Red Cross facts
While investigating facts about Red Cross Blood Donation and Red Cross Blood Drive, I found out little known, but curios details like:
May Bradford, a Red Cross volunteer during WWI who wrote over 25,000 letters and notes, an average of 12 a day, for wounded soldiers who were too ill or too uneducated to write to their family. She also sat with the injured and dying and considered herself to be a surrogate mother to them.
how red cross started?
President Woodrow Wilson allowed a flock of sheep to graze on the White House lawn. They saved manpower by not having to mow the lawn, and also raised $52,823 for the Red Cross by auctioning wool.
What is power red at red cross?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what red cross society. Here are 50 of the best facts about Red Cross Rapid Pass and Red Cross Australia I managed to collect.
why volunteer at red cross?
The Red Cross took in $500 million to rebuild Haiti and only built SIX houses.
A 15 year old Ray Kroc lied about his age during WW1 and became a Red Cross ambulance driver. In Kroc's Red Cross company, there was another boy who lied about his age to get in; his name was Walt Disney.
Despite taking in more than $500 million in donations, the American Red Cross only built six houses in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew
The actors playing the rebel soldiers on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, were all members of the Norwegian Red Cross. For their participation in the film, George Lucas made a large donation to the organization
When the USS West Virgina was finally raised after being sunk during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, deceased men were found in an airtight storeroom. On the calendar, 16 days were crossed off in red pencil.
In North Korea, since every political candidate is chosen by the ruling party, there is only one name on a ballot. A voter may cross off the candidate's name to vote against him, but must do so with a red pen next to the ballot box in sight of electoral officials.
The Red Cross raised half a billion dollars for Haiti and only built 6 homes
Albinos genitals and bones are used in witchcraft rituals and a complete albino skeleton is worth as much as $75,000, according to the Red Cross
Red Cross data charts
For your convenience take a look at Red Cross figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why red cross was founded?
You can easily fact check why work for red cross by examining the linked well-known sources.
In "The Empire Strikes Back", director George Lucas used Norwegian mountain rescue skiers as Echo Base troops on Hoth. To thank them for their participation, Lucasfilm made a large donation to the Norwegian Red Cross.
After Hurricane Sandy, American Red Cross responded to NY Attorney General's public request for information by hiring lawyers and arguing that some information about the response was a "trade secret" and "competitive harm" from competitors mimicking their model - source
Red Cross raised over half a billion dollars for Haiti and built exactly 6 homes.
Using the red cross as a symbol of health in a video game or any other commercial product technically constitutes a violation of the Geneva conventions. - source
When red cross started?
Until 1942, it was common for German U-boats to provide torpedoed survivors with food, water, and the direction of the nearest landmass. This ended when a U-boat towing lifeboats and flying the Red Cross flag was attacked by a US bomber.
How red cross was founded?
The International Red Cross visited the Concentration Camp Theresienstadt during WWII and - in a complete failure to recognize that the Nazis faked everything - reported life there being nearly "normal". 33,000 people died in Theresienstadt.
Even though the barbed wire fence between Germany and the Czech Republic was torn down 20 years ago, Red Deer still refuse to cross the border
The idea for the Red Cross came about in 1859, when a Swiss man, Henry Dunant saw the aftermath of a battle in Italy and witnessed 40,000 men dying with no medical care. 5 years later,12 governments adopted the first Geneva convention; defining medical services as “Neutral” in wartime.
The Nazis produced a film inside the Theresienstadt concentration camp to falsely show the International Red Cross that the inmates were being treated humanely, the camp was 'beautified' and wholesome activities were staged. After filming, most of the actors where sent to Auschwitz and executed.
The Red Cross Recieved Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti Relief... and Built Six Homes