Magnetic Field facts
While investigating facts about Magnetic Field Lines and Magnetic Field Strength, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Humans actually possess the protein (cryptochromes) needed for the detection of magnetic fields. But our brains doesn't seem to have any way to decode the information.
how magnetic field is produced?
Astronomers discovered a bizarre rogue planet wandering the Milky Way. The free-range planet, which is nearly 13 times the mass of Jupiter and does not orbit a star, also displays stunningly bright auroras that are generated by a magnetic field 4 million times stronger than Earth's.
What magnetic field lines?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what magnetic field intensity. Here are 50 of the best facts about Magnetic Field Formula and Magnetic Field Of Earth I managed to collect.
what magnetic field made of?
Birds are able to see and use the Earth's Magnetic field to migrate due to a protein in their eyes called CRY4. To them the Earth's Magnetic field appears to be a bright haze in the sky in the direction of North or South. Their brain even produces this protein during the migration season.
There's a type of neutron star called a magnetar which has a magnetic field that's so powerful that being within 1,000 miles of one would warp all the atoms in your body and from a distance of 100,000 miles away it would be able to wipe out the data of every credit card on the planet.
Physicists have experimentally achieved temperatures below absolute zero. Using supercooled potassium gas and a system of lasers and magnetic fields to precisely manipulate the potassium atoms, physicists successfully "cooled" the gas to a few billionths of a degree below absolute zero.
The S Pen in the Samsung Galaxy Note devices doesn't have its own battery. Instead, it makes use of electromagnetic fields radiating from the device itself to power itself via magnets and electromagnetic currents
In 2003 a man in Belgium stole diamonds worth 100M Dollars after getting past a lock with 100M possible combinations, infrared heat detectors, a seismic sensor, Doppler radar, a magnetic field and security force. He was caught because he left a partially eaten sandwich near the crime scene
Medieval European stained-glass windows contain tiny gold particles, which when energised by the sun’s rays, create a magnetic field that destroys air-borne pollutants.
Those really thin fridge magnets are a special type of magnet called a Halbach array that has almost no magnetic field on one side - these were originally designed for use in particle accelerators.
A small magnet implanted in a finger can allow one to sense magnetic fields. This body mod can be very useful in professions that work with electric currents, allowing the detection of live wires and avoiding electric shock.
Big steel vessels have a magnetic signature, due to the polarity of electrons lining up to the earths magnetic field when the steel was heated in manufacture through welding etc, and can be used to locate where the vessel was made.
Ganymede, the largest moon in our Solar System, is the only known moon that has a magnetic field.
Magnetic Field data charts
For your convenience take a look at Magnetic Field figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
![magnetic field fact data chart about [ oc ]MRI magnetic field shim current check X2Y2 axis, phase](

Why magnetic field lines are closed curves?
You can easily fact check why magnetic field lines never intersect by examining the linked well-known sources.
Humans have a lot more than 5 senses, including balance, pressure, hunger and the ability to detect magnetic fields
Foxes use the Earth's magnetic field to target prey beneath the snow - source
Under southern Africa there's an anomaly where the Earth's magnetic field is reversed, which might be a sign that the entire planet's magnetic field might reverse again - source
The direction of Earth’s magnetic field reverses every 200,000 - 300,000 years
The Yamato 1, the first working prototype boat to use a Magnetohydrodynamic drive (MHD). Built by Mitsibishi, the ship's drive electrifies sea water and utilizes magnetic fields to propel itself. The MHD uses no moving parts. - source
When magnetic field is produced?
Neutron star PSR J1748-2446 is the fastest spinning celestial object in the universe. The star rotates 716 times every second, so its equator moves at about 25% the speed of light. It is also 50 trillion times the density of lead and has a magnetic field a trillion times stronger than the Sun’s.
How magnetic fields work?
Uranus has a magnetic field that "flickers" because the magnetic field is so off-kilter with its rotational axis that magnetic lines will snap apart and reconnect as it rotates. According to one astronomer, "Uranus is a geometric mess."
Some mines are set to explode in response to changes in magnetic and acoustic fields. Sailors on minesweepers are not allowed to have wire coat-hangers because they could kill their magnetic signature and set off a mine.
The retinas of Robins contains Cryptochrome, a protein which allows them to see magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are visualised as patterns of light and shade and perhaps colour, onto the visual imagery.
Submarines were originally detected by sensing the way they distort the Earth's magnetic field. Now submarines have copper wires (with 4,000 amps running through them) wrapping the hull to demagnetize the ship to avoid detection.
The magnetc field of Earth orients iron-rich minerals in molten lava along the field lines, then becomes locked into place as the lava hardens. By studying different layers of solidified lava, we know that magnetic poles fliped in the past and will do it again.