Food Poisoning facts
While investigating facts about Food Poisoning Treatment and Food Poisoning Fever, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The philosopher Kurt Gödel starved to death whilst his wife was in hospital because he had an obsessive fear of being poisoned and would only eat food that she cooked
how food poisoning happens?
The Rajneeshee bioterror attack, in 1984 a cult sprayed salmonella on doorknobs and food in a town in Oregon to poison people so they would be too sick to vote and the cult could take over the town. It was the largest biological attack in U.S. history
What's food poisoning like?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what food poisoning do i have. Here are 50 of the best facts about Food Poisoning Timeline and Food Poisoning While Pregnant I managed to collect.
what's food poisoning?
From 1902-1907, a group of 12 scientists regularly ate dangerous, common food additives that had previously been untested, such as formaldehyde, and documented how they reacted to said additives. They were known as "The Poison Squad," and helped spur the creation of the FDA.
When roach poisons claim to kill the whole nest, it's not because roaches share food with others. Roaches are cannibals and a single dose of poison can often be eaten many times and still be deadly.
In 1981, a 27 year old James Cameron was working as a director on Pirhana II, when he was fired for failing to get a close-up of the lead actress. He then got food poisoning and during his illness had a nightmare about a robot sent from the future to kill him - the idea for The Terminator
Most airlines have a rule stating that pilots and copilots cannot eat the same meal to avoid food poisoning.
Pilots eat different meals to avoid food poisoning
We evolved to like spices because they have antimicrobial properties, thus, reducing food poisoning, especially in hot climates
In the early 1900s, a group of U.S. government scientists started a private dinner club, in which they only ate poisonous food. They documented their illnesses in order to convince Congress to pass food safety laws. They were called "The Poison Squad."
From the 1500’s - 1800’s tomatoes were usually only consumed by the poor because they were considered poisonous to the rich. The high lead content of pewter silverware and plates would leech into high acidic foods when eaten causing poisoning and death.
Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel had an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would only eat food that his wife prepared for him. When she had to be hospitalized for six months in 1977, he refused to eat at all and died weighing 65 pounds.
Ruby Bridges, the first black child to attend a white school in the south, attended class by herself because parents of white students would not let them learn with her, and she ate only food she brought from home because a woman repeatedly threatened to poison her
Food Poisoning data charts
For your convenience take a look at Food Poisoning figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why has reported food poisoning increased?
You can easily fact check why does food poisoning cause diarrhea by examining the linked well-known sources.
When poisonous frogs are fed zoo diets they no longer become poisonous. The wide variety of food in the wild supplies them with the chemicals for making poison.
During the filming of the Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah Hill took revenge on Leonardo DiCaprio by giving him food poisoning. By improvising a line, Hill made DiCaprio eat the last piece of raw yellowtail sushi. DiCaprio had to repeat this 70 times. Only Hill and Martin Scorsese found it funny. - source
James Cameron was stricken with food poisoning and during his illness, Cameron had a nightmare about an invincible robot hitman sent from the future to kill him, giving him the idea for The Terminator, which later catapulted his film career. - source
A Chinese dog named Saihu, who ate food and died to demonstrate it was poisoned after trying to warn people by barking at the chef. She was buried in a human graveyard with a memorial statue.
Many restaurant food poisonings occur due to uncleaned ice machines, not actual food - source
When food poisoning symptoms?
The pilot and co-pilot of a flight never eat the same meals incase one causes food poisoning
How food poisoning can be prevented?
A Chinese restaurant owner confessed to poisoning a competitor's food killing 42 people in 2002.
The Austrian mathematician Kurt Godel had an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would only eat food prepared by his wife. When she had to be hospitalized in 1977, he refused to eat at all and died weighing 65 pounds
Vultures have stomach acid 10x stronger than ours to they don't get food poisoning.
Food Served at the 2014 National Food Safety Conference caused over 100 Suspected Cases of Food Poisoning
The CDC did a study and found that you could track food poisoning outbreaks simply by searching for words like “sick,” “vomit,” “diarrhea” or “food poisoning” in Yelp reviews