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Skin Texture facts

While investigating facts about Skin Texture Meaning and Skin Texture On Face, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There's a recently discovered fingernail-size frog that can morph its skin texture from spiny to smooth in just minutes and is the first shape-shifting amphibian ever found

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Godzilla was conceived as a metaphor for the nuclear weapons. To emphasize the monster's relationship with the atomic bomb, its skin texture was inspired by the keloid scars seen on survivors in Hiroshima.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is uneven skin texture. Here are 27 of the best facts about Skin Texture Types and Skin Texture Treatment I managed to collect.

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  1. Slightly unripe fruit has apple-like texture and taste. Fully ripe fruit has mealy texture, musky odor and wrinkled skin.

  2. Rough-skinned newt has olive green, light brown or brownish-black skin on the back and bright yellow, orange or red belly. Its skin is dry and has granulated texture (hence the name "rough-skinned").

  3. Leaf-tailed gecko can be grey-brown, green-brown or black colored. Its skin has rough texture that resembles either bark of a tree or leaf, depending on the species. Some leaf-tailed geckoes are covered with spines. Color and texture of the skin, together with unusual morphology of the body ensure perfect camouflage in the forest.

  4. Fruit of eggplant belongs to the group of berries. The most popular types of eggplant are oval shaped and covered with smooth, glossy, purple colored skin. Flesh is whitish or creamy colored and has spongy texture.

  5. They can change their color and texture of the skin to blend with environment and become invisible.

  6. Size, shape, color, sweetness and texture of the fruit depend on the type of melon. Skin can be either smooth or rough. Color of the skin can be green, yellow, orange, creamy or kaki. Sweetness of the fruit depends on the climate conditions and intensity of photosynthesis (production of sugar from the carbon dioxide and water, with a help of sun).

  7. Avocado is also known as "alligator pear" because of its pear-like shape and rough texture of the skin.

  8. Cuttlefish has ability to quickly change color, texture and pattern of the skin on the body thanks to the millions of pigment cells, connected with muscles in the skin.

  9. Striped rocket frog has dark brown or grey colored skin covered with black markings on the backs and legs. Stomach is white and has granular texture. Thighs are yellow on the back side and covered with brown lines.

  10. Chuckwalla has stocky body with large, low positioned abdomen. It has thick tail that is wide at the base and blunt at the top. Tail is covered with tough scales. Skin has sandy texture. Loose folds of skin around the neck and on the lateral sides create impression of much larger body.

skin texture facts
What to do for textured skin?

Why do i have textured skin?

You can easily fact check why is my skin texture so bad by examining the linked well-known sources.

Skin of tailed frog has granular texture. It can be brown, tan, reddish, olive green or black in color.

Infared photography makes freckles appear inivisble, instead the subject's skin appears to have a porcelain like texture. - source

Size, color of the skin, color of the flesh, taste and texture of kiwifruit depend on the species. Hairless varieties of kiwifruit are also commercially available.

Dorsal side of the body of Goliath frog is covered with green colored skin that has granular texture. Underside of the body is yellow-orange colored.

Cuttlefish are color blind, but can rapidly change the color of their skin and even texture in pitch dark to match their surroundings for camouflage - source

How to avoid skin irritation when shaving?

The outward signs on which most definitions of race are based—such as skin color and hair texture—are dictated by a handful of genes. But two people of different “races” can share more genetic similarity than two individuals of the same race.

How to improve skin texture?

Body of stonefish is covered with encrusted brown or grey skin, with red, orange or yellow patches. Thanks to specific texture and color, stonefish easily blends with its environment (it looks like a stone or a part of the coral reef).

Fruit of quince is large pome. Fruit has yellowish-white flesh filled with stone cells and numerous seed in the middle. Surface of the fruit is covered with yellow skin that has rough and woolly texture.

Some animals like cats and dogs use their tongues to clean their fur. The texture of their tongues, which is rough, helps to get the dirt, oil, and even bugs off their fur and skin.

Sandra Laing a South African woman who was classified as coloured by authorities during the apartheid era, due to her skin colour and hair texture, although she was the child of at least three generations of ancestors who had been regarded as white.

There's a frog in Ecuador's western Andean cloud forest that changes skin texture in minutes, appearing to mimic the texture it sits on

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The Pristimantis mutabilis,or mutable rain frog,is the first vertebrate known to change its skin texture from smooth to spiky.

Biologists discovered a new species of frog that can radically alter its skin texture in a matter of minutes

Mormons can tell who other Mormons are just by looking at their "skin texture glow."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Skin Texture. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Skin Texture so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor