Al Pacino facts
While investigating facts about Al Pacino Age and Al Pacino Net Worth, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Keanu Reeves often foregoes some of his paycheck so that producers can bring on other notable actors. On The Devil's Advocate, he reduced his salary by a few million dollars so that they could afford Al Pacino, and he did the same thing on The Replacements to be able to work with Gene Hackman.
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Celebrities have to pay $30k for their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They must sign a form stating that they want a star and that they will attend the unveiling of it. Celebrities Julia Roberts, Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, and Al Pacino still don't have a star.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's al pacino doing now. Here are 50 of the best facts about Al Pacino Height and Al Pacino Partner I managed to collect.
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A scene in the 1991 film "Frankie and Johnny" called for Al Pacino's character to be surprised after opening a door. In order to elicit genuine surprise, the director arranged for William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, to appear behind the door (out of shot) in full Starfleet uniforms
Keanu Reeves turned down a $11 million offer to reprise his role as Jack Traven in "Speed 2: Cruise Control" in favor of playing the main role in "The Devil's Advocate" opposite to Al Pacino
It costs $30,000 to get on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A-Listers like Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, Clint Eastwood, and Al Pacino don't have a star because they didn't pay.
When Francis Ford Coppola asked Al Pacino if he would star in ‘Apocalypse Now,’ Pacino replied, “I know what this is going to be like. You're going to be up there in a helicopter telling me what to do, and I'm gonna be down in a swamp for five months." The shoot actually lasted sixteen months.
Jennifer Aniston, Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Adrien Grenier, Wesley Snipes, Azealia Banks, Eagle Eye Cherry, Nicki Minaj, Liza Minnelli, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro all went to the same high school
In 1972 John Wojtowicz attempted to rob a bank in Brooklyn after being inspired by Al Pacino's performance in 'The Godfather', only to be portrayed by Al Pacino himself in 1975's 'Dog Day Afternoon'
Al Pacino boycotted the 1973 Academy Awards because he was insulted at being nominated for Best Supporting Actor in The Godfather, noting that he had more screen time than his co-star and Best Actor winner Brando
Al Pacino was offered the role of Han Solo, but turned it down because he "didn't understand the script." He also turned down lead roles in Die Hard, Pretty Woman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, First Blood, Beverly Hills Cop, and Apocalypse Now.
In 1972 John Wojtowicz attempted to rob a bank in Brooklyn after being inspired by Al Pacino's coffee shop scene in 'The Godfather', only to be portrayed by Al Pacino himself in 1975's 'Dog Day Afternoon'
Quentin Tarantino's father abandoned him at the age of two. But after his son's success as a director, he started doing direct-to-DVD movies with the father of Al Pacino so the movie boxes could say "Pacino and Tarantino in....."
Al Pacino data charts
For your convenience take a look at Al Pacino figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about al pacino?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Al Pacino's 1973 movie character Serpico is a good luck talisman for drivers in Thailand. Often accompanied by an image of Buddha, some Thais believe Serpico will protect them from spurious fines by the corrupt Thai traffic police. - source
Al Pacino traces his ancestry back to the actual town of Corleone in Sicily, the same used in the Godfather films. - source
Keanu Reeves often foregoes some of his paycheck so that producers can bring on other notable actors. On The Devil's Advocate, he reduced his salary by a few million dollars so that they could afford Al Pacino, and he did the same thing on The Replacements to be able to work with Gene Hackman.
Heat is based on the true story of Neil McCauley, a criminal and ex-Alcatraz inmate. Detective Chuck Adamson, whom Al Pacino's character is based, began keeping tabs on McCauley’s crew and even met McCauley for coffee once as portrayed in the film. - source
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Martin Scorsese is now finishing a movie starring Al Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa, also with Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci. Digital effects were used to make them all look young. The film is currently $50 million over budget.
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John Wojtowicz robbed a bank to pay for his partner’s gender reassignment surgery. He was caught and sent to prison but while behind bars, they made a movie about him with Al Pacino playing him. John used the royalties earned from the movie to pay for his partner’s surgery.
Al Pacino turned down the role of Han Solo in Star Wars
In 1972 Francis Ford Coppola's most famous works - The Godfather - was released. The film was based on an Italian mafia family - the Corleones. It starred Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.
Up until 6 weeks until the release of Despicable Me 2, Al Pacino was the voice of El Macho. At the last minute the entire dialog was re-recorded by Benjamin Bratt in just five days.
Warren Beatty, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Douglas, Harrison Ford, Al Pacino, De Niro, Robert Redford and others all passed on the role of Paul (played by James Caan) for the film of Stephen King's Misery. The main reason: The gruesome "hobbling" scene, which had to be toned down from the novel.