North Carolina facts
While investigating facts about North Carolina Map and North Carolina Basketball, I found out little known, but curios details like:
"on January 13, 1958, Klansmen burned a cross on the lawn of a Lumbee American Indian woman in the town of St. Pauls, North Carolina as "a warning" because she was dating a white man." At their next rally, a group of 500 armed Lumbee encircled the klansmen and opened fire.
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The city of Whynot, North Carolina has it's name because as residents were arguing over a name for the city, some bloke stood up and said "Why not name the town Why Not and let's go home?" And so they did.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering who is the basketball coach at north carolina. Here are 50 of the best facts about North Carolina Lottery and North Carolina Dmv I managed to collect.
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Growing up in rural North Carolina, Richard “Old Man” Harrison of Pawn Stars fame became a school bus driver at the age of 14, parking it at his house every night and picking up children in the morning. He also earned his nickname of “Old Man” at the age of 38
In 2012 a scientific study predicted a 39 inch rise in sea level along the North Carolina coast over the next century. In response, North Carolina lawmakers passed a law banning the use of scientific predictions of sea level rise when considering new developments along the coast.
Bea Arthur from the TV Show "Golden Girls" was a Marine truck driver in WW2 serving in Marine Corps and Navy air stations in Virginia and North Carolina reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Venus Flytraps are native to with an approximate 100mi circle around Wilmington, North Carolina -- not the Amazon or some other jungle.
North Carolina's copy of the Bill of Rights, stolen by a Union soldier in 1865, was recovered by an FBI sting operation in 2003
A North Carolina man owns the only known recording of Super Bowl I, as CBS and NBC didn't save it. The NFL countered his $1 million offer for the taping with $30,000, then later refused to buy it at all, yet warned him he'll face legal action if he sells it to anyone else.
The Venus Fly Trap is only native to one area in the world: Wilmington, North Carolina.
North Carolina does not require mandatory rest breaks or meal breaks for employees 16 years of age or older. Companies can force employees to work 8 hour days with no breaks and it's not against the law.
A server at the University of North Carolina was physically lost for 4 years (although online) until they physically traced the cables and discovered it had been walled off.
In the theatrical release of Bruce Almighty, God pages Bruce using a real phone number. The owners of the number (which included a church in North Carolina) got hundreds of phone calls from people wanting to talk to God. The TV/video versions were edited to show the fictional 555 exchange.
North Carolina data charts
For your convenience take a look at North Carolina figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why north carolina tar heels by examining the linked well-known sources.
A deaf 45 year old North Carolina man was repeatedly stabbed after he was walking down the street, signing to his friend and a gang member mistook their signing conversation for gang signs.
Irene Triplett, an 84-year-old woman in North Carolina, still collects a monthly Civil War pension of $73.13 from the Department of Veterans Affairs. She is the last child of any Civil War veteran still on the VA benefits rolls. - source
In 2015 a 16 year old boy in North Carolina was charged with possession of child pornography for having taken explicit pictures of himself. - source
North Carolina's Lumbee Indians learned that the KKK were holding a rally against them nearby. The Native Lumbees attacked at night, outnumbering the Klansman 5:1, and drove them off.
Venus flytraps are native to North and South Carolina, not tropical rainforests. - source
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Michael Jordan was once asked why he wouldn't endorse black democratic candidate Harvey Gantt in a North Carolina senate race, to which Michael Jordan responded, "Republicans buy shoes too".
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A North Carolina man who saw an SUV flip and roll on a highway, with no prior medical training, was able to provide medical aid to the victims with skills he learned from the video game *America’s Army*.
In 2007, a woman delivered twins in North Carolina. One was born at 1:32 a.m. and the second came 34 minutes later, but because the clocks switched back an hour, the second baby was technically born at 1:06 a.m.
North Carolina performed forced sterilizations well into 1970s to combat poverty and welfare costs. If their board deamed you mentally defective, that was their solution.
Up until 1977 an IQ of 70 or lower meant that sterilization was appropriate in North Carolina
In 1947, James Hanes, the hosiery magnate who started the Hanes brand, helped found the Human Betterment League of North Carolina, driving the eugenics movement in North Carolina, which sterilized 7,600 people who were deemed unworthy of having children.
North carolina infographics
Beautiful visual representation of North Carolina numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

North Carolina redistricted, based on population