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Scientists Speculate facts

While investigating facts about Scientists Speculate That Europa May Have and Historians And Scientists Speculate That, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Male elephants experience a condition called "musth" in which their testosterone levels are up to 60 times higher than normal. Elephants are so violent during musth that scientists have struggled to study the condition, leaving its cause largely a matter of speculation.

how do scientists speculate the universe was different from what it is today?

Some scientists speculate that Chimpanzees actually evolved from a bipedal ancestor and that humans kept this bipedal adaptation whereas chimps lost it.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 13 of the best facts about Which Of The Following Are Purposes Of Sleep As Speculated By Scientists and Which Experimental Observation Led Scientists To Speculate I managed to collect.

how do scientists speculate the universe was different from what it is today?

  1. The world's oldest living clam, "Ming the clam", was accidentally killed when scientists tried to figure out how old it was. Upon inspection they found it was 507 years old, 100 years older than previously speculated.

  2. The Indonesian island of Flores has legends of humanoid creatures that were dumb, stole, and once kidnapped a child to teach them cooking, before being exterminated. Scientists speculate these may be folk memories of Homo floresiensis, a short hominid who lived on Flores until 13,000 years ago.

  3. “white hole” the theoretical inverse of black holes, which cannot he entered from the exterior, and would allow light and matter to escape. Some scientists speculate that a supermassive white hole caused the Big Bang

  4. Whale shark lives between 60 and 100 years. Some scientists speculate that they may survive even longer than 100 years.

  5. There has been some speculation over the years that van Leeuwenhoek was tied to the painter, Johannes Vermeer, also of Delft, and that there is a possibility that he served as the model for two of Vermeer's well-known paintings; van Leeuwenhoek was the executor of Vermeer's estate upon the painter's death.

  6. They determined that pulsars were not earth-originated and not-as some speculated-a sign of extraterrestrial life; instead, pulsars were discovered to be radio emissions that originated from stars themselves.

  7. The sperm whales in the Gulf of Alaska have learned how to team up to hunt fish right off long lines of Black Cod fishers’ hooks. Every year more whales are coming to eat from the fishing line buffet, leading some scientists to speculate that they’re somehow communicating and sharing tips.

  8. In 1986 a submarine rock formation, called Yonaguni Monument, was discovered 6 metres underwater off the Yonaguni coast in Japan. Scientists speculate this formation existed for ~10,000 years, but whether it is a natural formation or a man-made artifact is still disputed.

  9. There is some speculation that the chemicals he used in his work contributed to his early death.

  10. adult penguins will sometimes kill stray baby penguins, and scientists can only speculate as to why.

scientists speculate facts
What are the best facts about Scientists Speculate?

Why are estimates of species diversity valuable to environmental scientists?

You can easily fact check why is it difficult for scientists to estimate the number of species on earth by examining the linked well-known sources.

Research scientists first witnessed a young male Fur seal, trying to have sex with a King penguin in 2006 on the sub-antarctic island, Marion Island. "It may have wanted to eat it and half-way through the chase changed its mind," [Nico] de Bruyn speculated.

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