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Naming Conventions facts

While investigating facts about Naming Conventions In Java and Naming Conventions C#, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Dr. Jane Goodall set herself apart from traditional conventions by naming the animals in her studies of primates instead of assigning each a number. This also led her to develop a close bond with the chimpanzees and to become, to this day, the only human ever accepted into chimpanzee society.

how to naming conventions?

Galaxy Quest, a satire of Star Trek and fandom, is so popular with the latter's fans that it was named the 7th best Star Trek film at the 2013 Star Trek Convention. Actors of TOS, TNG, Voyager and DS9 also have expressed admiration for the film.

What are naming conventions?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the file naming conventions. Here are 30 of the best facts about Naming Conventions Python and Naming Conventions Azure I managed to collect.

what is a system of terms that follows pre-established naming conventions?

  1. Hardcore LEGO fans use the phrase "One by Five" as a code name for hot girls, because those are rare in LEGO conventions and the LEGO company doesn't make a five by one brick.

  2. A Star Wars builder group created a pink R2 droid named "R2-KT" for Katie Johnson, the terminally ill daughter of the founder of the 501st Legion. After her death, the droid was exhibited at conventions, charity events, etc. was even incorporated into Star Wars canon via the Clone Wars

  3. Apple used to add the letter "x" to the names of their computers which got a processor upgrade. The convention was broken with Macintosh SE/30, which, if the rule was effective, would be called "Macintosh SEx."

  4. In 1851, a runaway slave named Jerry was arrested in Syracuse NY during the anti-slavery Liberty Party's convention. A crowd of hundreds of abolitionists broke into the city jail and freed Jerry, eventually smuggling him to Canada. Nine participants in the rescue also fled to avoid prosecution.

  5. When the right to vote for women was finally passed in the U.S. in 1920, (following the 19th Amendment) only one woman from the Seneca Falls Convention was still alive to cast her vote. Her name was Charlotte Woodward.

  6. About Margaret Chase Smith. She was the first woman to serve in both the House and the Senate. She was also the first woman to have her name be on the nomination at either major party's convention in 1964.

  7. In the mid-19th century, a bishop sent a finger-bone and some teeth to a convent in Rome. The package was marked for express delivery (in expedito) but the nuns thought that 'Expedite' was the name of the person whose bones were in the package. St Expedite is still worshipped in Catalonia today.

  8. About a speech that Abraham Lincoln gave at the Bloomington Convention on May 29, 1856, in Bloomington, Illinois. It was believed to be an impassioned condemnation of slavery but was so good that the reporters present for this speech forgot to take notes--hence the name "Lincoln's Lost Speech."

  9. The Duke of Orleans, Louis XVI's cousin, was a strong supporter of the French Revolution, opened up his palace to everyone regardless of class, changed his name to Philippe Égalité (Philip Equality), and, as a member of the National Convention, voted for his cousin the King's execution.

  10. Legionnaires disease was named such when dozens of attendees of a convention in 1976 became ill and died. The source was traced to a hotel in Philadelphia where an American Legion convention was held some time earlier.

naming conventions facts
What are the variable naming conventions in javascript?

Why are file naming conventions essential?

You can easily fact check why file naming conventions by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the 1950's, Louisiana State Senator Dudley J. LeBlanc sold Hadacol, a wildly popular patent medicine made from alcohol and vitamins, and carried around the country for conventions a parrot trained to say "Polly wants Hadacol" in a limousine bearing her name in gold

Some who signed the document later removed their names because of criticism and ridicule.

The Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. is actually named after some dude named Walter Washington... - source

Element 13 (Al) was originally named Alumium, then Aluminum, and finally Aluminium. Americans adopted Aluminum, but the British didn't because it didn't follow the "ium" naming convention used at the time (Sodium, Calcium, Strontium, Potassium... etc.) and added the extra syllable.

Craters on the asteroid 433 Eros are, by convention, named after famous lovers - source

When did a boy named sue come out?

Russian naming conventions enforce a special "middle name" called a "patronymic"; students call their teachers by first name + patronymic.

How to test naming conventions?

In Ghana a popular naming convention is [Boy/Girl born on [day]]. For instance Kwame is 'Boy born on Saturday'

About FM-2030, an author, teacher and transhumanist philosopher. Born Fereidoun Esfandiary, he legally changed his name to FM-2030 to break free of the practice of naming conventions that he saw as rooted in a collectivist mentality and existing only as a relic of humankind's tribalistic past.

A Lord of the Rings naming convention is used for the mountains on Titan, one of Saturn's moons.

Microsoft Singapore made an anime character named Inori Aizawa in order to advertise Internet Explorer at an anime convention.

In Philadelphia on July 1976 there was a mysterious deadly disease that infected 200 and killed 29. The CDC discovered that the source of this disease came from four veterans that attended an American Legion convention and thus named the mystery bug Legionnaire's Disease.

When was a boy named sue recorded?

'Mrs Grundy' is a figurative name for an extremely conventional or priggish person, and she first appeared Thomas Morton's play Speed the Plough in 1798.

A Canadian University allowed its law school graduates to change the name of their degree from LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws) to J.D. (Juris Doctor) for a fee of $102, following a convention change in 2008/2009

A potential inhibitor of the Sonic Hedgehog protein found in humans was discovered by a Harvard research team & named "Robotnik". The researchers felt that they should adhere to the convention in naming the inhibiting compound after the character's archenemy.

In 1968 a hog named Pigasus the Immortal was named a candidate for President at the Democratic National Convention.

Legionnaires' disease was so named after the first recognized outbreak at a hotel used for an American Legion convention in Philadelphia

There's a 77 year old furry named Fred Patten. He created the first American anime fan club in 1977 and has written a book on the topic of furry conventions.

The naming convention of Tesla's models of vehicles looks like they spell out "SEXY" (S, 3, X, Y).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Naming Conventions. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Naming Conventions so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor