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Shia Labeouf facts

While investigating facts about Shia Labeouf Movies and Shia Labeouf Dad, I found out little known, but curios details like:

4chan found the unknown location of a flag that Shia LaBeouf placed for his HWNDU project using only the live stream of the flag by studying the weather and the flight patterns of airplanes flying in the background in a little over 37 hours.

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At age 10, Shia LaBeouf landed a hollywood agent by pretending to be his own manager and calling random agents in the yellow pages

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is shia labeouf. Here are 50 of the best facts about Shia Labeouf Net Worth and Shia Labeouf Wife I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2009 a group of fans of Shia LaBeouf founded a religion in his name called The Church of Shiantology. Followers of the religion refer to him as the MesShia.

  2. Shia LaBeouf once said The Kingdom of Crystal Skull dropped the ball on Indiana Jones legacy. His relationship with Steven Spielberg had been ruined since then, with Spilberg saying to LaBeouf: "There's a time to be a human being and have an opinion, and there's a time to sell cars."

  3. Shia LaBeouf's famous motivational speech is part of a compilation where students of a performing arts class wrote speeches for him to read on camera.

  4. Shia LaBeouf only became an actor to support his poor family

  5. In preparation for his role in Fury(2014) Shia LaBeouf joined the US National Guard, got a tattoo that says "Surrender to Jesus", pulled a tooth out, cut his own face, didn't bathe for 4 months and spent days watching horses die.

  6. To help support his family, Shia LaBeouf would dress up like a clown and sell hot dogs in the park across the sreet from his family's apartment.

  7. During the filming of 'Fury', Shia LaBeouf cut his own face, pulled out a tooth and didn't shower to make his role more authentic

  8. The famous JUST DO IT video is a clip from a thirty minute motivational speech Shia LaBeouf was doing with some college students for an art project. It's random and weird because it was written by a bunch of different people.

  9. Patrick Stewart, Shia LaBeouf, Uma Thurman, and Mark Hamill were voice actors for the English dub of Nausicaa, Valley of the Wind.

shia labeouf facts
What's with the shia labeouf song?

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You can easily fact check why shia labeouf just do it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Shia Labeouf pooped himself until age 12 and hid the soiled boxers in random places throughout the house

Shia Labeouf cut his own face, had teeth pulled, and refused to shower during the production of 'Fury'. - source

Shia LaBeouf knocked out Tom Hardy behind the scenes while filming 'Lawless' - source

Shia LaBeouf sent videotapes of him having sex with his girlfriend Karolyn Pho, to the director of Nymphomaniac Lars von Trier, so that he can land a role in the film.

Guest stars on The X Files included: Bryan Cranston, Jodie Foster, Ryan Reynolds, Seth Green, Shia LaBeouf, Jack Black, Giovanni Ribisi and Jerry Springer. - source

When did shia labeouf die?

Shia LaBeouf's father is a wanted pedophile who sexually harassed LaBeouf's costars on 'Even Stevens'

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Harrison Ford once called Shia LaBeouf "a fucking idiot."

As a twelve-year-old, Shia Labeouf found an agent in the Yellow Pages and was taken on after pretending to be his own manager.

Shia LaBeouf got into a fight with Tom Hardy on set and knocked him "out cold"

Shia LaBeouf pulled out his own tooth, cut his own face and refused to shower in order to "understand what his character would have been through" in the movie 'Fury'

Shia Labeouf's father was both a Vietnam veteran and a professional clown.

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Shia LaBeouf played Eddie, a mentally handicapped boy in a Disney TV movie.

Shia Labeouf legitimately knocked out Tom Hardy in a scuffle on the set of The Wettest County In The World

Shia Labeouf has twice claimed he served in the National Guard while getting arrested.

Shia LaBeouf knocked out Tom Hardy in a scuffle during the filming of Lawless.

Since 9am on the 20th January, Shia Labeouf has started a 4 year long livestream which involves people repeating "he will not divide us" to a camera mounted on the wall of the museum of the moving image, New York.

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Shia Labeouf's motivational speech is 30 minutes long, and he is extremely calm and composed during most of it. At one point he does a hand stand while giving the speech.

Shia LaBeouf has an extensive knowledge of hip hop music and can actually rap

Shia Labeouf has been posting instructional videos on camping and bushcraft for years.

Shia LaBeouf was supposed to be the leading star in Limitless, but it eventually went to Bradley Cooper after filming went to Relativity Media and Shia injured his hand.

Shia Labeouf's Big Apology For Plagiarizing His Apologies Was Plagiarized

While giving an interview for his 2008 thriller "Eagle Eye", Shia Labeouf revealed that FBI records people's phone calls. The FBI played Shia a phone conversation he had with a friend. This was 5 years before Edward Snowden.

Shia LaBeouf Did A Musical About Hunting You Down In The Woods

An Asian beat Shia Labeouf to motivation, five years ago.

Shia LaBeouf is a Rap God (for swear words)

The 'Happy Sad Shia' meme of Shia LaBeouf comes from a Sigur Rós video for their beautiful song 'Fjögur píanó'

Anonymous was able to find Shia Labeouf's flag in an unknown location within the United States using just a livestream of the sky as a clue.

Shia Labeouf was a rapper before his internet freestyle. He has a verse on the song "dig it" from his childhood movie "Holes"

There is a song about Shia Labeouf. It is hilarious.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Shia Labeouf. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Shia Labeouf so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor