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Rio De facts

While investigating facts about Rio De Janeiro and Rio De Janeiro Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the elections for mayor of Rio de Janeiro in 1988 the population was so unhappy with politicians, that a well-known monkey of the local zoo received over 400k votes.

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St. Louis, New Orleans, Detroit and Baltimore all have murder rates that are higher than Medellín Colombia and Rio de Janeiro.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the population of rio de janeiro. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rio De La Plata and Rio De Premios I managed to collect.

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  1. That, due to the Napoleonic Wars, the capital of Portugal was moved from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro for thirteen years.

  2. 1988 a chimpanzee received 400.000 votes in a mayoral election in Rio de Janeiro, coming in third place.

  3. From 1808 to 1821, the capital of Portugal was moved to Rio de Janeiro, making it the only European country to have been ruled from its colonies.

  4. The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro is located at a latitude of 23o45's and longitude 44o45"W. This places the Bay and the city of Rio de Janeiro in the tropics.

  5. In 2008 a violent electrical storm resulted in a lightning strike to the statue. The head, eyebrows and fingers were damaged. The soapstone exterior of the statue prevented severe damage as it acted as an insulator. The Rio de Janeiro state government began a restoration effort. They replaced some layers of soapstone and repaired the lightning rods on the statue.

  6. The harbor is surrounded by tall granite mountains that include the Hills of Tijuca at 3, 350 feet (1021 m), Corcovado Peak at 2, 310 feet (704 m) and Sugar Loaf Mountain at 1, 296 feet (395 m).

  7. On top of Mt. Corcovado there is a 130 foot (39.6 m) tall statue of Jesus Christ. The arms of the statue extend 98 feet (30 m) across. It weighs 635 tons. The statue is called "Christ the Redeemer".

  8. Up until 1960, Re de Janeiro was Brazil's capital city and is located on the south-western shore of Guanabara Bay.

  9. On May 14th, 1501 Amerigo Vespucci left on his third voyage to the Americas and it was on this trip that he discovered Rio de Janeiro and Rio de la Plata.

  10. Within the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro there are 130 islands that include Governor's Island, Fundao and Snakes Island.

rio de facts
What is the weather in rio de janeiro?

Rio De data charts

For your convenience take a look at Rio De figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

rio de fact data chart about Crime market in Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Crime market in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

rio de fact data chart about Monthly paycheck visualization from Rio de Janeiro
Monthly paycheck visualization from Rio de Janeiro

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You can easily fact check why is rio de janeiro a tourist attraction by examining the linked well-known sources.

Summer temperature between December and March is between 95 to 100oF (35 to 39oC). Winter temperatures are between 68 to 86oF (20 to 30oC).

The Bay spans 88 miles in length and has 50 miles (80 km) of beaches.

In March 2011, a Brazilian man from Rio de Janeiro saved a penguin that was covered in oil. Since then, the penguin visits the man every year. - source

Rio de Janeiro hosts one of the world's largest Mardi Gras celebrations in the world.

Rio de Janeiro is now populated by 6 million people and is the third largest city in South America.

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In 1988 Tina Turner broke a world record. She has the largest audience ever at a live paid solo concert. There were 184,000 in the audience for her Break Every Rule tour in Rio de Janeiro at the Maracana.

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Rio de Janeiro will host the Soccer World Cup in 2014 and be the first South American city to host the Olympic Games in 2016.

In 1540 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado began an expedition for a fabled city made of gold. This expedition led some of his men to the Colorado River. A man named Melchior Diaz named the river Rio del Tizon, which stuck until almost 200 years later when it was called the Red Colorado. Colorado is the Spanish word for red.

Between 1815 and 1821 Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Portugal.

Hernando de Soto named the river Rio del Espiritu Santo, which means "river of the Holy Spirit".

The mountains are made of hard Granite rocks and softer rock called Gneiss which is more easily eroded. This is why the mountains are steeply sided.

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Gabby Douglas competed in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. She won her third Olympic gold medal in the team event.

The Bay of Rio de Janeiro also known as the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro is called Guanabara Bay by the original native people, the Tamoio which means "Arm of the Sea".

Rivers that flow into the Argentine Sea include Rio de la Plata, Colorado River, Chubut River, Rio Negro, and Deseado River.

The statue is considered an icon of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.

From 1808 to 1821 Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Portugal

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These mountains are a part of a mountain chain that runs 1,500 miles (2414 km) along the coast of South America.

The largest cities in South America include Sao Paulo, Buenos Aries, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, Lima, Santiago, Caracas, Medellin, Belo Horizonte, and Cali.

Kite-fighting competitions popular in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, include the use of "manja thread" -- kite string that has ground glass and other materials pasted and dried on it, and used by kite fliers to cut others’ kites.

The Corcovado Mountains in Rio de Janeiro are one of the most famous mountains in the world. On its summit there has been a 98-feet-tall statue of Christ the Redeemer since 1931.

The Rio Grande's major tributaries include Red River, Rio Hondo, Rio Pueblo de Taos, Embudo River, Santa Fe River, Galisteo Creek, Alamito Creek, Terlingua Creek, Pecos River, Devils River, Conejos River, Rio Chama, Rio Conchos, Rio Salado, Rio Alamo, and San Juan River.

The Portuguese Court was transferred to Brazil in the 19th century - Rio de Janeiro functioned as the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal for 13 years

Brazil once pissed off thousands of Irish and German mercenaries who were in their service that it led to a revolt. The Germans and Irish joined forces and took over large parts of Rio De Janeiro. Brazil's emperor had to request help from the British and French to quell the revolt

The weather is hot and humid with an average rainfall of 43 inches (1,080 mm).

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro measures 17.4 miles (28 km) from east to west and 18.6 miles (30 km) from north to south. It extends 20 miles (32 km) inland.

The right arm points to south Rio de Janeiro and the left arm points to north Rio de Janeiro.

All governors of Rio de Janeiro in this century were jailed for corruption

Sydney gets more rainfall on average per year than London. In fact, so does Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City

This harbor has the largest volume of water in the world at 49,470,899 cubic gallons (187,000,000 cubic meters) of water and covers a surface area of 238. 6 square miles (384 square kilometers).

England's "First Fleet" transporting convicts to Australia travelled over 20,000 kilometres sailing southwest to Rio de Janeiro, then east to Cape Town and finally to Botany Bay, taking 250 days in cramped unhygienic conditions.

Rod Stewart is credited by Guinness World Records for holding the largest free rock concert ever with having 4.2 million people in attendance in 1997 at Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rio De. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rio De so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor