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Sounding Names facts

While investigating facts about Dark Sounding Names and Evil Sounding Names, I found out little known, but curios details like:

While rendering Toy Story, Pixar named each and every rendering server after an animal. When a server completed rendering a frame, it would play the sound of the animal, so their server farm will sound like an actual farm.

how sound barrier is broken?

The original voice for Siri was a woman named Susan Bennett. She was paid hourly to record nonsense phrases for a third party company, and only later learned that she had provided Apple with "all of the sounds of the English language", which they could then formed into any response.

What are rich sounding names?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cool Sounding Names and Funny Sounding Names I managed to collect.

what are black sounding names?

  1. Pikachu's name comes from the onomatopoetic word "pikapika" which is the Japanese sound for electricity sparking, and "chuchu" which is the sound small mice make.

  2. KitKats are popular in Japan because their name sounds like the Japanese phrase "kitto katsu" which means "you will surely win".

  3. According to Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus, the Greek King of Ithaca, had a dog named Argos. When Odysseus left for the war on Troy, Argos waited for 20 years for him to return, and died as soon as he saw his master had come back safe and sound.

  4. A notable portion of the Finding Nemo production crew were Filipino, and the name "P. Sherman" was chosen because it sounds like how one with a Filipino accent would say the word "fisherman

  5. UVB-76" is a mysterious Russian radio signal (on 4625 kHz). For almost 40 years a repeating buzzing sound has been broadcasted, though every very few years it stops, and a Russian voice reads numbers and Russian names. In 2013, for the first time, UVB-76 issued an order: "Command 135 initiated"

  6. The C.K. is in Louis C.K. doesn’t stand for anything it’s just how is real last name sounds phonetically.

  7. Pikachu's name is mix of the Japanese for sparkle, pikapika, and the sound of squeaking, which is chūchū. So Pikachu's name means "Sparkle-squeak"

  8. Dolly Parton's "Jolene" is about a red-headed clerk who had a crush on her husband, but the song is named after one of her fans. Dolly told her, "That is pretty. That sounds like a song. I'm going to write a song about that."

  9. When Barry Allen "died" in the DC Comics, Marvel introduced an amnesiac speedster with blonde hair and red suit who can't remember his name but knows it sounds like "Buried Alien". He was named the "fastest man alive" in his first appearance.

  10. A San Diego park's monorail was named the Wgasa Rail Line after managers requested an African-sounding name. WGASA is an acronym for "Who gives a s*** anyways?"

sounding names facts
What are the best facts about Sounding Names?

What is true about sounding names?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

UVB-76, a mysterious Russian radio signal that has been transmitting continuously since 1982. Nobody knows who makes the signal, only that it is located near Moscow, makes a buzzing sound 25 times a minute, and every few years will broadcast a string of random names and numbers.

In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby gave himself the name "Jay" because he believed it sounded upper-class and sophisticated, while in reality, the term "jay" was used as an insult during the early 1900s (when the novel took place) to describe an ignorant or inexperienced person. - source

During WWII, hamburgers in the U.S. were dubbed “Liberty Steaks” to avoid the German-sounding name. - source

When U.S. soldiers encountered the Tokay gecko in the jungles of Vietnam during the Vietnam war, they found its mating call sounded similar to the phrase "fuck you" - giving it the informal name "fuck-you lizard".

The name Häagen-Dazs is meaningless. The Jewish Creator wanted the name to be "danish-sounding" to honor the Danish in their treatment of the Jews during WW2. - source

When sound barrier broken?

Douglas Adams, creator of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, wanted Slartibartfast's name to sound very rude. He was originally called "Phartiphukborlz", and changed it gradually until the BBC accepted it for radio broadcast.

How sound barrier?

Foreign branding is the process of naming a product to sound exotic. An example is Häagen-Dazs, which was invented in the Bronx.

If you hear a word that sounds like your name, you’re predisposed to like that ‘thing’. Hence why a statistically significant amount of men called Dennis become dentists.

Häagen-Dazs is a name made up to sound Danish and doesn't actually mean anything

Facebook disapproves of native American names, deleting their accounts because they sound fake

There's an auditory illusion named the Shepard Tone, where multiple octaves are looped in such a way that it sounds like it's a sound rising in tone for infinity.

When to sound barrier lucio?

Häagen-Dazs is actually jibberish that was meant to sound Danish and the company even sued a competitor for daring to use foreign sounding jibberish as their brand name too

In the wild, parrots can 'name' their children using specific patterns of sound.

Bruce Banner's name was changed to David for The Incredible Hulk television series because "Bruce sounded gay."

A pianist named Reginald Dwight was touring with a band called Simon Dupree and the Big Sound. They laughed at him when he told them he was adopting the stage name of Elton John.

Each individual dolphin has a "signature whistle" which is used to help identify each other when large pods of dolphins come together. They would only react to sounds or "names" from familiar dolphins and would ignore those from unknown individuals

How do sound bars work?

The Portia Hypothesis is a scientific theory that claims that women with masculine sounding names, do better in male dominated fields such as law and engineering, than women with feminine names. It is named after a female Shakespeare character who dresses up as a male lawyer and wins a trial.

Dolphins have personal names: unique whistles to which they respond, even when sound is synthesized.

Häagen-Dazs's brand name is completely nonsensical, but is meant to sound vaguely Danish: the creator "sat at the kitchen table for hours saying nonsensical words until he came up with a combination he liked. The reason he chose this method was so that the name would be unique and original"

The term "Wi-Fi" is a brand name created to sound catchier than 'IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence'. It is not short for anything including "wireless fidelity," which was only coined after the fact as a backronym

That, according to Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno, CBS thought the name Bruce Banner sounded "too gay-ish.” The protagonist’s name on The Incredible Hulk series was then changed to David Banner. Ferrigno thought it was "the most absurd, ridiculous thing [I’d] ever heard".

There is a small town outside Fort Worth, TX named White Settlement. In 2005, a record number of voters turned out to oppose changing the name to something less racist-sounding and then proceeded to call for the mayor's resignation for even proposing the change.

Ringo Starr featured in a Japanese apple juice commercial because his name sounded like 'Ringo Sutta' , meaning grated apple in Japanese.

The Beastie Boys began as a hardcore punk band as a joke and mimicked their name after the Angry Samoans. They opened up for the Bad Brains and the Circle Jerks before shifting into a hip-hop sound

NASA posted sounds made in space near different planets in 2007. They have been appropriately named "Spooky Space Sounds." You can listen here.

Darth Vader’s name was changed in Italy because Vader sounds like toilet bowel in italian

Häagen Dazs doesn't mean anything in any language, the creator just wanted the name to sound like something foreign

Final Fantasy was not named before the publisher, Square, goes bankrupt. Sakaguchi wanted to name it Fighting Fantasy but the name clashed with another title. Wanting to retain the abbreviation FF, as it sounds pleasing to the Japanese pronounced as "efu efu," he named it Final Fantasy instead.

When Ian Fleming was coming up with the character of James Bond, he wanted a name which sounded bland and uninteresting. “When I was casting around for a name for my protagonist I thought by God, James Bond is the dullest name I ever heard.”

Hydrox cookies actually beat Oreos to market by over four years but were ultimately doomed because their name sounds like a cleaning product.

Before the British royal family was the Royal House of Windsor, they were the Royal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. They changed the name to sound more British during WWI after a German air raid killed a class of schoolchildren in London, whipping up extreme anti-German sentiment in the UK.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sounding Names. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sounding Names so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor