Spell Sex facts
While investigating facts about Spell Sexest and Spell Sexist, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Elon Musk wanted Tesla's Model lineup to spell SEX: Model S, Model E, Model X. However, Ford owns the term Model E, so Tesla opted for Model 3 to spell S3X
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Tesla Motors wanted to name their 2017 car the "Model E", so they could spell " SEX" with their three car models. Ford Motors threatened legal action, so they changed it to "Model 3", to spell " S3X".
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does dry spell mean sexually. Here are 7 of the best facts about Spell Sexualizing and Spell Sextants I managed to collect.
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Apparently Elon Musk wanted his model 3 to be named the model e, so that he would have a model s, e, and x, which would spell out "sex," but Ford has a model e so he made it model 3. At least "s3x" kind if works.
Elon Musk named his first cars Model S, X, and 3. He picked S because it stood for "sedan" and after the Model X wanted to name the third car the "Model E" because it would spell sex. Ford threatened to sue so he named it the Model 3- S3X. The Tesla "semi" plus s, x, 3, and y is "SEMI-S3XY"
Roman women used to commission same-sex love spells to lure each other into the bath house.
Musk wanted the three Tesla models to spell SEX, but settled with "S3X" after a trademark issue with ford
Musk wanted the first three Tesla models to spell "SEX", but Ford owns the trademark to "Model E", so settled for "S3XY" by making the Model Y