Successful Coup facts
While investigating facts about Successful Coup D'etat and Successful Couples, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Sam Zemurray who started a highly profitable banana company by buying cheap leftover bananas from Honduras. After tax free deals were threatened by collectors in the US, he planned and executed a successful coup of the Honduran government and saved his company.
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Cixi, one of numerous concubines in the court of Emperor Xianfeng, launched a successful coup after his death to unofficially control the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Despite facing many obstacles, Empress Dowager Cixi brought a medieval empire into the modern age, ruling China for almost 50 years.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the key to a successful life couplets. Here are 15 of the best facts about Successful Coups and Successful Couple Quotes I managed to collect.
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Since 1932 Thailand has had 19 coups attempts, 12 of them successful.
Liberia was a founding member of the UN and a successful African nation...until 1980 when a USA-backed coup assassinated the President, and executed the entire government. Liberia collapsed into a civil war and never recovered.
Since 1932, Thailand has had 19 coups d'état and 12 of them are successful.
From 1814 to 1985 There Have Been 32 (Successful & Unsuccessful) Coups d'etat in Spain
The Wilmington Insurrection; the only successful Coup to have ever taken place on American soil.
In 1953 the UK, with the help of USA, successfully instigated and organised a coup d'état against the democratically elected government in Iran to protect their economic interests in the Oil industry.
King Michael of Romania, notable for helping launch a successful coup against pro-Nazi Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu back in 1944, is still alive today and is currently in his early 90s.
Current Nigerian President, General Muhammadu Buhari, was the former Head of State of Nigeria after a successful coup d'etat in 1983, but was deposed in another coup d'etat less than two years later.
The CIA operative most responsible for the success of the 1953 Iranian coup was Teddy Roosevelt's grandson, Kermit.
When his plane was being shot at during a coup attempt in 1972, King Hassan II of Morocco grabbed the radio himself and told the rebel pilots, "Stop firing! Your tyrant is dead!" Believing that their mission had been successful, the rebel pilots broke off their attack.
Successful Coup data charts
For your convenience take a look at Successful Coup figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about successful coup?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
About the little-known Wilmington Insurrection of 1989, the only successful coup in US history.
Chile witnessed 11 coups d'état in 1930s, three of them were successful. - source
The Republic of Upper Volta existed between 1960 and 1984. The name was changed to Burkina Faso after a successful coup in 1983. - source