Solar Wind facts
While investigating facts about Solar Winds and Solar Windows, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The sun loses about 6 million tons of mass every second due to nuclear fusion and the solar wind. Despite losing that much material, it has only lost about 0.05% of it's original mass over the past 4.5 billion years.
how solar wind is made?
Japan aims to power the Tokyo Olympics with 100% renewable energy. They plan to use wind & solar energy to power the stadiums & athletes village. They also want to recycle the small amounts of gold, silver & copper from around 80,000 old phones by using the metals to create 5,000 medals.
What solar windshield?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the solar wind quizlet. Here are 50 of the best facts about Solar Window Film and Solar Wind Chimes I managed to collect.
what's solar wind?
Neptune has the strongest winds in the Solar System: 2,100 km/hour (1,304 mph).
Nuclear energy is the safest energy source in terms of human deaths - even safer than wind and solar.
At the turn of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla wrote a magazine article discussing robots, wind power, solar power, A.I., and wireless communications.
Particles too small to see with our eyes, called plasma, stream away from the Sun travelling at 1,000,000 mph (1,609,344 km/hr). This stream of particles is called the Solar Wind.
Oxygen in the air from 60 miles (96.5 km) up to 150 miles (241 km) above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma in the solar wind and turns the sky green.
In terms of renewable energy, hydroelectric power is the leading provider at 97.9% of all renewable sources. Solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal account for 2.1%.
The pressure in the exosphere is created by solar wind storms that compress it.
Oxygen more than 150 miles (241 km) above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma in the solar wind and turns the sky red.
Purple saxifrage is covered with flecks of calcium carbonate in the lime rich areas. These flecks provide protection against solar radiation and wind.
The Sun loses about 6 million tons of mass every second due to nuclear fusion and the solar wind. Despite constantly losing large sums of mass, it has only lost roughly 0.05% of its original mass over the last 4.5 billion years.
Solar Wind data charts
For your convenience take a look at Solar Wind figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is solar energy better than wind energy?
You can easily fact check why is solar better than wind by examining the linked well-known sources.
North Dumpling Island, a private island owned by the inventor of the Segway, the sole resident who jokingly claims to have seceded from the United States. The island is energy independent, powered by wind, solar, and occasionally cow manure.
The solar wind can disrupt our radio, television and satellite communications.
Current nuclear energy technology produces fewer grams of CO2 per kWh than solar, biofuels, and geothermal energy. Only wind and hydroelectric produce less. - source
Earth's magnetic field, caused by its rapid rotation and its nickel-iron core, protects the planet from solar wind's effects.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, it has the third largest planetary radius and the fourth largest planetary mass in the Solar System. Uranus is unique because its axis of rotation is always tilted sideways, which means that its north and south poles are where other planets have their equators. Wind speeds can reach up to 560 miles per hour (900 kilometers per hour).
When solar system formed?
In the United States approximately 10% of the electricity used is generated by hydropower. Other forms of electricity are solar, wind, nuclear, natural gas, oil, and oil and gas.
How to make solar screens for windows?
The solar wind produced by our Sun comes off it in an Archimedean Spiral.
The UAE is building a self-sufficient city from scratch - Masdar City is designed to be zero-waste, carbon-neutral and car-free, employing public trasnit and a walkable layout. Made to house 50,000 people by 2025, it is powered by a combination of solar, wind and geothermal energy.
He pioneered the study of charged-particle beams and in 1916 he was the first to predict that solar wind behaves like charged particles in an electric field.
THEMIS--Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms--satellites "found evidence of magnetic ropes connecting Earth's upper atmosphere directly to the sun." Scientists believe "solar wind particles flow...along" the ropes giving "energy for geomagnetic storms and auroras."
In May 2016, Portugal ran on renewable energy for 4 consecutive days. The renewable energy came from various sources such as: Wind, Solar and hydropower. The run went from 6:45 am on Saturday May 7 to the following Wednesday until 5:45 pm.
Solar wind infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Solar Wind numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Percentage of electrical load from Wind/ Solar in the US PJM region (O, PA, NJ, DE, MD, WV, VA, DC, and parts of other states) over 2019