Foreign Languages facts
While investigating facts about Foreign Languages List and Foreign Languages In Demand, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A major reason why native English speakers have issues understanding German humour, is that the German language is way too precise to allow for the humorous confusions found in English. Also, German humour is usually delivered with a deadpan, which makes foreigners think they're being serious.
how foreign languages sound to non speakers?
Pol Pot killed people who had glasses or if they spoke foreign language, just because he thought they were smart.
What foreign languages are taught in uk schools?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what foreign languages are in demand. Here are 50 of the best facts about Foreign Languages Press and Foreign Languages Institute Hyderabad Telangana I managed to collect.
what foreign languages are taught in us schools?
Only 20% of USA kids learns a foreign language relative to 92% of European kids
The Greeks often described foreign languages as sounding like "bar bar bar." Anyone who spoke a foreign language was called a Barbarian.
Drinking alcohol DOES improve your ability to speak a foreign language.
Babies learn a language by hearing it, but they must hear it spoken directly to them in person by another human being; as little as 12 hours with a human tutor produces dramatic results in babies, compared to no results even after many more hours of exposure to foreign language TV shows.
The easiest languages to learn for English speakers are Afrikaans, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese & Romanian. This is based on the amount of time it takes for the US Foreign Service to train their diplomats before entering service abroad.
When learning new phrases in a foreign language, hearing those phrases sung and then singing them has been shown to lead to better results than hearing them spoken normally and then repeating them the same way.
Many individual states have laws recognizing American Sign Language as a "foreign language". A number of U.S. universities even accept ASL credit to fulfill foreign language requirements
India's former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao spoke 17 languages - 8 foreign languages (English, French, Arabic, Spanish, German, Greek, Latin and Persian) and 9 Indian languages (Telugu, Hindi, Oriya, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Sanskrit, Tamil and Urdu)
Häagen Dazs doesn't mean anything in any language, the creator just wanted the name to sound like something foreign
The last US President to speak a foreign language fluently was FDR
Foreign Languages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Foreign Languages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why foreign languages should be taught in schools?
You can easily fact check why foreign languages should not be required by examining the linked well-known sources.
Directors of the Crank movies let their Asian actors say whatever they wanted in their foreign language and was then later subtitled. Asian viewers then questioned why the dialogue being spoken by the characters didn't match the subtitles.
German was the most-studied foreign language in the U.S. in the years before and even during World War I. About a quarter of high schoolers studied it right before the U.S. entered the war, but only about 1% of high schools still taught it after the war. - source
The phrase "It's Greek to me" has analogues in many languages. In Greek, the foreign language in the saying is Turkish or Chinese. In Turkish, it's French or Arabic. In French and Arabic, it's Chinese. In Chinese, it's "ghost script," "bird sounds," or "chicken intestines." - source
The word barbarian is an onomonopeic word from the ancient Greeks who thought foreign languages sounded like people saying, "bar bar bar", just as English speakers today would say, "It all sounds Greek to me".
In foreign versions of "The Shining", the phrase "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" was replaced with idioms common to each different language, such as "The morning has gold in its mouth" or "One 'here you go' is worth more than two 'you'll have it'" - source
When did schools start teaching foreign languages?
Language learners who watch shows with subtitles in their foreign language, learn the language better than those who watch them without subtitles, or with subtitles in their native language.
How many foreign languages are required for college?
A Swiss study found that you can learn new information -- including foreign language vocabulary -- in your sleep
The word "barbarian" was founded by Greeks to describe those that spoke a foreign language. Greeks would hear meaningless "bar-bar"ing.
During the recording of "Mork & Mindy" Robin Williams used to tell dirty jokes in foreign languages, to see what he could slip past the censors
Despite its all dialogues being in a modern approximation of the ancient language Apocalypto has been nominated for Golden Globes as a Best Foreign Language film. In fact Mel Gibson used Yucatec Maya language during the film.
The Foreign Accent Syndrome. It is a rare side effect of brain trauma. It causes patients speak their native language in a foreign dialect.
Foreign languages infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Foreign Languages numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.