Registered Voters facts
While investigating facts about Registered Voters In Us and Registered Voters By State, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Former Liberian President, Charles D. B. King, earned himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for the most fraudulent election reported in history, having won the 1927 election with 243,000 votes in a country with 15,000 registered voters.
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On this day in 1964, 3 civil rights activists trying to get to get black voters registered to vote in Mississippi were murdered by the KKK. National outrage over their death helped spur support for the Civil Rights Act.
What percentage of registered voters are republican?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what percent of registered voters voted in 2016. Here are 28 of the best facts about Registered Voters By Party and Registered Voters In California I managed to collect.
what percentage of registered voters voted in 2016?
The Guinness Book of Records recognizes the presidential election of 1927 in Liberia as the most fraudulent election reported in history. Although there were only 15,000 registered voters in Liberia at the time, Charles D. B. King, received 234,000 votes and won.
In 1927 Charles D. B. King won the presidential election in Liberia when he got 234,000 votes against the opponents 9,000. There were 15,000 registered voters in Liberia at the time.
In 1893 the Queen of Hawaii attempted to restore power to the crown and the native Hawaiians, with the support of more than two-thirds of registered voters. She was immediately overthrown by American businessmen and Hawaii soon became part of the United States.
63% of registered American voters believe in at least one political conspiracy theory
A 2013 poll of Americans found that 4% of registered voters believe “lizard people” control our societies by gaining political power.
Former Liberian President, Charles King, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the most fraudulent election reported in history, having won the 1927 election with 234,000 votes in a country with 15,000 registered voters.
Hamer became involved in the SNCC's "Freedom Summer" campaign to register black voters in Mississippi in 1964.
That, at age 18, Rosanell Eaton became one of the first registered Black voters in Franklin County, North Carolina in 1939 after she successfully recited the entire preamble to the U.S. Constitution from memory.
In the 1927 Liberian general election, Charles D. B. King received around 243,000 votes despite there being fewer than 15,000 registered voters in the country
In 2014 the tiny Town of Montezuma,CO sued all 61 registered voters to force them to appear in court after a flawed election
Registered Voters data charts
For your convenience take a look at Registered Voters figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are voters registered?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Usman Ali, a Pakistani immigrant who had lived in the United States as a permanent resident for 20 years. Ali checked the "yes" box to register to vote while applying for a driver's license in Florida. Although he never tried to vote, Ali was deported back to Pakistan for alleged voter fraud.
Over 80% of registered voters in the US vote, among the highest in the world. When compared to the voting-age population, however, only Japan, Chile, and Switzerland have lower turnout among OECD countries. - source
After the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed, black and Hispanic voter registration greatly increased and there was a realignment in the political parties: white southerners switched to the Republican Party while blacks and Hispanics overwhelming registered and voted as Democrats.
Minnesota does not require any identification for voter registration, only the testimony of a registered voter or an employee of your residence. - source
When to use registered trademark symbol?
The 1927 Liberian general election of Charles D. B. King is the most rigged in history. He won the election with 243,000 votes translating into a 1,680% turnout because in reality there was actually less than 15,000 registered voters.
How many registered voters in the us?
There are 141 counties that have more registered voters than people
Puerto Rico participates in US elections at a rate of 82 percent among registered voters and 74.2 percent of voting eligible population - much higher than any of the 50 states.
Despite the 15th Amendment; after the Plessy v. Ferguson Ruling (1896), registered black voters in Louisiana went from 130,334 (1896) to only 1,342 in 1904
There are now more registered voters in California than the population of 46 states
Registered voters infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Registered Voters numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.