Spelled Backwards facts
While investigating facts about Spelled Backwards Meme and Spelled Backwards Words, I found out little known, but curios details like:
If you take all the letters from the word "wizard" and swap them with opposite letters (a->z, b->y), it spells wizard backwards.
sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes?
Knit spelled backwards is tink. In the knitting community to ‘tink’ is to knit backwards stitch by stitch. To go back a whole row is to ‘rip it’ and to rip the entire work (rip it rip it) is ‘frogging.’
What spelled backwards is the same?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's spelled backwards. Here are 33 of the best facts about Spelled Backwards And Forwards and Spelled Backwards Is Nirget I managed to collect.
what spelled backwards is the same word?
While a palindrome reads the same way backwards or forwards (otto, kayak), a semordnilap (itself a semordnilap of “palindromes”) makes a completely different word when spelled backwards.
Steve Wozniak was so good at Tetris that Nintendo Power stopped accepting his high scores, so he submitted them with his name spelled backwards
There is an English sentence that, when spelled backwards, has the same meaning in Latin.
Prime spelled backwards, emirp, is a special subclass of prime numbers where writing the number backwards still gives you a prime. (e.g. 31)
There are a subsection of Palindromes called Semordnilaps which are words which spell a different one backwards, for example desserts/stressed
Nelle (Harper Lee's first name), is her grandmother's name Ellen, spelled backwards.
Levan, Utah is located in the middle of Utah, and is actually "Navel" spelled backwards because of this.
In the SNES game Mario Paint, clicking on the R letter on the title letters that spell MARIO PAINT will play what sounds like a baby laughing. If the sample is played backwards and slowed down by 50%, it is revealed to say "Nintendo!"
In the DC Comics, Bizarro has his own home world called Htrae (Earth spelled backwards), Which has a, quite literally, "Bizarro-Bizarro Superman" called Zibarro. who is closer to a normal Superman than a Bizarro version.
Lithuanian skateboarder Natas Kaupas had his merchandise banned from schools and stores in America because his name spelled backwards is "Satan"
Why is dog spelled backwards god?
You can easily fact check why is ambulance spelled backwards on the vehicle by examining the linked well-known sources.
Tesla wanted their car models to spell S-E-X-Y. Ford blocked Tesla from using "Model E", so Tesla used Model 3 instead, with the 3 representing a backwards E.
Yen Sid from Disney's Fantasia is just Disney spelled backwards. - source
During the Cuban missile crisis the code name for a secretly planned US invasion of Cuba was 'Operation Ortsac'. Noteworthy is that the invasion could very well have resulted in nuclear war and that the name simply is Castro spelled backwards. - source
"semordnilap" is a name coined for words that spell different words in reverse. "Semordnilap" is palindromes spelled backward.
Semordnilap (palindromes spelled backward) is a name coined for words that spell a different word in reverse. - source
Words that when spelled backwards are the same?
Oprah Winfrey's production company is her name spelled backwards - HARPO.
How many words are spelled the same backwards?
Exotica singer Yma Sumac's voice spanned 5 octaves (from baritone to above soprano); and that the fact that her name backwards spells Amy Camus is just a coincidence.
"dog food lid" spelled backwards is "dildo of god."
In 1933, After banning and burning Remarque's works, Nazis made propaganda materials claiming that his real name was Kramer (original name spelled backwards) as of a French Jews descendant. The information is still listed in some biographies.
The rap duo Rae Sremmurd got their name from Mike Will Made It's record label 'Ear Drummers', which they spelled backwards.
The name Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards) was the third most popular name for black girls born in New York City in 2010 and the third most popular name given to girls born in 2010 in New Mexico.