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Stomach Cramps facts

While investigating facts about Stomach Cramps And Diarrhea and Stomach Cramps After Eating, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Joseph Grimaldi, the first modern clown (to perform in white facepaint), was a depressed alcoholic who attempted suicide by poison but only gave himself stomach cramps

how to get rid of stomach cramps?

Félix Carbajal, a Cuban Olympic marathon runner in 1904, who ran in cut-off trousers, a long-sleeve shirt and a beret. He stopped to eat some apples, got stomach cramps, had a nap, then kept running, to place fourth. The winner, Thomas Hicks, used brandy and rat poison to assist his victory.

What's stomach cramps?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what stomach cramps are normal during pregnancy. Here are 12 of the best facts about Stomach Cramps Treatment and Stomach Cramps And Gas I managed to collect.

why stomach cramps at night?

  1. Infusion of bark of cucumbertree can be used in treatment of stomach aches and cramps. It also has laxative (facilitate emptying of bowels) and tonic (invigorating) properties. Bark of cucumbertree also has ability to reduce craving for tobacco.

  2. Cattail can be used in medical purposes also. Fluff from the seed heads can be used in treatment of sores and burns on the skin, while rhizome accelerates healing of the wounds. Roots and leaves can be used in treatment of stomach cramps.

  3. Basil is used in folk medicine (usually in the form of tea) for treatment of constipation, flatulence, stomach cramps, anxiety, and depression.

  4. Bark and leaves of madrone tree can be used in treatment of common cold and sore throat. Leaves are useful in treatment of stomach cramps and skin sores.

  5. Additional allergic reactions that can occur include runny nose, shortness of breath and/or wheezing, stomach cramps, fainting, lightheadedness, trouble swallowing because of swelling of the tongue and/or throat, and rashes.

  6. Stem, leaves and flowers can be used in treatment of congestion and sore throat. Root facilitates removal of the excess water from the body. Leaves and flowers can be used in treatment of anxiety and to alleviate stomach cramps.

  7. The need to wait 30 minutes after eating before going swimming is a myth. There is little chance of developing a cramp, let alone drowning. Like any exercise though, doing it on a full stomach might be uncomfortable.

  8. 46% Mexicans and 15% Americans suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a disorder that causes abdominal pain, stomach cramps and change in bowel movements. Causes of IBS are still unknown, it has no specific diagnosis test, it is often misdiagnosed and it has no cure.

  9. The Amblyomma americanum (Lone Star tick) can make you allergic to red meat if bitten by one. Causing itching, stomach cramps and breathing difficulties after meat is consumed.

  10. 26% of men also experience Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with exactly same symptoms as a woman does including stomach cramps

stomach cramps facts
What causes stomach cramps?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Stomach Cramps. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Stomach Cramps so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor