Scientific Research facts
While investigating facts about Scientific Research Corporation and Scientific Research Topics List, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Natalie Portman speaks Hebrew(native), English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese. As a student, she co-authored two research papers that were published in scientific journals.
explain how scientific research addresses questions about behavior?
An anonymous biologist managed to get a fake scientific research paper accepted into four supposedly peer-reviewed science journals, to expose the problem of predatory journals. He based the paper on a notoriously bad Star Trek episode where characters turned into weird amphibian-people.
Ethics need to be considered when what scientific research?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering explain what scientific research is. Here are 50 of the best facts about Scientific Research Definition and Scientific Research Methods I managed to collect.
what scientific research do?
There is growing body of scientific research showing that reliance on GPS erodes our ability to make our own mental maps.
In Russia, there is a monument to honor laboratory mice that have lost their lives furthering scientific research.
Since the global ban on commercial whaling in 1986, Japan is thought to have killed more than 14,000 whales for alleged scientific-research. The whale meat is then sold at market.
Komodo dragons are actually venomous rather than, as long thought, poisoning their victims with the bacteria in their saliva. Turns out, according to one researcher, "that whole bacteria stuff has been a scientific fairy tale". The venom works slowly and makes the victim too weak to fight.
Despite early claims that fidget spinners could be used to help children with ADHD, there never was any scientific research to back this claim.
A study by the AAA Foundation for Safety determined it is not possible to judge a driver's impairment by the level of THC in their blood, AAA CEO noting legislative approach "is flawed and not supported by scientific research."
Despite discovering the cure for scurvy as early as 1497 by Vasco de Gama's crew, it was repeatedly forgotten, discredited, 'rediscovered' and messed around for hundreds of years despite scientific research. It continued killing people till Vitamin C was finally isolated in 1932
Despite the UK representing just 0.9% of the global population, it has 15.9% of the world’s most highly-cited scientific research articles.
There is a statue in Russia that honors all the laboratory mice that have sacrificed their lives in order to further scientific research
There is no scientific data that shows Alcoholics Anonymous is effective and many addiction researchers think the AA model of abstinence from alcohol can increase the likelihood of binge drinking
Scientific Research data charts
For your convenience take a look at Scientific Research figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is an experimental research also called a scientific method?
You can easily fact check why is an experimental research called a scientific method by examining the linked well-known sources.
Natalie Portman is a published researcher in Psychology. Her first scientific paper was co-authored while still in high school. It was entered into the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search and made it all the way to the semi-finals.
A researcher once proposed to his girlfriend in the acknowledgement section of a scientific paper that he published. - source
More than half of scientific studies' findings can't be reproduced by the original research team or by others - source
Switzerland banned the practice of boiling lobsters alive because scientific research proved that they can feel pain, and that chefs justify this practice by the fact that lobsters' meat goes bad very fast so they have to be boiled alive to keep it tasty
The "Smartest Street in the World" is located in a scientific community in Siberia because its 2.5 kilometers have more than 20 scientific research institutes. Many Soviet scientists moved there in the 1960s for its level of intellectual freedom - source
Ethics need to be considered when scientific research?
The depiction of the black hole in interstellar was so accurate, it led to a scientific research paper being published
How to write an introduction for a scientific research paper?
Kinsey was a highly controversial figure and his work was widely criticized in pop culture and the media; the scientific community, however, was intrigued by his information given his meticulous attention to following the scientific method and incorporating sound research practices and data collection.
In 1927 he secured a research position at the American Museum of Natural History in New York and during the next 15 years he published over 150 scientific papers on mammalian paleontology.
From 1771 t0 1787 he was a teacher at the Ecole Militaire which allowed him time for scientific research.
Archeologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre dated a human settlement in Hueyatlaco Mexico to 250,000 BCE some 200,000+ years before most other estimates. Despite the fact that she confirmed this date through four different scientific tests, her research has remained not widely accepted.
Andrew Carnegie's philanthropy focused on scientific research, world peace, education, and local libraries.