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Senate Chamber facts

While investigating facts about Senate Chamber Map and Senate Chamber Marble, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1988, a US Senator invoked an obscure rule to allow the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest absent Senators and bring them into the chamber for a vote. One Senator attempted to escape, but was caught and carried feet-first into the Senate chamber by three officers.

how big is the senate chamber?

There have been lawsuits against God. One suit, filed by State Senator Ernie Chambers in 2008, was eventually thrown out because the "Almighty was not properly served due to his unlisted home address"

What is the chamber size for the house for the senate?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the senate chamber look like. Here are 18 of the best facts about Senate Chamber Desks and Senate Chamber Seating Chart I managed to collect.

what is the chamber size for the senate?

  1. In 1970, a bomb exploded in the Senate Chamber of the Louisiana State Capitol building and left a pencil embedded in the ceiling, where it remains to this day.

  2. Other important buildings of the Kremlin include Faceted Chamber, the Arsenal, and the Senate Building.

  3. There are spittoons spread across the U.S. Senate Chamber as they are considered a Senate tradition. Similarly, each Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court has a spittoon next to his or her seat in the courtroom.

  4. Jordan won a seat in the Texas Senate in 1966, becoming the black since Reconstruction and the first black woman ever to hold a seat in that chamber.

  5. Although not officially a state, Mexico City has representatives in both houses of Mexico's congress - the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

  6. Ernie Chambers, State Senator in Nebraska, once sued God for harmful activities, but the case was thrown out as God does not have a listed home address.

  7. There's an old wooden fish known as "The Sacred Cod" in the the Massachusetts State House in Boston. In 1895, the Senate became jealous of the fish (which was moved to the new House of Reps chamber) and made their own version, known as "The Holy Mackerel".

  8. The voting age in Italy depends on the office; the minimum voting age for the Chamber of Deputies is 18, but only those who are 25 or older can vote for the Senate

  9. In the US Senate in 1988, in response to an attempt to end a filibuster and force a quorum, Republicans ran and hid. Senator Bob Packwood was found and, refusing to cooperate, had to be carried feet-first into the Senate chamber by police.

  10. The 'Old Senate Chamber' North of the Capitol Rotunda housed the US Senate from 1819-1859 and Supreme Court from 1860-1935.

senate chamber facts
What is the old senate chamber used for?

Why is the senate called the upper chamber?

You can easily fact check why us senate is the most powerful chamber in the world by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2007, Nebraska Senator Ernie Chambers sued God for "the making of terroristic threats ... of grave harm to innumberal persons"

Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers filed a lawsuit against God to stop terror threats. The suit did not go anywhere because God failed to make an appearance. - source

Brooksville, Florida is named after Preston Brooks, A slavery advocating representative who in 1856 attacked an abolitionist senator on the senate chamber with his gold tipped CAIN even after he was unconscious, until the cain broke, causing him severe brain and nerve damage. - source

A young Andrew Jackson Houston, son of Texas Governor Sam Houston, once locked the Texas Senate in its second floor chambers. - source

When was the senate chamber built?

The U.S. Senate Candy Desk, a desk near a busy entrance in the Senate chamber that Republican Senators have kept stocked with "hundreds of dollars of candy" to share with colleagues since 1968, and is currently occupied by Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Senate Chamber. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Senate Chamber so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor