Attempted Coup facts
While investigating facts about Attempted Coup In Venezuela and Attempted Coup In Ghana, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During a coup attempt in 1972, four Moroccan pilots intercepted a Boeing 727 carrying the Moroccan King and fired on it. The King (himself a pilot), grabbed the radio and told the rebel pilots, "Stop firing! The tyrant is dead!" Fooled, the rebels broke off their attack and the coup failed.
how long did the attempted coup last?
While the Roman senate was debating about possible conspirators of an attempted coup, Julius Cesar received a note. Cato, who opposed to Julius Cesar accused him of corresponding with the conspirators and demanded the letter to be read aloud. The note was a love letter from Cato's sister.
What happened after the attempted soviet coup in 1991?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does attempted coup mean. Here are 40 of the best facts about Attempted Coup In Ethiopia and Attempted Coup Turkey I managed to collect.
what is an attempted coup?
There was an attempted coup d'état in Japan the night before they surrendered to allies during WWII, in an attempt to stop the surrender and continue fighting.
The original plan for the May 15 Incident, an attempted coup d'état in Japan in 1932, was to assassinate Charlie Chaplin to facilitate war with the US. When the prime minister was killed, Chaplin was with the prime minister's son watching a sumo wrestling match, which saved their lives.
In 1933, US Steel, Remington Arms, J.P. Morgan, and Standard Oil joined the DuPont family in an attempt to overthrow FDR with a fascist military coup called the "Business Plot"
Since 1932 Thailand has had 19 coups attempts, 12 of them successful.
The German "day of fate". The proclamation of the Weimar Republic, Hitler's first coup attempt (Beer Hall Putsch), the Reichskristallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass") and the fall of the Berlin wall all happened on November 9th.
Operation PBFORTUNE, organized by the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz, was terminated when the coup attempt became too widely known
Even after the U.S. dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many in the Japanese military had no intention of surrendering, and even went so far as to attempt a coup to prevent Emperor Hirohito from issuing the surrender order.
About Yukio Mishima a famous Japanese author, poet, playwright, actor, film director turned ultranationalist who attempted a coup d'etat by storming a JSDF headquarters and trying to rally the soldiers to help him restore power to the emperor
Hardliners in the Soviet government and military upset with Perestroika and Glasnost nearly removed Gorbachev in an attempted coup in August 1991.
Attempted Coup data charts
For your convenience take a look at Attempted Coup figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about attempted coup?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first President of Cyprus was an Archbishop with the name of Makarios III who survived four assassination attempts, one coup d'état and an invasion by Turkey
About the "Seychelles affair" of 1981, a failed coup d'etat attempt by South African mercenaries in the tiny island country. Most of the perpetrators escaped by hijacking an Air India flight to Mumbai. - source
During a 1985 coup attempt, Liberian leader General Quiwonkpa “was divided into pieces and the pieces were paraded around town, and then, in order to assume the strength of this bold pretender and in front of reliable witnesses, [rival Samuel] Doe's men ate him.” - source
Charlie Chaplin was a target in an attempted Japanese coup d'état that killed the Prime Minister. He was saved by leaving to watch Sumo wrestling.
When was the attempted coup in turkey?
There was an unsuccessful fascist coup attempt in Italy in 1970
The 1893 coup that overthrew Liliuokalani and the monarchy began when she attempted to rewrite the constitution to favor the monarchy and ethnic Hawaiians.
About Relcom, the first Soviet ISP who, during the attempted Communist Party coup of August 1991, provided the only reliable communications avenue to the world via Usenet after the Communists had captured the television and radio stations. Boris Yeltsin credits them for defeating the Communists.
Hitler attempted a coup called The Beer Hall Putsch on 8–9 November 1923. He used the prison time to write Mein Kampf and figure out how to gain power once his prison sentence for treason ended.
Japanese Author Yukio Mishima, who commited seppuku after a failed coup attempt in 1970.
In 2008 there was a attempted peaceful coup d'état in Hawaii