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Silly String facts

While investigating facts about Silly String Case and Silly String Walmart, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the inventors of Silly String were trying to sell their idea to Wham-O, one of them sprayed the can all over the person who was meeting with them and all over their office. They were asked to leave, however, a day later received a telegram asking them to send 24 cans for a test market.

how silly string works?

Silly string has military usage in the detection of tripwires. The string would settle onto the ground in areas without tripwires, but catch on to any that is present. The silly string reveals the wire, but it will not set it off due to its light weight.

What's silly string made of?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's silly string made out of. Here are 25 of the best facts about Silly String Gender Reveal and Silly String Gun I managed to collect.

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  1. Silly String is employed by militaries to reveal tripwires, as it will hang off them but doesn't weigh enough to trip them.

  2. The military has used Silly String to detect trip wires in Iraq. The strands of string go 10-12 feet and are light enough to not set off the tripwire.

  3. Soldiers use Silly String in Iraq for bomb detection. It travels far enough where a soldier can shoot it across most rooms, and it’s light enough such that if some Silly String lands on the tripwire, it won’t cause the bomb to explode.

  4. Silly string has long been used by American and British military forces to detect tripwires for explosive booby traps. Exposes tripwires but light enough not to trip them off.

  5. As of 2006 Silly String was being used by U.S. Troops in Iraq to detect trip wires on explosives. Thousands of cans of Silly String are boxed and addressed to individual servicemen and servicewomen in Iraq. It is considered a hazardous material, and only certain companies can ship it.

  6. Silly String is used to detect tripwires in military operations

  7. Silly String is illegal in Marlborough, MA. It was banned in 1988 because so many kids sprayed pedestrians and vehicles during the Labor Day parade.

  8. You will get fined $1000 for spraying silly string in Hollywood on Halloween.

silly string facts
What's silly string?

Why is silly string banned in hollywood on halloween?

You can easily fact check why does silly string smell bad by examining the linked well-known sources.

Silly string was originally created to be a spray-on cast for broken bones

Silly String was used by the US military in Iraq to detect tripwires - source

Soldiers use silly string to detect trip wires - source

Since 2004 it has been illegal to have, use or sell Silly String in Hollywood on Halloween. - source

When was silly string invented?

After aeresol string cost $200,000/year to clean up, Los Angeles passed an ordinance banning Silly String in Hollywood during Halloween. Offenders face a $1000 fine.

How silly string is made?

Silly String was originally designed to be a spray-on cast for broken bones.

In 2006, some army units used Silly String to check enemy encampments for trip wires. Before entering a building, soldiers would squirt the string across the room. If it fell to the ground, it was safe. But if it hung in the air, they knew the room had trip wires.

Using silly string in Hollywood during Halloween can result in a $1000 fine

It's illegal to use silly string in public on Halloween in Hollywood.

Silly String has been used in the Iraqi war to indicate the presence of dangerous trip wires. When sprayed onto a surface, the Silly String will land gently on the trip wire and expose it without causing it to explode.

When did silly string come out?

Silly string played an important part in the line of defense for the US Military in Iraq

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Silly String. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Silly String so important!

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