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Rum Watered facts

While investigating facts about Watered Down Rum and How To Tell If Rum Is Watered Down, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The term “groggy” comes from either the British or American Navy. These sailors drank Grog, which was a mix of rum, water, and citrus juice, which was used to fight scurvy. Someone who is dazed or sleepy might feel as if they have had too much grog, making them “groggy.”

how to tell if rum is watered down?

In the 1500s, British sailors would receive rations of rum as partial payment. To ensure the rum wasn’t watered down, they would measure the proof by dousing gunpowder with it, & then test to see if the gunpowder would ignite. The gunpowder would only ignite if the rum was >57% alcohol by volume

What is rum ration?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the navy rum ration. Here are 12 of the best facts about Watered Down Rum For Sailors and Watered Down Rum Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

what did rum ration mean in ww1?

  1. Rum-Running is smuggling alcohol over water; Boot-Legging is smuggling alcohol over land.

  2. If the man rationing the rum on a ship was suspected of cheating would be challenged to mix the rum with gunpowder. rum that was not watered down and was "over proof", would still allow the power to ignite, coining the term.

  3. The term alcohol proof originated when payments to British sailors included rations of rum. To ensure that the rum had not been watered down, it was "proved" by dousing gunpowder with it and then testing to see if the gunpowder would ignite.

  4. Gunpowder was originally used to prove alcohol proof of rum as payments to the British in the 16th century. To ensure that the rum had not been watered down, it was "proved" by dousing gunpowder with it and then testing to see if the gunpowder would ignite.

  5. The term "proof" for alcohol originated with British sailors, who ensured that rum had not been watered down by dousing gunpowder with it and then testing to see if the gunpowder would ignite.

  6. “groggy” comes from drinking too much grog (water diluted rum that British sailors used to drink)

  7. Soon after Prohibition began, Captain Bill McCoy began smuggling in Rum Row, the name given to Atlantic waters just outside the US maritime border. His legendary status is due as much to his bravado as to his reputation of dealing only in the highest quality liquor.

  8. About the Rum Patrol, a United States Coast Guard operation during Prohibition that tried to enforce teetotaling in American waters.

  9. Groggy" comes from "grog", "an alcoholic drink containing liquor (such as rum) mixed with water".

  10. In Sweden they recycle their Christmas trees by throwing them in the water in order to let the bass (fish) grow more rum strands

rum watered facts
What is rum ration in ww1?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rum Watered. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rum Watered so important!

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