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St George facts

While investigating facts about St George Logon and St Georges Hospital, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During Apartheid in South Africa, Glasgow renamed the street which at the time was the address of the South African Consulate from St George's Place to Nelson Mandela Place. Consular officials would be forced to look at his name when reading and addressing postal correspondence.

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Nadezhda Durova (1783-1866), daughter of a Russian Army Officer, disguised herself as a man, serving in a Cavalry Regiment during the Napoleonic Wars. She was the first recorded Female Officer in the Russian army, and was awarded the Cross of St George for bravery under fire.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's on at st george's hall liverpool. Here are 39 of the best facts about St George Utah and St Georges Day I managed to collect.

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  1. 91 of the 220 cast and crew of the movie The Conqueror, including John Wayne and Susan Hayward, died of cancer suspected to be caused by radioactivity in St. George, Utah, downwind of 1950s atomic bomb tests at the Nevada Test Site. The director shipped 60 tons of dirt back to Hollywood,too

  2. George Bernard Shaw became a botrough counselor to the Metropolitan Borough of St. Pancreas in 1900, but did not want to use a label as he wasn"t sure which he belonged to. He resigned in 1903.

  3. Although the Cooke family were generational Virginians, Philip St. George remained loyal to the Union, which caused a lifelong rift between him and Jeb.

  4. 19 of the Presidents of the U.S. had Irish heritage, including George Washington.

  5. In 1770 he was apprenticed in surgery and anatomy at St George's Hospital.

  6. The Gulf of St. Lawrence branches into several bays including the Bay of Islands, Bay St. George, St. George's Bay, Miramichi Bay, Fortune Bay, and Chaleur Bay.

  7. Palm trees can actually grow quite far north, if their habitat is moderated either warmer ocean waters or ample winter sunshine. Locales with native-grown palms include: Washington, DC; Seattle, WA; St. George, Utah; and portions of the British Isles.

  8. Over 100 trees in Perryville, Maryland, are covered in mysterious messages from mentally ill veterans from the nearby Perry Point Veteran's Center. The carvings include "Nelson Jochnou 1958", "Help", "Murder", and "Eddie Kenny did not want to murder George Norris but St. Ignatius made him".

  9. 'reverse George Washington' Caribbean leader Ronald Webster who fought a revolution to remain a British colony. In 1967 he led a rebellion to split off Anguilla from St Kitts and Nevis and to re-join Britain. The UK initially refused but eventually launched a farcical 'invasion' of the island

  10. George Harrison was the first Beatle who went to the USA in 1963; he went to see his sister in Illinois and visited St. Louis and New York, and even played a show with a local group.

st george facts
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You can easily fact check why st georges hospital by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1904, German-American gymnast George Eyser won six medals at the St. Louis Olympics... with a wooden leg

Utah, not California, (as everyone in Utah I asked assumed) is the highest per capita water user in the entire U.S. With the city of St. George (a climate not much different than Las Vegas) using 300 gallons per person per day. - source

George Street in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada has the most bars and pubs per square foot of any street in North America - source

Canadian Georges St Pierre holds the record for most takedowns and most wins in any class in the UFC

One of the top champions of the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis was George Eyser. He managed to win six medals, including three gold, even though his left leg was made of wood. - source

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In the midst of a gunpowder shortage during the Revolutionary War, Henry Tucker, a Bermudan merchant, organized a gunpowder heist in St. George's that quadrupled Washington's supply. Conspirators moved 3,150 lbs from the magazine & the ship carrying the bounty was spotted on the horizon at dawn.

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The total construction expense of the St. George Reef lighthouse came to $752,000 (equivalent to $20 million today) making it the most expensive lighthouse ever built in the US and more than double the initial estimate. It sits 6 miles off the coast of California.

Syrian Christians celebrate St. Georges Day by dressing small children as dragons and chasing them whilst beating them with clubs and sticks.

Mount St. Helens--in Washington, USA--is the name "given to the volcanic peak in 1792 by seafarer and explorer Captain George Vancouver of the British Royal Navy. He named it in honor of fellow countryman [British Ambassador to Spain] Alleyne Fitzherbert, who held the title 'Baron St. Helens'."

St George - patron saint of England and favourite of the far right in the uk was actually Turkish.

The flag and patron saint of England (St. George) are the same as those of the Italian city of Genoa

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On February 14, 1929, 7 members of George “Bugs” Moran’s bootlegging gang were lined up against a wall and shot dead inside a garage. The only witness to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre was a dog named Highball. He was never the same after the Massacre and had to be put down by police.

Brian Eno's full name is 'Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno'

It is illegal to dance in St. George, Utah.

"TIL Street Fighter Sagat was based of real life Sagat, and Georges St Pierre's is in his lineage"

Archaeologist Harold St George Gray discovered that the 11 m (36 ft) deep ditch surrounding Avebury was dug from solid chalk using red deer antlers as picks.

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England has many flags, but 2 primarily: Union Jack & the Cross of St. George. The Union Jack does not represent Wales

George Street in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada has the most bars and pubs per square foot of any street in North America.

Fans have made 10 episodes of ST:TOS "Season 4". Guest stars include Walter Koenig, George Takei, and Denise Crosby.

Jonathan; a Tortoise Living on St. Helena, is the oldest confirmed living terrestrial animal on Earth. He is 186. When he was born George Washington had only been dead 33 years...and Abraham Lincoln was 22 years old.

The oldest soccer stadium in North America is King George V Park located in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Saint Grottlesex is a portmanteau of five New England boarding schools (St Mark's, St Paul's, St George's, Groton, and Middlesex)

On 5/19/53, the US government detonated the 32-kiloton atomic bomb at the Nevada Test Site. The bomb later gained the name "Dirty Harry" because of the tremendous amount of off-site fallout. Winds carried fallout 135 mi. to St. George, and residents reported "an oddly metallic taste in the air."

England rented its flag (St George Cross) from another country to deter attacks on its ships

Despite being the second driest state, Utah has the country's lowest water rates. In July in St. George, the average person uses 325 gal/day, twice as much as others in the SW and 8 times that of Boston. That water bill would be $144 in Denver, $235 in Tuscon, but is only $61 in St. George.

In Sweden, the Dragon in the tale of St George, is Sweden.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about St George. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is St George so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor