Incredible and fun facts to explore

Sleeping Sickness facts

While investigating facts about Sleeping Sickness Lyrics and Sleeping Sickness Symptoms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Pharmaceutical company Aventis stopped production of a cure for sleeping sickness, a lifesaving drug for millions of Africans, between 1995-2001 because it wasn’t making enough profit. Instead the product was marketed in the West as women’s facial hair removal cream.

how sleeping sickness is caused?

That, to avoid decompression sickness, astronauts "camp out", a procedure which involves sleeping in the airlock at a pressure of 0.7 bar the night before a spacewalk. This purges nitrogen out of the bloodstream, suiting the astronauts for the pure-oxygen atmosphere (0.34 bar) of the spacesuit.

Sleeping sickness means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes sleeping sickness. Here are 15 of the best facts about Sleeping Sickness Chords and Sleeping Sickness Is Caused By I managed to collect.

what's sleeping sickness?

  1. A mysterious "sleeping sickness" in the early 1920s killed many and rendered over 5 million infected people mindless apathetic "zombies," and its cause is still undetermined.

  2. There's a village in Kazakhstan where people fall asleep randomly, sometimes for weeks at a time. It's called the "sleeping sickness" and no real cause has been identified (although plausible explanations are being looked into).

  3. Oliver Wolf Sacks, author & neurologist, known as a "poet laureate of contemporary medicine”, burned his first book due to self-doubt. But went on to write many bestsellers. Including ‘Awakenings’ about his breakthrough work with survivors of the 1920s sleeping sickness encephalitis lethargica

  4. Swollen lymph glands, headache, fever and emaciation of the body are typical symptoms of the sleeping sickness. This disease kills 250.000 to 300.000 people each year.

  5. Two species of tsetse fly can transmit parasites that induce sleeping sickness in humans and nagana (similar type of disease) in domestic animals.

  6. Brucellosis is named after Scottish Dr David Bruce. Who also proved that sleeping sickness was delivered by the the tsetse fly

  7. A 100-year-old drug developed to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness can be used to alleviate autism symptoms

  8. Many West Africans developed variants of APOL1 gene that make them resistant to African Sleeping Sickness. Although natural selection favors these variants, it has been proven that these variants are associated with increased risk of essential hypertension and renal disease.

  9. He sleeps well at night only whenhe is sick VLOG

  10. The drug Eflornithine cures fatal African Sleeping Sickness and prevents facial hair in women. For several years, only the cosmetic version was available.

sleeping sickness facts
What happens in sleeping sickness?

Why is it called sleeping sickness?

You can easily fact check why does sleeping help sickness by examining the linked well-known sources.

There's a sleeping sickness which can make you sleep several days

Wildlife tourism are actually damaging wildlife. Animals like sloth are handled by hyperactive tourists tend to get sick because Sloths need as much as 20 hours of sleep per day. Am a sloth - source

Sleep hollow" or simply "the sleeping sickness" makes you fall asleep randomly. It's only reported in a village in Kazakhstan, and the cause is still unknown and is speculated that carbon monoxide causes it along with some hydrocarbons. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sleeping Sickness. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sleeping Sickness so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor