Religious Fanatics facts
While investigating facts about Religious Fanatics Crossword Clue and Religious Fanatics Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Back in 1984, religious fanatics in Iran sent children marching over minefields to clear them. They got plastic keys that would open the gates of heaven for them. Later, they also gave them blankets so corpse parts wouldn't be blown everywhere.
how to deal with religious fanatics?
The first circus elephant in the United States (and possibly the first elephant brought to the US) was shot and killed by a religious fanatic who thought it was sinful for people to pay to see an animal.
What does the bible say about religious fanatics?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is religious fanatics. Here are 9 of the best facts about Religious Fanatics Crossword and Religious Fanatics Definition I managed to collect.
what to say to religious fanatics?
The word "thug" comes from a group of professional assassins called "thuggees"; a fanatical religious group in India that killed in the name of the Hindu Goddess Kali. Thuggees would find a group of travelers and gain their trust before strangling them at night with a handkerchief.
The man who killed John Wilkes Booth was an eccentric religious fanatic who castrated himself before enlisting in the Union Army
Boston Corbett, the man who killed John Wilkes Booth, was a religious fanatic who castrated himself with scissors after being tempted by prostitutes. He’s thought to have had psychosis from exposure to mercury fumes, an occupational hazard for hat makers in this period ("mad as a hatter").
When Zabdiel Boylston, a Boston physician, inoculated 248 people against smallpox, religious fanatics threw a grenade into his house
The Pentagon has entertained the idea of using a virus "vaccine" that will alter the genetic expression of religious fanatics in the middle east [leaked pentagon footage].
About the Hujum, the Soviet policy of forced gender equality in the Muslim majority regions of Central Asia under their control: While numerous religious fanatics were killed, the policy was successful enough that veiling and gender inequality is relatively rare in this region today
In 2010, a "religious fanatic" mother killed her 6 week old child by stuffing bible pages in her mouth and sitting on her. Mental health professionals knew about her unstable condition before the event but did nothing.