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Refuses Acknowledge facts

While investigating facts about Refuses To Acknowledge and Refuses To Acknowledge Codycross, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Clement Wragge, an Australian forecaster, was the first to give actual names to tropical storms and hurricanes . When the Australian government refused to acknowledge his system, he started naming the hurricanes after the the politicians he disliked or those that wouldn't support him.

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Woody Allen has consistently refused to attend the Oscars or acknowledge his Oscar wins. His publicly given reason is his standing engagement to play clarinet in a Monday night ensemble.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 26 of the best facts about Refuses To Acknowledge Crossword and Weight Of Material One Refuses To Acknowledge I managed to collect.

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  1. At age 20, NBA legend Karl Malone impregnated a 13 year old girl. He refused to acknowledge his son and only spoke to him once, saying it was too late for them to have a relationship. The child went on to play in the NFL.

  2. The Greek mathematician Archimedes was killed during the siege of Syracuse when he refused to acknowledge his Roman captors because he was too engrossed in solving a math problem.

  3. In 2000 after Trey was nominated for "Blame Canada" in "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut", he took Matt to the Oscars where they both wore dresses and took LSD. They refused to acknowledge the dresses, instead just saying, "It’s just such a magical evening and everyone looks so spectacular”

  4. The FBI and J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI director at the time, refused to acknowledge the existence of the Mafia. It was only when a local state trooper watched the home of mobster Joe Barbara on a hunch, that he stumbled onto a meeting of around 100 members, confirming their existence.

  5. To this day, the Turkish government refuses to acknowledge that there was an Armenian genocide in WWI, claiming that the 1.5 million were merely relocated.

  6. The Soviet Union committed 5 genocides throughout the 74 years it existed, and that Russia still refuses to acknowledge what happened.

  7. The Circassians, an ethnic people originally found in the North Caucasus who suffered a genocide and expulsion at the hands of the Russian Empire. The current Russian government denies the event and refuses to acknowledge the historical existence of it.

  8. The Armenian genocide, where in 1915 the Ottoman Empire killed as many as 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey refuses to acknowledge the genocide to this day.

  9. Thomas More, executed for refusing to acknowledge Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church of England, was made the patron saint of politicians by Pope John Paul II in 2000.

  10. Leading up to the 1950 FIFA world cup, many people believed that Brazil would defeat Uruguay in the finals. When Brazil lost to Uruguay in the finals, many Brazilian newspapers refused to acknowledge the defeat. Many Brazilian soccer fans also committed suicide as a result of the defeat.

refuses acknowledge facts
What are the best facts about Refuses Acknowledge?

What is true about refuses acknowledge?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A woman is suing California, as well as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, for refusing to acknowledge the existence of the species of Bigfoot.

In the year 2000 Michael Moore entered a ficus plant to run against an unopposed Republican for a Congressional seat. Although election officials refused to acknowledge its votes, it had a 4-1 lead - source

Guinness refuses to acknowledge world's shortest river due to continuing dispute between two rivers. - source

According to Suetonius, Augustus exiled his daughter for adultery. He further noted, "while in exile the younger Julia gave birth to a child, which Augustus refused to let the father acknowledge; it was exposed at his orders."

After Steve Jobs first refused to acknowledge his daughter, he made amends by the time she was 9. He had her name changed to Lisa Brennan-Jobs on the birth certificate, and she lived with him for many years. When he died, he left her millions of dollars. - source

When someone refuses to acknowledge your feelings?

Air Rhodesia Flight 825 which was shot down by the Zimbabwean People’s army and most of its occupants, including a 4 year old girl, were massacred because they were white. The modern Zimbabwean government refuses to acknowledge the massacre.

How to refuse already accepted job offer?

6 states in the US still refuse to officially acknowledge the Armenian genocide, as well as the US government itself

McFall v Shimp in which a US court decided against forcing Shimp to donate his body part (bone marrow) to save his cousin's life despite the judge acknowledging Shimp's position to be "morally indefensible". Also, 2)someone sued another for their bone marrow, and 3) another refused.

The Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, established to oversee the Korean Armistice Agreement, continues to submit reports on South Korean troop movements to North Korea, despite North Korea's refusal to attend the meetings or acknowledge the committee's existence.

John Garfield, acknowledged as a predecessor of such Method actors as Marlon Brando and James Dean. Called to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities he refused to "name names," effectively ending his film career.

"Steve Jobs took credit for other people’s work, cheated his first business partner, was known to fire people randomly and refused to acknowledge his poverty stricken daughter."

When someone refuses to acknowledge you?

A neo-nazi group "NSM" cleaned a Missouri highway for recognition in the Adopt-A-Highway program. The state refused to acknowledge them, and instead named the highway after Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Jew who fled Nazi Germany and became a Jewish theologian and civil rights advocate.

The Vietnamese soldier to tortured John McCain still refuses to acknowledge he did it. He states they actually saved McCain's life after they "captured him" rather than from torture.

Mama Coco is inspired by a real person and Disney refuses to acknowledge her

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Refuses Acknowledge. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Refuses Acknowledge so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor