Vanilla Ice bought the rights to “Under Pressure” to avoid being sued for plagiarizing in his song “Ice Ice Baby.”

The 1992 Radiohead song "Creep" used a similar chord progression as "The Air That I Breathe". As a result, the Hollies sued Radiohead for plagiarism and won.

When James Cameron was sued for allegedly plagiarizing the idea for his film 'Avatar,' his legal defense was that he stole the idea from another film:Dances with Wolves. Coincidentally, the exact same defense was used a year before when Edward Zwick was sued for his film 'The Last Samurai.'

Interesting facts about sued plagiarizing

John Fogerty's "The Old Man Down the Road" sounded so much like Creedence Clearwater Revival that his former record label sued him for plagiarizing himself.

Damien Hirst was sued for plagiarism by the artist who vandalized his piece after Hirst featured it in a pop-up book.

When Taylor Swift was sued for plagiarizing Shake It Off, the court's dismissal was written using lyrics from Swift's songs, such as "..the Complaint has a blank space.."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sued Plagiarizing. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sued Plagiarizing so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor