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Republican Senators facts

While investigating facts about Republican Senators Up For Reelection In 2020 and Republican Senators 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Republican senator, Jesse Helms submitted a 300 page packet to the Senate alleging Martin Luther King Jr. had ties to Communists in an effort to oppose establishing MLK Day, Democratic senator, Daniel Moyniham responded to the "packet of filth" by stomping on it in front of the Senate.

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Michael Jordan was once asked why he wouldn't endorse black democratic candidate Harvey Gantt in a North Carolina senate race, to which Michael Jordan responded, "Republicans buy shoes too".

What republican senators are up for reelection?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what republican senators voted against the wall. Here are 49 of the best facts about Republican Senators 2020 and Republican Senators Up For Reelection I managed to collect.

what republican senators are up for reelection in 2020?

  1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by 80% of the Republican House members, and 82% of the Republican Senate members.

  2. North and South Dakota were admitted to the Union as two states instead of one in order to give Republicans more seats in the Senate

  3. In 1869, Republican President Ulysses S. Grant tried to annex the Dominican Republic to use it as a safe haven for blacks fleeing persecution. Although the D.R. agreed to the annexation treaty, it ultimately failed to pass the Senate.

  4. Farmer Fred Tuttle won the 1998 Republican primary for Vermont senator. He would ask his opponent, a millionaire "carpetbagger" from Massachusetts, questions at debates that only Vermonters would know. Tuttle would endorse his Dem opponent of whom Tuttle said, "He knows how many tits on a cow."

  5. The US Senate candy desk is an aisle desk on the Republican side of the Senate that is stocked with various candies

  6. The Nevada Territory was created and rushed to statehood largely to help secure Republican control of the presidency and senate during the Civil War

  7. Republican Senator Karl Mundt of South Dakota chaired the committee during the hearings.

  8. During the celebration of George Washington's birthday on February 22, 1866, Johnson gave a fiery speech where he accused several Radical Republicans, such as Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner, of plotting his assassination.

  9. As with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the opposition in the House and Senate was more along geographic than party lines with both Republican and Democrat southern congressmen opposing the bill.

  10. The Congress created the Electoral Commission on January 29, 1876 to settle the election: five members were from the Democrat majority House, five from the Republican majority Senate, and five members of the Supreme Court.

republican senators facts
Which republican senators vote for witnesses?

Republican Senators data charts

For your convenience take a look at Republican Senators figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

republican senators fact data chart about Pairwise Plots of Total, Democratic and Republican Party Cos
Pairwise Plots of Total, Democratic and Republican Party Cosponsors for 1,965 Senate Bills Introduced Between Jan 7, 2003 - Feb 14, 2019 - Data was obtained using Propublica Congre

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You can easily fact check why are republican senators retiring by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2015 Marco Rubio announced that instead of running for re-election to the U.S. Senate he would seek the opportunity to run in the presidential election, as a Republican candidate for the nomination.

Despite being considered a conservative Republican, many conservatives opposed Reagan's nomination of O"Connor when it was learned that while she was a member of the Arizona Senate she voted to repeal the state's ban on abortion.

In 1957 Democratic senator Strom Thurmond filibustered for over 24 hours to stop the Civil Rights Act. He did this while secretly supporting a mixed-race daughter whom he fathered with a black maid in 1925. After a second Civil Rights Act passed he switched to the Republican party in 1964. - source

Republican Senator Larry Craig was arrested in 2007 for lewd conduct in a male's restroom. It is known as cottaging and he voted against gay marriage.

A weird coincidence: All the serving US Senators and Congressmen killed during the 1860s were Republicans... and all those killed outside that decade were Democrats - source

When are republican senators up for reelection?

In 2006, the U.S. Senate was one vote away from passing a constitutional amendment banning flag burning. 66 senators, Democrat and Republican alike, voted in favor of the resolution.

How republican senators are there?

A reason why US Senators are elected by public vote was a large brawl in the Indiana Assembly in 1887, where the lieutenant governor was beaten up, open fistfights raged, and over 600 Republican lawmakers dragged Democrats outside and threatened to kill them. The riot lasted over 4 hours.

In the 2000 United States Senate election in Missouri, Republican candidate John Ashcroft lost to Democratic candidate Mel Carnahan, who had died weeks prior to election day

The 1974 New Hampshire Senate election was decided by just two votes in favor of the Republican candidate. A special election held the following August to resolve the dispute saw the Democratic candidate win by 28,000 votes.

Don Eladio from Breaking Bad is Manny from Scarface and he's dating 18 year old Lyda Loudon; 40 years his junior. Lyda's own father is Republican State Senator John Loudon who is 47.

During the 1998 US Senate election in Vermont Republican nominee Fred Tuttle openly endorsed his Democratic opponent

Interesting facts about republican senators

In 1980, retiring Republican Senator Milton Young was elected President pro tempore of the Senate by the lame duck Democratic controlled Senate for one day in honor of his years of service. He was in line for the position in the next Congress, but had chosen not to run for re-election.

In the US Senate in 1988, in response to an attempt to end a filibuster and force a quorum, Republicans ran and hid. Senator Bob Packwood was found and, refusing to cooperate, had to be carried feet-first into the Senate chamber by police.

The 1974 New Hampshire Senate election, first called for the Republican by 355 votes, then for the Democrat by 10 votes, then for the Republican again by just 2 votes (with 223,363 total votes). The Democrat won a subsequent special election.

For two years the position of President Pro Tempore, de facto leader of the Senate, rotated every few days between 1 Democrat and 4 Republicans

Meghan McCain, a cohost of the View, is the daughter of the late John McCain, the former senator and Republican candidate for president from Arizona.

How many republican senators are there?

A Pennsylvania Republican Senator committed suicide in front of a gathering of reporters which was also broadcast on Live TV. Dwyer had just been convicted of receiving a bribe from the California firm in a bid for a multimillion-dollar contract

Republican Senator John Ashcroft, lost his seat to a dead guy

Since 1845, only 8 Republicans have served as U.S. Senators from Texas.

The first general election presidential debate was held on September 26, 1960, between U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic nominee, and Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican nominee, in Chicago at the studios of CBS's WBBM-TV.

During World War II, Republican senator Robert Taft sought to restrict voting by soldiers and to censor books provided to them because of his fear that the soldiers would vote Democratic.

The presidential election of 1876 came down to the decision of a single man, David Davis. Democrats attempted to bribe him with a senate seat, which ironically handed the election to the Republicans.

The Republican Party lost the popular vote in both the Senate and the Presidency yet holds a majority in the senate and, of course, the White House.

In his first Senate campaign, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch criticized his opponent's 18 year tenure as too long and supported term limits. He is now in his 41st year in office, making him the longest serving Republican Senator in office.

A Republican senator proposed legislation which would require high schoolers in Florida to watch a right wing propaganda film.

Henry Ford was asked to run for U.S. Senate in Michigan by President Woodrow Wilson in 1918. He was defeated by Truman Newberry, the Republican candidate.

Both the Indiana republican senate and house of representatives does not include one person of color

The first elected US black senator was a Republican. RIP Senator Edward Brooke.

In addition to voting against gay marriage up until 2012, Hillary Clinton also fought against civil rights in 1964 as a young Republican working under Republican senator Barry Goldwater

Massachusetts Senator and progressive leader Elizabeth Warren used to vote Republican

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Republican Senators. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Republican Senators so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor