Ramen Noodles facts
While investigating facts about Ramen Noodles Near Me and Ramen Noodles Recipe, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The most popular prison currency is no longer cigarettes, but ramen noodles.
how ramen noodles are made?
Cup Noodles were invented after Momofuku Ando, the inventor of instant ramen, watched as American supermarket executives broke up his ramen to fit into styrofoam coffee cups, added boiling water & then proceeded to eat the ramen with forks.
What ramen noodles made of?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what ramen noodles do to your body. Here are 37 of the best facts about Ramen Noodles Calories and Ramen Noodles Ingredients I managed to collect.
what ramen noodles are vegan?
2,000 Japanese were asked to name the best invention of the 20th Century. Their top two answers were Ramen noodles and Karaoke.
The popular Japanese dish ramen is actually Chinese and was introduced to Japan only 100 years ago; it was originally known as “shina soba”: shina for China, soba for the noodle dish already well established in Japanese cuisine.
Ramen noodles are now used more in bartering than tobacco products in prison.
The Inventor of Instant Ramen was inspired to create cup noodles in its present day form by observing Americans who broke instant noodles into halves and shoved them into mugs, pouring hot water and eating them with forks.
There was a PhD dissertation challenge, where PhD candidates had to use particular phrases in their dissertations. Past contests include "I smoke crack rocks" and "dirty old man." Winners received a paper certificate and a Ramen noodles box of their choice.
Most of the sodium in Ramen Noodles come from the noodles, not the flavor packet
In Japan today there are over 35,000 ramen noodle restaurants that each pride themselves in their own ramen noodle recipe development.
Momofuku Ando (the creator of instant noodles) has a day commemorating him. The day became an endeavor to help those in need by donating to charitable food banks, free meal kitchens or sharing ramen.
Every package of Maruchan brand Ramen noodles sold in the U.S. is manufactured in the U.S.
Ramen Noodles data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ramen Noodles figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why ramen noodles are bad for you?
You can easily fact check why ramen noodles are bad by examining the linked well-known sources.
Miso ramen was invented by an inebriated ramen customer that asked for miso soup with noodles. [Starts around 58:30]
Ramen noodles originated in China, spread to Japan, and became popular after American soldiers occupying post-war Japan basically became obsessed with them - source
Ramen noodles did not exist prior to 1868 and saw a boom in popularity thanks to US food aid after the Second World War. - source
Japan is using ramen to lure elderly drivers off road, police have arranged for a chain of noodle restaurants to give discounts to senior citizens who relinquish their driving licenses.
Trevor Moore from The Whitest Kids U Know had a diet that consisted solely of Ramen Noodles while he was in college, which brought on a deadly bacterial infection in his leg and nearly gave him a heart attack. - source
When ramen noodles invented?
When instant ramen were introduced in 1958, it was relatively expensive since fresh udon noodles sold for 1/6th the cost of instant ramen.
How ramen noodles are bad for you?
There is a World Instant Noodles Association, the Headquarters of which is the Instant Ramen Museum
Korean Ramen Noodle companies are being sued for allegedly fixing prices.
The most popular prison currency is Ramen noodles and not cigarettes.
Maker of Cup Noodles, Nissin Foods, has created a ramen-flavored ice cream