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Smiley Face facts

While investigating facts about Smiley Face Emoji and Smiley Face Killer, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Harvey Ball, the graphic designer who designed the yellow smiley face icon in 1963, was only paid $45 for his work. The Smiley Company, which licenses the image, made $419.9 million in 2017.

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Between 1990-2008 forty smart, popular, and attractive college-age males died in "accidental drownings"; but two retired NYPD officers believe it is the work of a serial killer or killers which they have dubbed the Smiley Face Murders.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's smiley face on snapchat. Here are 50 of the best facts about Smiley Face Text and Smiley Face Images I managed to collect.

what smiley faces mean?

  1. Whenever you look at a watch in advertising, it's usually set at 10:10 for a number of reasons including: the hands are fully visible and not overlapping, you can see the manufacturer's logo clearly, and according to Timex, it makes the products look "happier" by simulating a smiley face.

  2. The inventor of the smiley face only made $45.

  3. Luke Helder, who planted pipe bombs in mailboxes across several US states with the intention of drawing a smiley face across the map. He was caught before it could be finished.

  4. In December 2008, the moon, Jupiter and Venus conjoined in the sky to make a smiley face

  5. Smiley faces were invented in 1963 by a graphics designer from Worcester, MA, named Harvey Ball, to cheer up people at an insurance company (now knows as Hanover Insurance)

  6. Luke Helder who planted bombs in mailboxes across a number of Midwestern states. His goal was to create a "smiley face" pattern on a map, with each point being a location of a bombing.

  7. While attending the University of Wisconsin–Stout, Luke Helder, planned to plant bombs in mailboxes across the U.S. to create a smiley face shape on the U.S. map. In Iowa, 6 people were injured by the bombs. Ultimately, Helder planted 18 bombs and covered 3,200 miles before getting caught

  8. There are a set of galaxies that have such a strong gravitational pull that they warp time and light, an effect known as gravitational lensing, which creates the appearance of a smiley face

  9. During the filming of live crowds in 'Guitar Hero: Live,' a smiley face was put on the camera in order to remind the audience to look into it. When negative scenes were shot, the smiley face was flipped upside down. Both methods caused convincing reactions.

  10. Outside of the United States, one company owns the copyright to the round yellow smiley face.

smiley face facts
What does upside down smiley face mean?

Why smiley face yellow?

You can easily fact check why smiley face j by examining the linked well-known sources.

The reason that most watches are set to 10:10 in magazine ads and in display cases is that most brand names are shown at the top of the watch face & setting the hands to ten minutes past ten "frames" the company name/logo. It also portrays a "happier look" because it resembles a smiley face.

The smiley face emoticon was invented in Pittsburgh by a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, named Scott Fahlman (1980s).

There is a theory from two former NYPD detective's that ten's if not hundred's of men that were considered to have drown while intoxicated over the past few decades were actually murdered by the "Smiley Face Killer(s)"

someone owns the "smiley face". The Smiley Company created a "Smiley World" that emojis now inhabit. - source

When smiley face invented?

The smiley face was originally designed by Harvey Ball to serve the purpose of a life insurance company from Massachusetts in 1963 :)

How to make a smiley face on keyboard?

In Catalonia (Spain), a widespread tradition exists in which a smiley-faced piece of wood called "Shitting Log" poops out presents on Christmas.

The "Smiley" Company earns $500m per year in licensing deals, working with companies like McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola, but artist Harvey Ball never applied for copyright of his iconic "smiley face" graphic and earned just $45 for his work.

The inventor or the smiley face symbol Harvey Ball, was paid just $45 for the design.

Luke Helder who planted bombs in mailboxes across a number of Midwestern states. His goal was to create a "smiley face" pattern on a map, with each point being a location of a bombing.

Luke Helder who planted bombs in mailboxes across a number of Midwestern states. His goal was to create a "smiley face" pattern on a map, with each point being a location of a bombing.

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OJ Simpson put a smiley face in the “O” of his signature on a suicide note, which led a handwriting expert to testify against the sincerity of the threat.

The time on analog watches in advertisements are set to 10:10, which represents a smiley face to induce positive feelings.

The Rhode Island state tax return features multiple emoticons, including a Frowny Face if you owe money and a Smiley Face if you are getting a refund

The smiley face :) can trace its modest origins back to an insurance company in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1963.

The seemingly out-of-place trailing letter "J" in many emails is caused by Outlook rendering smiley faces as a Wingding character. That character just happens to be in the same position as "J" in standard ASCII sets.

How to make a smiley face in outlook?

The creator of the smiley and frowny face emotion was an MIT PhD student, claiming they were for use in jokes and serious topics respectively.

Prince is credited as being in Fargo (via the Love Symbol), as the witness shot in the back, because he was originally meant to play the role. It was instead played by storyboard artist J. Todd Anderson, but the symbol was left in as a joke, with a smiley face added inside.

There is a spider native to Hawaii that has a smiley face on his back, each smiley face differs but they all really look like smiley faces!

The reason why analog time peices are always set at 10:10... “It has the aesthetic of the smiley face to be 10 past 10, so we try whenever possible to opt for that,”

Watches and clocks in commercials (almost) always show the time as 10:10. This is to frame the brand nicely and for the hands to resemble a smiley face.

Almost all analog watches are advertised with a time of about 10:10 because it creates a smiley face on the watch. The unwritten rule is so universal that digital watches almost always use the time as well.

The popular video "boulevard of broken dreams" by randomvids300 was stolen from "Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Smiley Face... " by kentdoddsproductions, and it got more views than the original.

Strange Theory of The Smiley Face Killers

The Otamatone, a Japanese instrument that looks like a musical note with a smiley face that sings. It made my day.

A new species of bird of paradise has been hiding under scientists’ noses. A male Vogelkop a superb bird of paradise, found in Western New Guinea. It was initially thought to be the same bird as the famous aka: “smiley face" splendid bird of paradise. New observations show that their courts

J. Todd Anderson was credited as "Victim In Field" in the 1996 movie Fargo using a Prince's artist symbol horizontally with a small smiley face inside of the top circle. Prince was not in Fargo.

Harvey Ball invented the Iconic Smiley Face and sold it for $45...It brought in $167 million in 2012

There is a micronation called the Aerican Empire. Aerica is a democracy, but "Empire" sounds cooler; it has a variety of niftydays, since no day is holy; citizens have to either live on Earth or a registered imperial planet; and its flag is the Canadian flag with a smiley face instead of a leaf.

Harvey Ross Ball, Bernard and Murray Spain and Franklin Loufran all hold claim to making the smiley face.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smiley Face. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smiley Face so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor