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Smear Campaign facts

While investigating facts about Smear Campaign Meaning and Smear Campaign Narcissist, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Church of Scientology ran several smear campaigns against author Paulette Cooper, one of their critics, including Operation Freakout, the goal of which was to have her admitted to a mental institution. Another, Operation Dynamite, used Cooper's fingerprints to send bomb threats to the Church

how smear campaigns work?

Before white sugar became popular, the industry launched a smear campaign against brown sugar which showed microbes living in the product, in an attempt to control brown sugar production.

What is a smear campaign?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a smear campaign narcissist. Here are 12 of the best facts about Smear Campaign Examples and Smear Campaign Definition I managed to collect.

what's smear campaign meaning?

  1. The United States organized a massive campaign to ensure that left wing parties would not win the Italian elections of 1948, which included massive propaganda distributions, smear campaigns by the CIA, and massive political contributions.

  2. Flying monkeys is a term used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a 3rd party, usually for an abusive purpose (eg smear campaign).The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath

  3. The electric chair was invented by employees of Thomas Edison as part of a publicity campaign to smear their business rivals

  4. Back in the 80s, SEGA ran a smear campaign against Nintendo to promote the SEGA Genesis that went "Genesis does what Nintendon't"

  5. Gary Webb, an investigative journalist, who wrote “Dark Alliance” showing that under the protection of the CIA, the Nicaraguan Contra rebels controlled the drug trade in LA to fund their politics. After suffering a persistent smear campaign, Webb died from multiple gunshots to the head.

  6. Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich, while running for Governor promising to end corruption, was hit with a lie filled smear campaign by his own party. He then committed suicide. His campaign director Robert Jackson then denounced the corruption in the state GOP. He then also committed suicide.

  7. The smear campaign against coffee made by a coffee alternative company in the early 1900. The result: even now most parents dont let their kids drink coffee because it's "bad" for them.

  8. In 1946 a doctor reported his successful cancer treatment to a senate subcommittee, the official record of which has been expunged. Later he was poisoned with arsenic twice, his book manuscript was stolen, and he was forbidden from practicing while facing a public smear campaign from the AMA

  9. A Sherriff once launched a social media smear campaign against a teenager after he failed to show up to court for substance abuse charges. The teenager eventually committed suicide due to the sheriff sending dozens of threatening private messages through Facebook mocking him and spreading rumors

smear campaign facts
What to do when narcissist smear campaign?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smear Campaign. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smear Campaign so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor